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Tributes to Tony Baker ![]() Tony Baker, who died on 22nd August 2007, was best-known for piloting Martin Hill's Fireforce 1 Jet FC, one of the most popular exhibition vehicles in Europe, to six-second passes at over 230 mph. But his rides over the years also included an Outlaw Anglia and a Top Methanol Funny Car both named Torque Of The Devil, attended to by a loyal crew known as the Bakerlites. In our experience Tony was a quiet yet very friendly guy, ready to smile and always ready to talk to fans in the pits about the Jet FC. Tony also had that calm quality peculiar to Jet pilots: last November he showed everyone just how unflappable he was when his first action after climbing out of the burning Fireforce 1 was to go and have a cigarette. We have received the following tributes to Tony. To send your own tribute, E-Mail eurodragster.com@btinternet.com. The most recently-received tributes are at the top of the page.
I am a drag race fan of twenty plus years all of those at Santa Pod. My boys aged seventeen and nineteen have been for at least fifteen of those years. All three of us have been down the pit lane so many times we have lost count, We havent spoken with Tony on all of those occasions, but every time we have been over to his pit or more recently the Fireforce pit he has taken time out to speak. We dont really know him other than a racer, we always found him quiet and a man of few words, but what we can say is that the few words he spoke were always worth listening to and spoken with enthusiasm for the sport. God speed from us, our deepest sympathy go to your family and friends. -- Paul, James and John Bryan
Very sorry to hear the loss of Tony Baker, it come as a great shock to me as it did to many people within the drag racing world.
He will always be remembered and never forgotten. Whenever we see the Fireforce cars and crew we'll always think of Tony.
He will always be remembered as a happy, bubbly bloke that got on with anyone. R.I.P. Tony Baker, you were one of the best.
Here's wishing you're meeting another JFC1 driver and he's keeping you safe. Our sincerest condolences to Tony's family and friends.
What can I say. So sad to hear that Tony Baker has passed away...I'm still in shock, I knew Tony way back from the days of the Torque Of The Devil
Anglia. We have pictures all round our workshop of his car and proud to see them every day. Great memories, nice guy.
My deepest sympathy to his family and friends.
Total shock. I knew Tony when he lived in Slip End, he was a good friendy guy who would always have time to chat at the track. RIP.
Words are hard to find when we lose part of our family. We can remember the good times with a broad smile and we all have loads of them.
I am happy knowing that the drag racing family has another legend with them and I am sure the party up there is going strong. Tony give Pat a kiss for me.
Tony Baker a true gent, the man with a heart of gold, a great loss. RIP Tony, never forgotten!
I am really sad to hear that Tony has passed away. He was a great friend and a great person, and he helped so many people,
he was a true gentleman. Tony helped me so much when I was racing, and was the man behind building my engines. Tony built
the engine that took me and my brother Jim to tracks all over Europe. I will always remember the great days we had, I'm sure
Tony's kind spirit will be helping someone somewhere! Deepest sympathies to Tony's family and friends.
Shocked and saddened at the news of the loss of Tony. Forthright and plain speaking. We will all miss you.
We were deeply saddened to hear about the untimely passing of one of drag racing's unsung heroes. The first time we met Tony
was when he was racing his awesome Ford Pop and found him to be a genuinely friendly guy who made such a mark. Our condolences
go to Tonys family and his team. RIP Tony.
I first meet Tony through Jim Whelan and Andy Carter back in the late 1980s. Although we were not what you call close buddies, we always
had time to have a chat at the track and talk about the old days and how things were progressing and changing over the years. Tony had
quite a few cars and was always out there competing to the full until he made the switch to driving the Jet Car for Martin. I remember when
he bought the Probe Funny Car from Jim and remembered looking at it thinking how many man hours went into building it. Then I looked
closer and saw how many improvements Tony had made to it since he had bought it. I spoke to Jim the otherday and on behalf of both him
and myself we would like to offer our deepest sympathy to Tony's family.
Very saddened to hear about Tony passing away. Remember his calm approach when problems arose. He taught us lots.
Deepest condolences to family, crew and friends. RIP our friend.
Stunned and saddened to hear of Tony's sudden passing. Reading through the tributes already left, the phrase that jumps out is from those
people saying that Tony never had a bad word to say about anyone, because that completely sums up my experiences of the man. I first
met Tony back in the formative days of Outlaw Anglia, indeed he was one of the handful of individuals responsible for getting the class up
and running, and whilst he was no loud extrovert he exhibited a quiet, determined passion for the sport which never diminished throughout
his many years of involvement with all his subsequent race cars. Rest in Peace, Tony.
Deeply shocked and saddened to hear the news. Tony was the first friend that I made in drag racing (we often used to laugh about that) sixteen
years ago and I have spent many an evening in the 'Happy Bus' having the 'odd' glass of port to the night we had an 'auction' to raise money to
pay for the bus's storage fee. I also have fond memories of a wedding reception that we attended where there were about six (maybe more) of
us sleeping in the back of a van and how I kept nagging to take the Pop out for a spin down the high street and how I kept opening the shutter
door every five minutes to check the car hadn't been nicked. The jokes, the laughs, the fun times are endless and I will always treasure them. RIP
mate and when I see you next time don't forget the stilton!
Tony will be sadly missed. A brave man. Our thoughts and wishes go to Tony's family, friends, Martin and Richard and the rest of the Fireforce crew.
I was so saddened to hear this news...it's always a bad day when we
lose anyone from our wonderful drag racing family.
My thoughts go out to Tonys family, friends and of course crewmates.
Rest in Peace Tony. Whenever I see a shooting star with a fiery tail I'll be sure to say
Rest in peace Tony
We were very saddened to hear about Tony Baker's passing away. A larger than life guy, we very fondly remember him
from the days of his wild Pop. Our thoughts are with the family, the Fireforce crew and his close friends, your loss
is shared by the drag racing community as a whole, even the people who didn't know Tony personally feel your pain.
Most deeply felt condolences.
If you were privileged to meet such a nice man than you were very lucky. You will never be forgotten by anyone who met you. R.I.P. Tony.
I was saddened to hear that Tony had died. It is hard to imagine he will no longer be out on the raceway trying so diligently to blow
the gantry over and toast the punters in the barn! We will all miss him both on and off the race track.
On behalf of my family I would like to offer our sincere condolences to his family and friends.
It is with a profound sense of sadness that I read of the passing of a true friend. Condolences and sympathies to family and friends. Torque on Tony.
So sad to hear the news of Tony. Such a loss, he will be sadly missed. Our thoughts are with Tony's family and close friends. R I P mate.
Deeply saddened to hear of Tony's death. I got to know Tony well whilst crewing with the Fireforce team in 2000. Always
a really nice guy and will be sadly missed.
Very stunned and saddened to read about Tony's passing. When you start out in drag racing you need to meet nice guys who are calm and
patient and will teach you, and Tony was one of those guys, whom I met through Andy Carter, I felt privileged at the time and I still do. He
spent one weekend with us in Germany with the Fuel car and showed up a lot of experts with his calm methodical approach to problem solving.
He must have had the jet car bug already because he showed me round someone else's jet car there too, explaining that the cockpit was not
laid out properly, etc. And another night in his garage scribbling down notes as he taught me how to rebuild a Lenco, service a barrel valve etc.
Heard a lot of great stories about him from guys who raced against his Torque of the Devil cars, he was one of the old guard. I remember
when he left us piston heads behind and started driving the jet car. I was intrigued so I went over to ask him about the technical side of it and
he still had the same old quality, no problem explaining it, and no problem helping others understand it! He made it sound so simple.
Thoughts and prayers go out to all Tony's family and friends.
All I wanted was a cigarette! We went over (as one does) after the big fireball at That Meet. Fair play that man...Torque of the Devil...Ha ha,
he usually appeared! We are totally gutted that death finally got the better of him... It takes a brave man...
Always in our thoughts...
Our kindest thoughts to Tony's family and friends at this sad time.
Thanks Tony for all your help and advice over many years. Tony's technical knowledge and know-how knew no bounds, Tuesday evenings spent at
Baker's Autos were special times to me, like a drag racing night school. The green Torque of the Devil Pop was a big step forward in the
Outlaw Anglia class and a crowd favourite. Tony and his team were great ambassadors for the class and the sport, you'll be sorely missed.
I heard the bad news of Tony's death on Saturday. My crew and I are totally gutted. He was such a nice bloke. We will never forget you Tony,
our condolences to his family and friends. Our best wishes, RIP Tony.
I just wanted to say how gutted I am about the loss of Tony, he touched my life so strongly, training me in the art of getting plastered and trying
to walk home disgracefully, telling me off for being a stroppy teenager and helping teach me to drive! I remember taking you out for dinner with
all the guys and watching you slowly turn grey and promptly fall into your food, and your face the next morning when 'chelle showed you the
evidence. Tony you're a top guy and will always be remembered for all the mad things we did and the guy you where! Be happy Pingu wherever you are!
We are totally stunned to read of the passing of Tony Baker, a wonderful driver who we
have never met but heard only good things about from our dear UK friends Roger Goring and
Helen Rusling. We will see your car racing in heaven and we will applaud you. Very sorry.
That's a massive shock to me. I have fond memories of Tony because he was one of the first guys to take me for a proper drive in his Torque
of the Devil Ford Pop. We drove around in his local area and he floored it more than a few times - the car was awesome, and Tony was relaxed
and very helpful when it came to the photography and writing the feature. It's a big loss of someone who has been a prominent figure in drag racing
over many years. My condolences go to his family.
I am deeply saddened to hear of Tony's passing. He was a real ambassador for the sport and jet cars in particular. Whenever you passed the Fireforce
trailer he was always ready to have a laugh and a joke or to explain some technicality about the car etc. Our thoughts are with Tony's family and the Fireforce crew
at this difficult time. Godspeed Tony.
Sad to hear. I have spoken to Tony since racing in Outlaw Anglia in 92-94, always
had time to speak, took a little prompting sometimes, but always had a chat...glad we did.
I wasn't a long-term friend of Tony's and only had the privilege of meeting him for the first time at the UK Truck Show at Santa Pod this year,
but after spending most of the weekend with Tony and the Fireforce team, he was one of the most unassuming, genuine people I have ever
had the pleasure of meeing. Just listening to his stories of drag racing and driving the FireForce 1 Jet Funny Car, you could tell it was his passion.
My thoughts are with Tony's family and friends at this sad time and also with the FireForce team, who have lost a great asset.
Tony - RIP.
So sad to hear the news of Tony. He was a trooper and a mate - also too young to die. Pass on our condolences to all concerned.
I'll toast his great life tonight. Rest well my friend.
I have just read the sad news of Tony's passing and would like to offer my sympathy to his family, Martin and the team and to all his friends.
"Tonight there is one more star in the sky to guide us". RIP Tony.
It is with a deep and genuine sadness that I read the news that Tony has died. I remember him most fondly from Torque of the Devil
days with its sometimes wild launches but even wilder parties! I can honestly say that I never heard Tony say a bad word about anyone
and he will be sorely missed amongst the community. My sincere condolences to family, friends and crew alike. God bless Tony, thank
you for years of entertainment.
We were all shocked to hear that Tony had died. Deepest sympathies to all Tony's family and all the closest friends and crew that kept so
many people entertained for years with the Torque of the Devil cars. You will be sadly missed throughout the whole of the drag racing world. R.I.P.
Tony my friend I would like to say thank you for taking me in and showing me the basics of how these monstrous jet vehicles work when I joined the Fireforce team
briefly back in 2004. It was a pleasure to know you and I enjoyed the conversations regarding the nostalgic side of racing which I enjoy so much, Wednesday nights
were always a late one at your garage and I remember a lot of good times with Paul and Richard. Rest in peace Tony and don't be caught speeding in heaven as the
man upstairs won't like it.
I haven't seen Tony for a while as I moved to America and the news that he is no longer with us is extremely shocking to me. I can't believe it.
I first got to know Tony when I walked past his garage on the way to school, intrigued by the green race car that sat in the corner of his garage.
I asked my friend Richard if Tony wouldn't mind if I had a closer look...Tony being the shy person he was, was very proud to show off his race
car, that was it, from then on I was hooked on drag racing. Watching Torque of the Devil, oh what a pretty car that was...
If it wasn't for Tony letting me join his crew, even if it was just making the tea, I wouldn't know the drag racing world and all the people in it
and that's down to Tony Baker. Tony was a very kind and gentle person, he ways always willing to help anyone that asked. Tony never
had a bad word to say about anyone. I don't know why he is not here today, I guess only he knows. My heart goes out to his family and his
crew. Tony you will be sorely missed.
I am totally gutted to read about the death of Tony. What a terrible shame. RIP Tony.
I was stunned and deeply saddened to learn of the death of Tony
Baker. I came to know him well when he bought the TMFC he raced under
the Torque of the Devil name. He was, as you say, unflappable, a
truly nice guy who had time for anyone who needed it. His ability to
stay cool and calm under pressure served him well in the seat of the
jet car, and he was so modest too. As someone who has sat in front on
a few jet engines in his time (but never on the track) I can tell you
it takes a certain character, not possessed by many, to take on that
kind of challenge - and he had it in industrial quantities.
My deepest condolences go to his family and friends and to the rest
of the Fireforce team.
We are sitting here in stunned silence after reading the news about Tony .
We will miss him, what a nice man. Tony always had time to talk to people
about the sport in his calm laid-back way. Always a pleasure to talk to.
Our sympathies go to Tony's family.
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