730 ci in a Street car!
30th April: In the UK we've seen Steve Pateman put an ex-Pro Mod 706 ci motor in his Custom Car Street Eliminator Calibra; now from Hasse of the
Swedish Pro Street News Magazine comes news of a 730 ci motor in a Street car destined for this year's Nordic Pro Street Cup.

The monster engine was built by Sweden's Bo Redin, and was originally in a drag boat before being placed in the Bjurås Camaro which was the first such car to run a seven-second time with mufflers in Street. Lars Karlsson has now bought the engine and has placed it in his ex-Knuters Corvette (right, picture ©SPN). The 'Vette also has new rear tyres to help put the power on the ground. The car weighs in right on the class limit of 1450 Kg.

You can find more details about this car and the NPSC scene as a whole on the Swedish Pro Street News Magazine at www.swedishprostreetnews.com.

UK Championship points.
30th April: The post-Easter Thunderball standings in the UK National Drag Racing Championships are now available on our Points Standings page. We are very grateful to both APIRA and Santa Pod Racers Club for continuing to provide these points; particular thanks are due to points co-ordinators Yvonne Tramm and Simon Groves.

PT Bruiser gains another sponsor.
30th April: Paul Marston Racing have announced the addition of an associate sponsor to the PT Bruiser operation.

"We are very proud to announce that we have reached agreement with ATI, one of the leading manufacturers of the very best in Drag Racing Automatic Transmissions", says Paul Marston. "ATI have been a sponsor of NHRA Drag Racing for years and have extended their sponsorship commitments to a European team running their products. ATI Performance Products supply transmissions, converters, dampers and just about every part you could need for your transmission. With nearly all Pro Stock teams, Nascar Teams, Le-Mans Dodge Vipers and others using the ATI Super Damper they are a very well known name in American motorsports.

"The Super Comp PT Bruiser will run one of ATI's top-of-the-range, state-of-the-art Dedenbear-cased Powerglides, which are strong enough to handle well over twelve hundred horsepower reliably and consistently. Up front we also have an ATI Treemaster MRT Converter, specially designed and built by their engineers to suit the exact characteristics of the motor, chassis and application - Super Comp in this case. Rounded off with an extra heavy-duty SFI flexplate, we should have a trouble-free transmission, leaving us free to concentrate on developing this new race car quickly. With a total ATI transmission package we have the extra insurance and confidence of running the very best available. But this is Drag Racing and you should expect the unexpected, so to keep us in the game we have a complete spare transmission and converter of the same spec in the support truck.

"I must thank the guys at ATI Performance Products Inc, especially Chris Gallamore, for their help, advice, professionalism and support of our Super Comp Chrysler PT Bruiser."

You can find more information on ATI products on their web site at www.atiperformanceproducts.com.

More on Kågered TF press launch.
29th April: Further to
Friday's news item about the press launch of Micke Kågered's Top Fuel Dragster, Åsa Kinnemar of Micke Kagered Racing has been in touch and very kindly supplied two superb photographs provided courtesy of Bahco Tools. Both pictures would make terrific Windows wallpaper for Kågered fans.

Micke with the Fueller (195 Kb)
The TMFC and the TF (206 Kb)

Åsa has also confirmed that Micke will be driving both the Top Fueller and the Top Methanol Funny Car this season, sometimes at the same event. The first double duty will be at the FIA Main Event at Santa Pod Raceway in May. You can stay in touch with the latest news from Micke Kågered Racing on their official web site at www.kagered-racing.com.

Shockwave insider info.
28th April: UK Fuel Funny Car team Shockwave Racing have posted on their web site an account of their participation in the Pro Fuel Shoot-out at the Easter Thunderball. Written by crew member and webmaster Stuart, the report gives fans the chance to see how things looked from within the team, and a hint of the amount of work involved in running a Fuel FC.

The Shockwave site has also been given a minor make-over; we think it looks just great. Check it out at www.funnycar.uk.com.

NSCC points.
28th April: The points standings after the first round of the UK's Northern Street Car Challenge are now available on the News page of the FB Racing web site at www.fbracing.co.uk. The FB Racing site is fast becoming the reference point for street-legal drag racing; run by Custom Car Street Eliminator racer Ian Hook it features all the latest from the CCSE including gossip, points standings and rules, as well as the NSCC. Ian tells us that he will add a specific NSCC page as time allows since he is currently a bit busy putting his '34 Ford's engine back together.

SPRC, VWDRC points posted.
28th April: We are pleased to be able to post the latest points standings in the Santa Pod Racers Club and Volkswagen Drag Racing Club Championships, courtesy of the two clubs. Thanks to Spencer Tramm for his help.

Click here to see the SPRC and VWDRC points, or click on the 2001 Points Standings link on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster page.

We hope to be able to post the latest standings in the UK National Drag Racing Championships within the next few days; they are currently being ratified by SPRC and APIRA.

TSI Timers offer certificates.
28th April: TSI Timers Europe, who operate the timing system at Santa Pod Raceway, are offering certificates to racers who set new Personal Bests at that track.

"We send out certificates whenever somebody breaks a European record (remembering that they are not strictly official)", says Andy Marrs. "We've had quite a bit of positive feedback about this from riders and drivers, so I thought we'd expand the service. If any rider or driver out there would like one of these certificates for a Personal Best, they can E-Mail me at tsitimers@orange.net and I'll be happy to do it. I intend to provide the service for free unless I find myself knocking out loads of them, in which case I might have to charge a small administration fee - no more than a couple of pounds though, just to cover ink and postage.

"For those that haven't received one, or have never seen one, they contain all the info relating to the run, date, track, name, vehicle number, timing data (in the case of a record both the record run and the backup run) and so on. They are signed as authentic by MSA, FIM, and ACU International Timekeeper Steve Horn. Obviously I can only do this for runs at Santa Pod, but we'll look into doing it for other tracks if the timing crews there are willing."

Click here to see a sample of a TSI Timers certificate.

Web site updates.
28th April: The FB Racing website at www.fbracing.co.uk has been updated with a full personal report on the Boys' experiences at the recent Easter Thunderball. There are also new entries in the Diary and on the News page. "I apologise for the delay in posting his race report but I've been a bit busy trying to piece the '34's engine back together", says driver Ian Hook. "See you at Super Series 1 (I hope)!" (we have since heard that Ian expects to attend SS1 - Ed).

Kågered unveils Top Fueller.
27th April: Swedish Top Methanol FC and, this year, Top Fuel Dragster racer Micke Kågered recently unveiled this year's Top Fueller, hired from Knut Soderquist, at a press conference in Sweden. As you would expect from the thoroughly-professional Micke and team, the car looks just great in the colours of Bahco Tools and Quaker State. Micke will be testing the Top Fueller at the closed test session at Santa Pod Raceway on the weekend before the FIA Main Event in May, at which we understand that he may be racing both cars.

Micke has also announced the sale of a Camaro TMFC body to Holland's Lex Joon. You can find full details including some photographs of the Top Fueller on Micke's web site at

Hannis seeks slingshot.
27th April: Shell Racing TMD Crew Chief Martyn Hannis has been in touch seeking the whereabouts of a piece of UK Drag Racing history.

"Doug (Bond, driver of the TMD - Ed) are thinking of building a front engine dragster to run in the Supercharged Outlaws", says Martyn. "We were wondering if anybody knows the whereabouts of the old 208 car which was driven by Roz Prior, the Fast Lady. We know that Dave Prior sold the car to someone in Switzerland, but that's where the trail ends. We are interested in talking to anyone who has tucked away somewhere an updateable front-engine chassis, which could be re-born!"

If you do know the whereabouts of the Fast Lady or any other candidate for resurrection, then please contact Martyn Hannis at martynh@mhannis.freeserve.co.uk.

On the subject of slingshot dragsters, Martyn was very pleased to be able to help out Roy Wilding, who hit blower belt problems with his Hemi Hunter car at the APIRA Test and Tune last weekend.

"Roy Wilding's car last weekend took me back to the old days", says Martyn. "Our Team would like to congratulate him on a great burnout and a beautiful-sounding car. It's a pity that the blower belt started to shred; Roy came to see me afterwards and I've lent him a 14mm belt and pulley set-up to help him out. Keep at it Roy!"

We're sure that everyone will join us in seconding that.

Super Series 1 entry list.
27th April: The official entry list for Super Series 1, which takes place at Shakespeare County Raceway on 5th-7th May, has now been posted. Click here to view the entry list, or click on the Entry List button of the official Super Series web site at www.eurodragster.com/superseries.

Super Series 1 sees the inaugural round of the 2001 British Fuel Funny Car Championship, plus the MSA British Top Methanol, UK National, ACU UK Dragbike, National Association of Supertwins, Wild Bunch, Custom Car Street Eliminator and other Championships. And as if that wasn't enough there is also the return of Roger Goring and the Firestorm Jet Funny Car team to the site of their quickest and fastest runs to date.

Stay tuned and we'll bring you more as Super Series 1 approaches.

Mustang get-together at RWYB.
27th April: Mustang owners and fans could do a lot worse than to head for this Sunday's Run What You Brung at Santa Pod Raceway, which includes a get-together for late-model Mustang owners, organised by the Mustang Owners Club of Great Britain. You can find more details on the UK Streetracers web site at www.ukstreetracers.com.

The RWYB is of course open to all comers, whether Mustang-equipped or not. Gates open at 8:00 am on Sunday, and the strip opens at approximately 10.00 am. Entry to the track is £8; under-16s get in free. If you want to take to the track then £10 and the production of a valid DVLC licence (please note, competition licences are not valid for RWYB events) will get you unlimited runs down the famous quarter-mile strip. Racers must meet all safety standards for their class.

For more information check out Santa Pod's web site at www.santapod.com or call them on 08700 782828.

More Lawbreaking.
26th April: The UK's Lawbreakers Drag Racing team have announced some more additions to their operation.

"Team Lawbreakers are to have a new recruit for the second round of the Super Series, and for the Main Event", says Lee Baxter. "Rob Saluz will be riding my now-competitive 9.90 bike for these two meetings, whilst I'm away during May. Rob has been working on the bike all winter, and we had some good results at the Thunderball. I qualified second and ran my first nine."

Meanwhile a number of other Team members are all set to go. "We are hoping to see John Ricketts out in Custom Car Street Eliminator for the first time at the Main Event, in John Tebenham's old Anglia now painted bright yellow, with a big block Chevy and Nitrous. Johnny is burning the midnight oil trying to get the car completed. Ady Reade will still be competing in 10.90 Bike and Guy March will be out on his Super Street Bike."

Super Series 1 entry closes.
26th April: Further to our news item on
Monday, entry has now closed for Super Series 1 at Shakespeare County Raceway on 5th-7th May. We hope to be able to publish the official entry list in the next day or so.

"We would like to thank the racers for their continued support of the Super Series", said Tina Gibbs of organisers Obsession Motorsports. "With two hundred and ten entries, pit space is going to be tight so can we please ask racers to co-operate with instructions from the pit marshals and to pit with consideration for others."

We understand that entries are already flooding in for Super Series 2 on 19th-20th May, so racers are advised to get their entries in as soon as they can. In the meantime, you can stay in touch with all the latest news on the Super Series on the official web site at www.eurodragster.com/superseries.

Top Methanol team updates.
26th April: The UK's Shell Racing Top Methanol and Junior Dragster team have updated their official web site with a race report from the Easter Thunderball. Check it out on the News page at www.eurodragster.com/shellracing.

Meanwhile the web site of fellow TMD team Nemesis Racing features biographies for new team members Fred and Ricki, and an updated Partners page. You can find the Nemesis web site at www.eurodragster.com/nemesisracing.

Web site updates.
26th April: Eurodragster staffer Sharkman has updated his personal web site with photographs from last weekend's APIRA Test and Tune, plus some new Windows wallpaper. Check it out at www.eurodragster.com/sharkman.

Busy time for Malmgren Racing.
25th April: Swedish Pro Stock team Malmgren Racing have announced a change in their team line-up, after Crew Chief Christer Gustafsson's decision to take a year out from calling the shots on the six-second AC Delco-sponsored Camaro.

"Heikki Parviainen will turn the wrenches for us starting with testing at Mantorp", says Magnus Cato of Malmgren Racing. "Heikki comes from Tomi Laine's succesful Pro Stock team, and will be a tremendous asset for us. He will bring the team up to strength this year and then will work with Christer next year - we didn't want him just to be there whilst Christer was away. We'd like to take this opportunity to welcome Heikki on board with the AC Delco Europe Pro Stock."

The team have been busy over the winter, sorting out their recalcitrant bus amongst other things, and have a packed schedule before the season starts. "We have been struggling with the gearbox and steering on the bus, and it's been painted with the AC Delco colours", says Magnus. "A new race engine is also under construction, and Michael will fly over to Bob Ingles' shop on May 1st to check the dyno figures. After that, we plan to attend the pre-season test sessions at both Mantorp Park and Santa Pod Raceway."

Entry forms and more on SPRC web site.
25th April: Santa Pod Racers Club have launched a web site at
www.eurodragster.com/sprc. One of the site's main features is downloadable entry forms for future events - Main Event entry, declaration and other relevant forms for all classes, European and National, are currently available.

The SPRC site also features news, race dates, information on hiring the SPRC Junior Dragster, SPRC Championships sponsor list, links, and more.

Speedflow dragster for sale.
25th April: UK Super Pro ET racers Fay and Paul Fischer have announced that their seven-second Speedflow dragster is for sale, although Fay's fans will be pleased to hear that this does not signal the end of her racing career. "We have plans, but they need to be partly funded by the sale of our current dragster", says Paul Fischer. "The dragster is for sale turn-key and we will provide support, training and follow-up although we might be willing to split up the major components."

For more details, check out the Dragster for sale link on the Speedflow web site at www.speedflow.co.uk.

ACU points posted.
25th April: The post-Easter Thunderball standings in the ACU UK Drag Bike Championships are now available on the ACU UK Championship page of the King Racing web site at www.kingracing.com.

We hope to publish the standings in the other UK National Championship classes shortly.

FIA/FIM golf championship.
25th April: Not a new departure for the sanctioning bodies, but an invitational golf tournament which is to be held before May's FIA Main Event at Santa Pod Raceway. All racers and their business partners are invited to the tournament, which takes place at Colnworth Golf Course on Thursday 24th May.

Entry is £35 per person, which will include an evening meal. Entry is strictly in advance, and entries must be received by May 9th. To enter, or for more details, E-Mail Micke Kågered at micke@kagered-racing.com.

New drag racers arrive.
25th April: Congratulations to Monique Pels and Bert Kors on the birth of their daughter Nikita, who passed scrutineering on Sunday morning. Congratulations also to Jon and Jane Crawford on the birth of their son Dominic, who signed on last Friday.

Goring storms the car park.
24th April: UK Jet FC pilot Roger Goring and the Firestorm team left their mark on the car park at the Sheffield Arena last weekend as they put on flame and thunder displays (right) at the Performance Bike Show.

Eurodragster was there, and you can get the full story
by clicking here, or by clicking on the 2001 Event Coverage link on the left hand side of any Eurodragster page.

Red Line UK.
24th April: Following on from yesterday's news item about Pelle Lindelöw's Red Line Oil sponsorship, Ozzy Ewing of UK Supertwin Gas team Jade Racing has written with details of UK distribution.

"Jade Racing are an official UK distributor for Red Line Oil", says Ozzy. "All oils can be ordered from info@jaderacing.com and brought to Shakespeare County Raceway at all events throughout the 2001 season. This deal is part of our ongoing sponsorship package with Red Line Oil, who have sponsored us now for three years and who were with us when we set the world records.

"If its a bottle of Water Wetter or a case of fully synthetic oil, you can purchase this directly from Jade Racing. Don't forget that we endorse what we sell; Red Line Oil helped Jade Racing to run three 9.7 second runs in a row at the APIRA Test and Tune before the race season has even started.

"If you need oil by the bottle or case then E-Mail us by the Wednesday before any race at Shakespeare County Raceway, and we will deliver it to the track that weekend."

More Thunderball reports and pictures.
24th April: As promised by webmaster Gareth Evans last week, the UK1320 web site at www.uk1320.com has been updated with some great photographs from last week's Easter Thunderball at Santa Pod Raceway.

Also updated with an illustrated Easter Thunderball report is Gary and Phil's fan site at www.dragracing.atfreeweb.com, giving the view from the spectator bank which was a very cold place to be at Easter.

Web site updates.
24th April: Swedish Super Mod and, this year, Pro Mod racer Flamin' Freddy Fagerström has moved web site addresses to www.swedishprostreetnews.com/fast-freddy. Freddy's web site features everything which fans of his blown-alcohol pick-up could want including news, photo gallery, movie clips, race dates and much more.

Pelle stays on the Red Line.
23rd April: Swedish Top Fuel Dragster star
Pelle Lindelöw has announced the renewal of his sponsorship deal with Red Line Oil for the 2001 season.

"After last year there was no doubt that Red Line products work in combination with nitro engines, and we are all very happy that we can continue the co-operation with Red Line Oil in Sweden" says Pelle. "The increased backing from Red Line Oil helps us to secure the last funding necessary for the the new season. As well as using the very best products in the lubrication market, it gives us the comfort that we need in our preparations for the season and all the challenges involved with the new fuel set-up."

Those preparations for the new season are coming along well, says Pelle. "Things move quicker and quicker at this time of the year but we're pretty well on top of it. All of the new and updated parts have arrived, and next week we will pick up two new TFX blocks. The race car's body panels are now being restored and several litres of Standox paint have been applied, thanks to the 'Paint Shop Guys' in Småland, and Bosse Johnsson at Svenska Herberts AB who supplied the paint. The car is going to be more visible than ever!"

Pelle has also done a deal to split the considerable cost of trucking a Top Fuel Dragster around Europe. "We are joining forces with Gordon and Susanne Callin's Comp Dragster team. More and more we're suffering from the lack of time to spend driving to and from races, and we have spare room in the trailer, so Gordon and I will split the job of driving the truck and trailer to races. This is a real win-win solution - the cost of having the whole operation on the move is considerable. If we can cut the costs by half, we can spend the money on the race car instead, and I need the extra time since my job is taking more and more of it."

You can stay up to date with all the latest from P & G Racing on their official web site at www.pgracing.nu.

No pain for Payne.
23rd April: We've had some good news about Nigel Payne, whose new Super Pro '62 Vette was last seen disappearing down the shutdown area in a cloud of smoke and oil at the Easter Thunderball.

"Nigel's engine is fine", says Nigel's engine builder and Eurodragster sponsor Jeff Bull. "The problem was that all methanol burners like to breathe through the pan evacuation system rather more than a petrol or race fuel motor. The positions of Nigel's breather caps on the valve covers allowed oil to pass through the breathers and into the header collectors. He backed off before the finish line to a 8.31 ET. All's well for next time."

Thanks for the news, Jeff - we're all very pleased to hear that.

Super Series 1 entry extended.
23rd April: Because of postal delivery problems in the area in which the APIRA Race Secretary lives, the deadline for entries to Super Series 1 at Shakespeare County Raceway has been extended to this Wednesday (25th April). After Wednesday, entries will be accepted at the discretion of the race organiser, but will be subject to the additional £25 late entry fee.

Entries for Super Series 2 close on 4th May.

If you have any queries, please contact APIRA Club and Race Secretary Wendy Talbot at wendy@shakespearecountyraceway.fsnet.co.uk.

MSA Top Methanol results and points.
23rd April: MSA British Top Methanol Championship co-ordinator Dave Alexander has updated the European Top Methanol Racers Association web site with results and points standings after the first round of the Championship at the Easter Thunderball.

You can find the update on the ETMRA web site at www.etmra.com.

Action, drama and rain at Test and Tune.
22nd April: This weekend's APIRA Test and Tune at Shakespeare County Raceway was full of action with the odd bit of drama until the rain arrived this afternoon depriving us of the last three or so hours of action.

Click here to view the APIRA Test and Tune coverage.

Regular readers will remember that Tog was at the Performance Bike Show at Sheffield Arena on Saturday, covering Roger Goring's Jet FC demonstration; Tog's report will be posted within the next 24 hours.

Anita's inventory grows.
21st April: FIA European Top Fuel Dragster Champion
Anita Mäkelä has taken delivery of the first of two engines with which she will be defending her title this season. The KB block is surmounted by a BME blower and Alan Johnson cylinder heads.

Anita and husband and Crew Chief Tommi are expecting another engine in the post soon, and are working on new body panels to replace those damaged in a fuel tank explosion last year.

You can get the full story (in English, på Svenska, Suomeksi) on the News pages of Anita Mäkelä's web site at www.anitamakela.com.

Nemesis' Thunderball report.
21st April: The UK's Nemesis Top Methanol Dragster team have updated their web site with an account of their weekend at Santa Pod's Easter Thunderball.

The report, written by Crew Chief Andy Bissett, goes into great detail and is the usual highly entertaining read (and thanks for the nice words about our Event Coverage, Andy - Ed). Don't miss the report at www.eurodragster.com/nemesisracing.

Web site updates.
21st April: Swiss Competition racer Bruno Bader has launched a web site featuring his famous Golden Vette. Bruno's web site is presented in both German and English, and is packed with information including news, results, run-downs on the Vette and the team's Junior Dragster, race dates, photographs, sponsor information and more. You can find the Golden Vette web site at www.goldenvette.ch.

Ellul stays on Malta in 2001.
20th April: Maltese Top Methanol Dragster racer John 'Banzai' Ellul has announced that the Zoqdi Racing team will not be racing outside their home island this year unless a sponsor can be found. John Ellul made four appearances in his TMD at Santa Pod in 2000, culminating in a victory at the FIA European Finals, and fans were looking forward to seeing a repeat of John's banzai runs in 2001, but at present it is not looking good.

"We were putting together a deal with a sponsor in February, but it all fell apart at the last minute", says Paul Galea of John's crew. "It's going to be a long year here in Malta."

If anyone can help John and the team out with sponsorship this season then please get in touch with Paul at

Grumpy's great start.
20th April: UK 9.90 Bike racer Paul 'Grumpy' Watson had a great start to the season at the Easter Thunderball, qualifying top and coming out runner-up in a very close final against Mark Fisher. It wasn't quite planned that way, as Paul is only too ready to admit.

"I was only going to use the Easter Thunderball as a testing session", says Paul. "With so many new things on the bike, it felt very strange but I quickly got used to the new clutch, together with the Mickey Thompson tyre. I started as the number one qualifier with a 10.1, then on Sunday I improved this to a 9.96! I never thought that the bike would perform that well in such a short time, so I was even more amazed to beat Pete Cameron in the quarter finals with a 9.907, then to end up in the final losing to Mark Fisher by 0.008 seconds."

Paul is quick to ascribe the credit for his great performance to others. "I would like to thank my new crew Kevin Simmons and Martin Leonard for all their hard work and to my sponsors HiPower Nitrous Systems, Dynospeed Developments and Kathy's Café, and a special Thank You to all the C&S racing crew - John, Chris and especially Raging Ray for all his support", he says.

Sidewinder search.
20th April: Doug Forbes is seeking the help of Eurodragster readers with information about a dragster which he owns.

"I own a dragster that was raced in the 1970s and late 1980s", says Doug. "It ran under various names but was commonly known as the Sidewinder. It was raced by Andrew Jackson as Sledgehammer II in the late 1980s. I am now searching for information, history, and photographs of the car. Can anyone help?"

If you have any information on the car then please let Doug know at kingfisherstud@aol.com.

UK Tech Committee seek secretary.
20th April: The UK's National Tech Committee requires a secretary to annotate their regular meetings. "We're looking for a volunteer to attend meetings on five or six days a year, take notes, and produce minutes", says Santa Pod's Race Director Darren Prentice.

If you are interested in the job then please contact either APIRA's Wendy Talbot at wendy@shakespearecountyraceway.fsnet.co.uk or SPRC's Paula Marshall at paula@sprc.fsnet.co.uk.

More Thunderball reports and pictures.
20th April: Following on from yesterday's first batch of Easter Thunderball reports, two more web sites have been updated with news and pictures from the weekend.

First up is Eurodragster staffer Sharkman, whose personal web site Sharkman's Top End Tales has been updated with a report, photographs and video clips from the Thunderball. Sharkman's web site can be found at www.eurodragster.com/sharkman.

Next is fellow Eurodragster staffer Tog whose personal site Tog's Drag Racing Page now features more than seventy trackside photographs from last weekend's race at Santa Pod. Check it out at www.togsdragracing.com.

Web site updates.
20th April: Dutch Top Methanol Funny Car racer Lex Joon has updated his web site with news of another Show appearance for the Probe FC. Check it out at www.lexjoonracing.nl.

The European Drag Racing Database at www.eurodrag.com has been updated with qualifying and elimination results from the Easter Thunderball. Amongst other features, the Database contains results from just about every race anywhere in Europe over the last few years, historical Championship standings, and the definitive European Drag Racing calendar.

Easter Thunderball reports...
19th April: With the Easter Thunderball only a few days past, a number of web sites have posted reports.

First up is the
Showtime Fuel FC team, who won the Pro Fuel Shoot-out. Crew member and webmaster Chris Dossett's illustrated report makes very interesting reading and gives a great insight into the running of a Fuel FC team. Check it out at www.showtimeracing.co.uk.

Top Fuel pilot Andy Carter's web site at www.eurodragster.com/andycarter has been updated with Crew Chief Eddie Corr's account of the new team's weekend. Andy's .net address will be active shortly.

The UK1320 web site at www.uk1320.com has been updated with a report and results from the Thunderball, and webmaster Gareth Evans promises photographs to follow very shortly.

...and timing data.
19th April: Andy Marrs of TSI Timers has very kindly provided the official timing data from the Easter Thunderball, which you can view by clicking here, or by clicking on the Timing Data link in the left hand column of any Eurodragster page.

Andy also provided us with an interesting digest of timing facts from the Thunderball:
  • Number of blue lights (track clear and tower ready - Ed): 404
  • Side-by-side runs: 279
  • Single runs: 111
  • Byes: 14
  • Total staged: 669
  • Crossed finish line: 595
  • Average ET: 11.546
  • Average MPH: 122.01
  • Lowest ET: 5.936, Rob Turner
  • Fastest MPH: 235.78, Dave Wilson
  • Runs under six seconds: 2
  • Runs over 200 miles per hour: 7
  • Total run time (all ETs added together - Ed): 1 hour 54 minutes 29.87 seconds
Many thanks to Andy for this information, and for the timing data.

Cross words for SPR?
19th April: Caroline Day of Santa Pod Raceway has been in touch to ask for readers' help with the FIA Main Event and FIA European Finals race programmes.

"We would like to include a crossword in the Main Event and European Finals programmes", says Caroline. "We will use the two best crosswords submitted and will of course award free tickets for the events to their authors!"

Crosswords should be sent to Santa Pod Raceway, marked for the attention of Caroline Day, at the usual address:

Santa Pod Raceway
Unit 5
Airfield Road
NN29 7XA

Web site updates.
19th April: Our good friend Hasse has updated his Swedish Pro Street News web site with a report from the weekend's Custom Car Show at Elmia in Sweden, and features on the SPH Racing team and Bertan Race Cars' new Pro Mod. The SPN site is available in both Swedish and English and also includes the latest news and gossip from the Scandinavian scene, together with pictures, links and much more. Check it out at www.swedishprostreetnews.com.

Ecurie Orleans seek trucks.
18th April: Ben Debat of the
Ecurie Orleans drag racing club has written with a request for help. "We've been developing drag racing in France for about eighteen years with the final round of the French drag bike championship", says Ben. "As we are trying to keep it interesting and attractive we are looking for new exhibitions and amazing dragsters. That's why we are looking for a drag truck to invite to our show. I would be most grateful if you could help me to contact a truck racer."

If there are any truck racers out there who could help out then please contact Ben at ben@enligne.net.

Peugeot GTi Club in June SCR date.
18th April: APIRA Press Officer Jerry Cookson has announced that the Sunday of the APIRA Test and Tune at Shekespeare County Raceway on 2nd-3rd June will also be a Club Nationals Day for the Peugeot GTi Autosport Club.

The one day show will include all the usual attractions and club displays, plus for Club members the use of Shakespeare County Raceway's famed quarter mile for timed runs. A special Peugeot Rally Team display is expected, together with regional dealer group support and activities. Peugeot owners wanting more details should check out www.peugeot-gti.co.uk or E-Mail events@peugeot-gti.co.uk.

Although the Peugeot Nationals is a one day event, SCR's usual Test and Tune facilities will be operational both days for APIRA and Wild Bunch club members.

This weekend, 21st-22nd April, sees the first APIRA Test and Tune of the season at Shakespeare County Raceway. As well as the drag racing contingent, APIRA have also invited a number of other motorsport clubs to come along this weekend, and as the Foot and Mouth crisis continues to bite non-permanent facilities this could be the only chance for a while for some of them to try out their vehicles - and who knows, there may be some converts!

Eurodragster will be reporting from both days of this weekend's APIRA Test and Tune. If you would like more details on the event then the APIRA web site at www.eurodragster.com/apira is a great place to start.

Thunderball thrills and spills.
17th April: There was some spectacular action at the Easter Thunderball at Santa Pod Raceway, despite the weather's best efforts to ruin everything.

John Spuffard in the Showtime Fuel FC won his second consecutive Pro Fuel Shoot-out, coming out on top in a pedalling duel with Andy Carter on a track which although well-prepped was never given the chance to warm up.

Rob Turner won the first round of the MSA British Top Methanol Championship in a classic side-by-side race with Dave Wilson. Separated by 0.001 seconds at the start line, they stayed more or less that far apart all the way down the track.

Brian Johnson ran a stunning 6.116/225.26 in the first round of Top Fuel Bike, although he was not able to back up either the time or the speed for a new record.

Ken Cooper escaped with skin burns and bruises after parting company with his Pro Mod Bike just after crossing the finish line at 163 mph. Ken would have walked away had the safety crews allowed it! Funny Bike racer Neil Midgley was similarly lightly injured after a much lower speed spill in the shutdown area, although Neil's bike was much more badly damaged than Ken's.

Other highlights included Steve Pateman setting a new speed record of over 156 mph in Custom Car Street Eliminator. Steve also clocked 164 mph in the final of CCSE in losing to Jeff Meads although there was no chance to back it up. Pat Talbot won Super Pro ET on her return to the driving seat of her dragster, and Will Furniss won Super Gas at his first event.

There is far too much to include in a short news item so the best thing to do is to check out Eurodragster's live coverage and pictures, which you can reach by
clicking here, or via the 2001 Event Coverage link on the left hand side of any Eurodragster page.

Gary and Phil Cottingham have also posted brief reports and pictures (sorry I got in the way - Ed) from the Easter Thunderball on their web site at www.dragracing.atfreeweb.com.

Explosion make up for ARD cancellation.
17th April: Holland's Explosion drag racing club have come to the rescue of racers affected by the cancellation of this year's Atlas Race Days, which would have taken place at Ganderkesee.

Explosion treasurer Sjoerd Hulzinga writes to tell us that on the weekend of 16th-17th June, Explosion will host two events at Drachten. The event was originally planned as a Test and Tune weekend, but after the Atlas cancellation Explosion offered the various car and bike organisations in Germany the chance to host their rounds at Drachten. This offer was gladly accepted by All Harley Drags of Germany, who will run their own rounds alongside the Test and Tune event. The AHD will run all of their classes: Street Harley 1, Street Harley 2 and Modified Harley.

Sjoerd tells us that there could well be more than 60 Harley Davidson participants in the AHD classes alone. "These guys and gals also know how to ride their machines, which is proven by last year's fastest ET in of 9.6 seconds in the Modified Harley class. That's without a wheelie bar, on street tyres, and pump gas!", he says.

Sjoerd says that Test and Tune may be a misnomer for the Explosion side of the event, since racing will be taking place although in an unusual format. "This year the Explosion members will decide by means of a poll which system will be used to determine winners and losers", he says. The systems between which the Explosion members can choose are Cannonball, Ladder, Mueller-Anderson, Dual Sprint or Unlimited Runs. "These systems all provide maximum number of runs for all participants", says Sjoerd. "Even a first round loser on Sunday will still be able keep on racing."

All racers and fans are welcome to Drachten, whether to participate in the AHD racing (for which you have to comply with AHD rules), or to take part in the Explosion Test and Tune, or simply to sit and enjoy two drag races being run on the same day.

You can stay in touch with the very latest news on this event, and with all the news from the Explosion club, on their web site at www.explosion.nl.

Sheavills announces new sponsor.
17th April: UK Top Fuel Dragster racer Barry Sheavills has announced a major new sponsorship deal which will secure his participation in this year's FIA European Top Fuel Championship.

Barry's dragster is now carrying the colours of Tetrosyl Car Lube Motor Oil, and is now part of the sizeable Triple R racing team. "Tetrosyl is a huge company", Barry told us on Friday. "They are famous for making T-Cut, Triple Wax and Carplan products, so they are the market leaders in car care."

Barry's new sponsors see huge opportunities in drag racing, and their commitment started with the filming of an avdertisement during the Easter Thunderball at Santa Pod Raceway. "There will be a thirty-second version and a sixty-second version", said Barry. "They will be broadcast a number of times each day for three months, on both terrestrial and satellite television, so if you were at the Thunderball then look out for yourself on telly!"

You can see the first pictures of Barry's dragster in its great new colour scheme on the Pictures pages of our Easter Thunderball coverage.

One too many clutches?
13th April: Our good friend Erik Zettervall of
Svensk Dragracing has been in touch with an appeal to racers to check their inventories.

"At the annual SFI Certification Day in Stockholm, organized by Svenska Bilsportförbundets Drag Racing Committee, someone left with one too many SFI 1.2 clutches", says Erik. "It's a CPE clutch and there are only two of that brand registered in Europe.

"The annual SFI Certification is a service for Nordic and European teams which has been held since 1995. Qualified staff come over from USA and certify clutches and bellhouses together with SBF's Drag Racing tech crew. It's a system which SBF started in order to help the teams so that they don't have to send their parts to the different manufacturers.

"Someone probably picked up parts on behalf of several other people, and has a clutch that no one else collected. If so, please call the Drag Racing Committee. You can also drop it off or send it to SBF's headquarter in Stockholm. Mark the package ATT: SBFs Dragracing Utskott.

"The season is about to begin, and the team which is missing their clutch hope to find it very soon, as do the Drag Racing Committee and all the other Nordic teams.

"If you have any information then please contact Rolf 'Loffy' Lundberg, phone +46-70 3111496 or phone/fax +46-13 299752, or Lars Pettersson, phone +46-70 5937016 or phone/fax +46-16 137016."

Please guys, check your trailers and let's get this team back on the track.

Nemesis take the game to rivals.
13th April: The UK's Nemesis Top Methanol Dragster team have signed up another sponsor just hours before the first round of the MSA British Top Methanol Championship at Santa Pod Raceway's Easter Thunderball.

The new deal is with Sony Computer Entertainment UK to promote their latest games consoles and games. The PlayStation 2 brand will be showcased on the Nemesis machine driven by Dave Wilson throughout its British and European championship campaigns.

Racegoers will be able to try out the new consoles and games for themselves at Santa Pod, where a Sony roadshow featuring the awesome Playstation 2 consoles will be in attendance.

"This is an excellent arrangement for Team Nemesis, and we are delighted to welcome such a prestigious company on board to join our superb group of existing sponsors", said Crew Chief Andy Bissett. "We look forward to representing Sony throughout the year as we attempt to link the PlayStation 2 name with the TMD 1 race number."

This weekend's race will be the first appearance in 2001 for both of the team cars. Dave Wilson will be attempting to improve on last season's runner-up placing in the British championship, and better his personal bests of 5.724/242.49. Wendy will make her debut in the Top Methanol class and will be trying to upgrade her Super Pro ET licence in time to compete in Monday's eliminations in the Krypton dragster.

You can stay in touch with all the latest news from Team Nemesis on their official web site at www.eurodragster.com/nemesisracing.

MSA Championship preview.
13th April: Still on the subject of the MSA Top Methanol Championship, Championship co-ordinator Dave Alexander writes with a preview of the 2001 season:

"This year's MSA British Drag Racing Championship is set to be bigger and better than ever before. There are three new drivers, two of them in new teams, competing for the honours in a six car field.

"Darryl Bradford is a complete rookie driver and steps into the Canto Consultancy dragster for the first time. He'll make an observed run because he won't be driving the car in which he licenced. Steph Milam will attempt to gain her licence in the heavily re-worked She-Devil TMFC, and Wendy Baker will be take control of the ex-Dave Wilson Krypton dragster as she ventures into blown-methanol territory. Later on in the season, Doug Ripley will try for his TMFC ticket, making four new drivers this year.

"The competition will be very tough at the front with the American Car Imports-sponsored Nemesis team piloted by Dave Wilson looking to outdo the Netcall Telecom-sponsored ride of Rob Turner. Rob wants to hang on to the title for yet another year, but Dave has other plans..."

She Devil ready for weekend.
13th April: And even more Top Methanol news as Steph and Dave Milam write with the latest from their She Devil TMFC team. Steph is due to complete licencing and then compete at this weekend's Easter Thunderball.

"We have a new crew member named Mark Payne", say Steph and Dave. "On the engine front we have Alan Johnson billet cylinder heads and manifold, a Buzzard catcher intake, 1100 fuel pump, 12-amp MSD mag, and an AFT three-plate clutch. All are hopefully ready to go. We also have associate sponsors Westco for pit flooring, and Pro Seal for automotive sealants and adhesives. See you at the track!"

King Racing sign up more sponsors.
13th April: UK Top Fuel Bike team King Racing has announced the addition of two new associate sponsors to their 2001 race programme.

Vanson Leathers, the largest in-house manufacturer of bespoke and custom leather suits and jackets in the world, are to supply the King Racing team with a stunning set of custom leathers featuring their new metallic colours, for the coming season.

Metallic Ceramic Coatings, Inc. under their widely known Jet Hot branding, offer the very best coatings for improving the performance, durability and appearance of all high temperature components. Their Jet Hot Sterling� has been applied to the exhaust headers of the 1000 Hp King Racing machine, providing a metallic ceramic brilliant high lustre silver finish capable of withstanding the 1300�F temperatures of the nitro methane fuelled machine.

Team owner and rider for the King Racing team Ian King said:

"We are honoured to have Vanson Leathers and Jet Hot on our team. The quality of their products is second to none. In today's declining levels of customer service due to cost cutting, we have been amazed at the fast response and turnaround of our orders by both of these companies. Their names are commensurate with quality, and this quality fits the profile of our team. We wholeheartedly recommend these companies, products and their services to all who seek the best in both protection and appearance."

Vanson Leathers and Jet Hot join Goodridge (UK) Ltd., suppliers of the best in fluid handling systems, North Herts. Engineering and Rofor Engineering for all your high precision engineering needs, Image Paintwork for the best in custom paintwork and murals, Royston Signs and Graphics for the best Vinyl and Graphic services, and Turboville for all custom promotional garments, racewear and trick photography, as associate sponsors of the King Racing Top Fuel Bike team.

Easter Thunderball coverage.
13th April: Eurodragster kicks off this season's live race coverage with reports and pictures from this weekend's Easter Thunderball at Santa Pod Raceway. We plan to bring you the usual mix of pitside reports and results from the track, together with start line and top end photographs. We also have one or two new features planned for this season's race coverage, one of which we hope to introduce this weekend.

We will post a direct link to the coverage here as soon as we are in position tomorrow.

Racers please note: With 180 or so of you entered this weekend we obviously can't hope to be able to recognise everyone, so please don't hesitate to collar us in the pits if you have news for our updates. We'll be very glad to post it!

Web site updates.
13th April: UK Fuel Funny Car racer Smax Smith has updated his new-look web site with a picture of the Mainline Menace FC in its cool new paint scheme, a report from last weekend's Doncaster Show, and more. Check it out at www.smax.co.uk.

The Show Associates web site at www.show-associates.swinternet.co.uk has been updated with the latest concerning the forthcoming Doncaster Mini Show (May 6th), the new Blackpool Show, Run and Cruise, the Cider Apple and Heartbeat Runs, exclusion of VAT for small jumblers, more photographs from last year's runs and irreverent photographic montage of Russ Swift's little accident. "Sorry, but we still haven't managed to find time to caption the photos but that will be done on the next update", says Ron Clark.

It pays to be Perfect.
12th April: Eurodragster.com is delighted to announce that after introducing its Perfect Light Sponsorship program towards the end of last season, we are now in a position to expand the sponsorship for this year.

For the 2001 season the Perfect Light prize fund will be available at all rounds of the UK National Championship, starting with round one at this coming weekends Easter Thunderball. The prize fund will start at £50 and will increase by £25 for every meeting that sees the prize fund remains unclaimed. The fund will start again at £50 at the next event when someone cuts the perfect light required to take the money.

The prize fund is open to every racer entered in a meeting, from Junior Dragster to Top Fuel to 10.90 bike, and will be paid to the first racer to cut a perfect reaction time (.400 or .500 depending on the class they run in) during qualifying or elimination's at the meeting. Runs made in practise sessions do not qualify for the award.

Eurodragster considers last years scheme to have been a great success and it also gave us a great story as Dave Billadeau was the first person to claim the money at Super Series 5 but broke off the line as he cut a .500 light during qualifying for Super Street Car. The money he won for the perfect light covered the cost of the breakage and Dave was back in competition the next day.

Eurodragster are proud to be able to support drag racing by extending the scheme for this year and wish all of you the very best of luck for the coming season as a whole and particularly for the Perfect Light money.

SuperTrapp for Zodiac.
12th April: Ton Pels, owner rider of the T&V Zodiac Dragracing team announced today that they have signed a sponsor contract with SuperTrapp Industries Inc. for the 2001 racing season. Negotiations started mid February and the deal was finally closed early last week.

As the announcement was made at the impressive Zodiac facility in Mijdrecht, Holland, Ton said: "We were pleasantly surprised when SuperTrapp contacted us back in February with the message that they wanted to promote their race proven High Performance Exhaust systems for Harley-Davidson within the Drag Race world, and that they wanted to use a SuperTwin Drag Race Team to promote the Supertrapp name on the track. The efforts and professionalism shown by the T&V Zodiac team in the past had impressed both in Europe and the USA. Consequently, the T&V Zodiac team was their obvious choice to talk to and we were asked if we would we be interested. It did not take long to agree on the fine details and the contract was signed last week."

SuperTrapp Industries Inc., Cleveland, Ohio, USA is a manufacturer of High Performance exhaust systems for Harley-Davidson motorcycles. They manufacture both chrome plated and stainless steel exhaust systems that are designed on the Dyno and have been race proven on the Drag Strip for many years. The systems they make are probably the only systems that, with no other modification other than re-jetting the carburettor can increase the horsepower of a stock engine to between 10 and 15%.

The T&V Zodiac Team main sponsor is: Zodiac International B.V., Europe's biggest distributor of aftermarket parts and accessories for Harley-Davidson motorcycles, based in Mijdrecht the Netherlands.

The riders in the T&V Zodiac team (Ton Pels, Rob Van Geffen and Gert Jan Laseur) are proud to be supported by the addition of Supertrapp Industries Inc. alongside existing co sponsor Accel Performance electronics and performance products for Harley-Davidson.

For more information contact
dragracing@zodiac.nl or visit www.zodiac.nl

New web site for Super Series 2001.
12th April: Obession Motorsport have just released the new look web site for the Super Series 2001 race series. The web site contains race dates for the 2001 season along with all the latest news on the Super Series and will be updated with entry lists closer to the race meetings.

The new look web site can be found at www.eurodragster.com/superseries.

Smooth approach to the season at the Pod.
11th April: Santa Pod Raceway have been in touch to lets us know that in preparation for the forthcoming Easter Thunderball event this weekend, major repairs have been carried out to the entrance road. As of tonight, most of the holes and bumps on Santa Pod Raceway's approach road will have gone. After two days of tarmacing, the public and racers will now have a less bumpy ride in towards the track.

"We hope that this investment will make people feel more welcome and that even people with vintage or sports cars can now bring their cars to the Pod." says Kjell Pettersson, Track Manager. "I think that site manager David Lloyd-Jones and his crew have done a tremendous job to get this done in time for the weekend."

This weekends Thunderball event features the Pro-Fuel Shootout (Top Fuel Dragsters vs. Fuel Funny Cars) and the first round of the 2001 British Drag Racing Championships. For more information visit
www.santapod.com or call the Santa Pod Hotline on (08700) 782828.

Web site Updates.
11th April: The Showtime Racing web site has been updated with a brief preview of this coming weekends Pro Fuel Shootout at Santa Pod's Easter Thunderball. Also added to the site is a new look email news letter which fans can sign up for which promises to deliver all the latest team news direct to your inbox. Its all at www.showtimeracing.co.uk/.

And Finally Eurodragster staffer Sharkman has updated his personal web site Sharkman's Top End Tales with his final set of pictures from testing at this year's Run What You Brung events at Santa Pod Raceway. Check it out at www.eurodragster.com/sharkman.

Demon Junior
10th April: Its been a busy off season for Adam Gleadow and his father Bob. A couple of weeks ago they finalised a deal to purchase Paul Lindley-Allen's ultra consistent junior dragster in a bid to change the rotten luck that plagued them last year and now Adam has been in touch to announce the signing of a sponsor for the coming season in the form of performance parts specialists
Demon Tweeks.

Adam takes up the story "The Demon Tweeks deal is as the teams primary sponsor for the Time Machine 8 junior dragster. At the moment the deal is only for one season but we'll see how this season goes and then maybe step the deal up another level for next season. It's great to be involved with one of the UK's best renown and most respected race car parts and safety equipment suppliers."

This weekends Easter Thunderball at Santa Pod Raceway will be the teams first race meeting with the new car, although Adam did make a couple of passes in it at a RWYB. We understand that the car will be carrying a new "special" paint job and Adam will be sporting a new crash helmet as well.

On the coming season, Adam had this to say "We will be hoping to get down into the 8's and win a few meetings, we're aiming for a top 5 finish in the championship after last years trouble ridden season. We finally traced the problem back to a faulty diaphragm in the carb that could not be replaced."

Any one who wants to find out more on how to get into Junior drag racing is welcome to speak to the Time Machine team in the pits or e-mail Adam at TimeMachine8@lifeinthefastlane.co.uk

Web site Updates
10th April: Despite working flat out in order to get the street legal '34 Ford ready in time for Custom Car Street Eliminator at the Easter Thunderball, Ian Hook has managed to find time to update the FB Racing website with all the latest news in Street / Strip Drag racing. Ian also sends "Best wishes to all for the Thunderball"

The drivers on the Pro Fuel Shoot-out.
9th April: Whilst at the Run What You Brung at Santa Pod yesterday, we interviewed Barry Sheavills, Andy Carter, John Spuffard and Gordon Smith, the four drivers taking part in the Top Fuel v Fuel FC Pro Fuel Shoot-out at next weekend's Easter Thunderball. Together with our good friend, drag racing photo-journalist Roger Gorringe, we asked the foursome about last year's event, about waiting whilst another car leaves, about the handicap they would set if it was up to them, and more.

Click here to read the interview, or you can get to it from the Interviews link on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster page.

You can get more details on the Easter Thunderball, including ticket prices, from Santa Pod's web site at www.santapod.com.

Santa Pod RWYB coverage.
8th April: Today's final Run What You Brung before the start of the UK season was well-attended by racers taking the last chance to test. The action was frenetic, and we were there with our notebook, digital camera and laptop.

Click here to view our report and pictures.

We're pleased to report that Andy Myers is quite OK after a fearsome crash in his Willys pick-up at the RWYB.

Deuchar to miss Thunderball.
7th April: UK Top Methanol racer
Lyndsay Deuchar has announced that he will have to miss next weekend's Easter Thunderball at Santa Pod Raceway due to the non-arrival of parts.

Lyndsay suffered severe engine damage whilst on a roll at last season's Main Event, and for a while it appeared that he may have to retire from racing altogether. Happily, he has found the funds to come back in 2001 but the non-arrival of a flywheel has put his return on hold until the Main Event in May.

You can get the full story of Lyndsay's fightback on his web site at www.laracing.co.uk

Richard's first taste at RWYB.
7th April: An ex-sprint racer from Bristol will be getting his first taste of drag racing at tomorrow's Run What You Brung at Santa Pod Raceway. "Richard - I'm sorry I don't know his surname! - will be trying out his newly-acquired ex-Conrad Stanley, Bootsoop-built Ford Pop", says Zane Llewellyn. "Richard has never even watched a drag race before, let alone driven on the strip, so he has definitely jumped in at the deep end with the eight-second capable Super Gas Pop! He used to campaign a three hundred and fifty horsepower Rover-engined Westfield in sprints, so he is used to competing at race events. But I think the six hundred plus horsepower of the Pop should give him a thrill to say the least!"

For his own part, Zane and son Chevy are working hard on Chevy's Skoda which should see its first action at next weekend's Thunderball. You can stay in touch with all the latest news from the Bootsoop team and the Bristol Doorslammers on Zane's web site at www.bootsoop.freeserve.co.uk.

Eurodragster will be reporting live from Santa Pod tomorrow, stay tuned for news on Richard's progress.

Carter back on-line.
7th April: UK Top Fuel racer Andy Carter has returned to the Net with the launch of an updated Carter Motorsports web site. Longtime readers will remember that Andy had a presence on the Net during his last tenure in Top Fuel Dragster; that site has now been amended to bring it up to 2001 spec.

Andy Carter's new site features news from the team, a biography, photo gallery, details on the car, links, race calendar, marketing details and more. Check it out at www.eurodragster.com/andycarter. The site will be further updated on the very near future with the introduction of the URL andycarter.net plus personal pages.

NPSC in huge Elmia showing.
7th April: This year's Custom Motor Show at Elmia in Jönköping, Sweden, over Easter weekend will be something out of the ordinary when it comes to drag racing. The Nordic Pro Street Cup have got no less than 780 square metres of floor space where they plan to show the enormous range of the Cup, from Real Street to Top Fuel Dragster.

The Show will see the début of Tommy Möller's new Lantz-built Top Fuel Dragster and trailer, both in new colours for 2001. The Lorentzon and Möller team have elected to unveil their car at Elmia since the Swedish Top Fuel Tour is run at NPSC events.

"The idea of our display is that everyone should have the experience of walking through the pits at one of our Summer events", says Peter Norling, who is responsible for the NPSC display. "Just as in the pits you will be able to see cars from almost every class in the Series. As usual we will have our own catering, courtesy of Per Andersens Restaurant, just to make our visitors feel welcome and enjoy their stay. As if that wasn�t enough there will be a Rock and Roll band to help boost the enjoyment!"

NPSC are playing their cards very close to their chest about the other vehicles in attendance at the Show; they say that the only way to find out will be to make the trip to Elmia. NPSC promise a warm welcome, and look forward to seeing all of their friends there for a chat before the season starts.

Easter Thunderball entry list.
6th April: The entry list for Santa Pod Raceway's Easter Thunderball is now on-line, courtesy of Paula Marshall of Santa Pod Racers Club, to whom many thanks.

Click here to view the Easter Thunderball entry list.

Thanks to those eagle-eyed readers who have drawn our attention to this week's introduction of entry lists on NHRA Online; we reckon they know a good thing when they see it.

Speedflow announce contingency award.
6th April: Speedflow, one of our Home and News Page sponsors, have announced a contingency sponsorship of Super Pro ET in this year's Super Series at Shakespeare County Raceway. Speedflow will support Obsession Motorsports with the trophy costs, as well as providing a small cash prize for the winner of each event. The cash award is contingent upon the display of Speedflow decals in a prominent position on both sides of the car.

"It's very cheap advertising and it's directed at a demographic group very important to Speedflow" say Speedflow's Fay and Paul Fischer, who run their own dragster in Super Pro ET. "As marketing decisions go, this was an easy one. Let's hope we can win our own money!"

Decals can be requested from Speedflow by phone on 0208 530 6664, by E-Mail at speedflo@netcomuk.co.uk, or can be picked up from the Speedflow trailer at any UK National championship event.

Web site updates.
6th April: Dutch TMFC racer Lex Joon has updated the news page of his web site with news of the establishment of a foundation. Check it out at www.lexjoonracing.nl.

The UK Drag Racing Nostalgia site at www.ukdrn.co.uk has had a complete facelift, with a new front page and all-new thumbnailed picture galleries. Webmaster Jon Spoard tells us that he has recently added another fifty pictures to the site. If you have not checked this site out, or if you have not checked it out recently, then it is well worth a visit especially if you are interested in the history of the sport. The extensive picture galleries show both UK-based and visiting European race vehicles at various UK race tracks, and you will also find special items such as a biography of the late, great Allan "Bootsie" Herridge.

Dutch doorslammer news.
5th April: Doorslammer fans get a chance to see three fine examples of the breed this weekend at the Stars on Wheels show at Kortrijk in Belgium. Robert Joosten's Bad Nova, Patrik van Hal's Pat's Toy, and Piet Kaptein's K & H '34 Ford Pro Mod will be on display at the show, which runs from 7-8 April and is open 10:00-20:00 Saturday and 10:00-18:00 Sunday. After the show the team will be getting ready for the Test and Tune at Wittstock on 28-29 April.

The Dutch Doorslammers site at
www.doorslammers.nl has been updated with the latest news from the team including a new trailer for Bad Nova (very nice it looks, too - Ed), great new T-shirts for all three cars, and an updated race calendar.

SPR confirm RWYB VHT.
5th April: Santa Pod Raceway's Kjell Petterson has confirmed that the track is to be sprayed with VHT for Sunday's Run What You Brung, which is the last test session before the UK drag racing season starts with the Easter Thunderball.

Ken Cooper and Helen Curran of Team Cooperised and Super Street Bike racers Graham Dance and Mark Pointer are the latest racers to announce their intention to test at Santa Pod on Sunday, and we hear that a Top Methanol team may also make the trip.

Gates open at 8:00 am on Sunday, and the strip opens at approximately 10.00 am. Entry to the track is £8; under-16s get in free. If you want to take to the track then £10 and the production of a valid DVLC licence (please note, competition licences are not valid for RWYB events) will get you unlimited runs down the famous quarter-mile strip. Racers must meet all safety standards for their class.

For more information check out Santa Pod's web site at www.santapod.com or call them on 08700 782828.

York Dragway: Easter all-clear...
4th April: We mentioned in yesterday's news item about Roger Goring that some movement was expected on the status of the UK's
York Dragway, which has been affected by the Foot and Mouth crisis. We were very pleased to hear from Jeanette Smith that York Dragway has now been given the all-clear to hold an event on Easter Monday, 16th April.

"Provided we follow MAFF recommendations, we can have our season opener as scheduled", says Jeanette. "York Dragway needs work volunteers for work parties on Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday, at 11am each day, to prepare the venue for the Season Opener on Easter Monday. Please bring a shovel!"

Stay tuned to Eurodragster and to the York Dragway web site at www.yorkdragway.btinternet.co.uk for updates.

...but NSCC Round 1 stays at SCR.
4th April: James Murray has written to confirm that the first round of the Northern Street Car Challenge, which was moved from York to the APIRA Test and Tune at Shakespeare County Raceway, will remain at Shakespeare County Raceway on 21-22 April.

"Owing to the short notice, NSCC Round 1 will stay at SCR as previously announced", says James. "The Easter Monday meeting at York would be a good opportunity for NSCCers to test their cars before Round 1. We look forward to continuing the season at York as planned."

Watson, Branch, Blakemore for RWYB.
4th April: 9.90 Bike racer Paul "Grumpy" Watson has announced that he will be testing his Grumpy's Bandit mount at Sunday's pre-Thunderball Run What You Brung at Santa Pod Raceway.

"The Bandit has gone through a lot of changes over the winter", says Paul. "68-inch wheelbase, MTC lockup clutch, new paint scheme, single seat bellypan and with help from highpower nitrous systems and Dynospeed Developments I hope to run an eight towards the middle of the year. However I will running in the 9.90 class again without the nitrous. I just hope I can finish the trailer in time - it should look good in the new team colours!"

Courtesy of Paula Marshall of Santa Pod Racers Club we hear that Funny Bike racers Shaun Branch and Tim Blakemore are also planning to test at Santa Pod on Sunday, Tim testing a new bike.

Stay tuned for more news on Sunday's attendance.

Swedish doorslammer news.
4th April: Our good friend Hasse, webmaster of the fan favourite Swedish Pro Street News Magazine, tells us that Super Mod star Patrik Wikström has purchased the JH Racing 2000 Camaro (right, picture by Hasse) which was driven in Comp Eliminator by Anders Jonsson.

Hasse also tells us that Freddy Fagerström is to race in Pro Mod this year. Freddy has a new clutch and blower to aid his 2001 campaign.

You can get all the latest gossip from the Swedish doorslammer scene on Hasse's Swedish Pro Street News Magazine at www.swedishprostreetnews.com.

Unique experience for Team Nemesis.
4th April: The UK's Nemesis Top Methanol team have announced another partnership for the 2001 season. John Andrews, Team Nemesis marketing manager, writes:

"Unique Promotional Clothing have been appointed as official garment suppliers by British Top Methanol drag racers Team Nemesis for the 2001 season. The company will be providing Caps, Shirts and Pit Wear to the team who unleash their two-car attack at Santa Pod's prestigious Easter Thunderball opener over the Easter weekend.

"Unique have specialised in the design and production of bespoke clothing, headwear and merchandise since 1978. Their client list includes many other top motor racing teams and blue chip companies such as Arrows and NTL. They have products at all price points and always supply within the set budget, whatever the size. Unique are a highly innovative and customer-focused company who pride themselves on delivering high quality products, on time, every time.

"The entire team are delighted to welcome Unique on-board for the coming year. They fully understand the demands and ridiculous deadlines associated with motor racing and have exceeded our expectations at every stage of the game"

You can find more details about Unique Promotional Clothing on their web site at www.uniqueclothing.com or by phone on 01206 842222, and you can stay in touch with all the latest from Team Nemesis on their official web site at www.eurodragster.com/nemesisracing.

Carter's thanks.
4th April: UK Top Fuel Dragster racer Andy Carter is preparing for his first race of the season, the Pro Fuel Shoot-out at Santa Pod's Easter Thunderball. This will be Andy's first experience of the Top Fuel v Fuel FC phenomenon which will entail his sitting on the start line for an extra 0.4 seconds or so. The Carter Motorsports team are very grateful for the help which they have already had various quarters; team member Roger Neil writes:

"With our first event fast approaching we are all hard at work in many different areas making sure that everything is right for Andy in this year's Championship quest. We all feel that this, our sixth season in Top Fuel, is going to be the best yet for Carter Motorsport. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following companies for all their help:

"All at Obsession Motorsports for so much help in many areas, NGK Spark Plugs, David at Allsports Logistics (01873 859500), Geoff at Sigma Signs, Gibbs Heating and Plumbing (01483 236262), Elite Textile Printers, Brian at Rainbow Conference Sets, and Simpson Safety Products.

"If anyone would like more information about any of the above companies then please e-mail me, Roger Neil, at fiatopfuel@aol.com."

Web site updates.
4th April: UK 10.90 Bike racer Sandra Chaplain has launched a web site at www.thinkpinkracing.co.uk. The Think Pink web site is highly entertaining and well designed and features an introduction to the Think Pink team, details on the bike (including a great game), photo gallery, news, sponsor page, guestbook and more.

Firestorm joins Super Series headliners.
3rd April: UK Jet Funny Car pilot Roger Goring has announced that the
Firestorm team will be appearing at Super Series 1, which takes place at Shakespeare County Raceway on 5-7 May. Roger appeared at Super Series 3 last year, and in what have been Firestorm's only quarter-mile passes to date recorded new personal bests of 6.4 seconds at 250 mph, with the afterburner on minimal power.

"I am absolutely delighted to be returning to Shakespeare County Raceway", said Roger. "I said after my trip last year that the strip is very good indeed, and I can't wait to get back. I've still got to be a bit careful - the car is effectively still new since I have only done those few quarter mile runs, but by the time I get to Shakespeare County Raceway I will have had a tie-down test which will help me to tune the afterburner."

On March 26th we published an appeal from Roger for a tie-down point for his afterburner tests, and we are pleased to say that as usual Eurodragster's readership came to the rescue. "A very, very big thank you from Helen, Ian and myself to everyone who E-Mailed with offers and suggestions", said Roger. "We've now arranged a tie-down test and I have my strain gauge at the ready!"

Roger's plea for a tie-down venue was necessitated by the closure of York Dragway due to the Foot and Mouth crisis, but Roger tells us that there could be some good news from that direction. "Steve Murty (who promotes races at York Dragway - Ed) has had an indication that he might be able to do something at York at Easter, and he is determined to do so. And I am determined to help him!". We've been promised an update as soon as there is any firm news, so stay tuned.

You can stay in touch with all the latest from the Firestorm team on their web site at www.firestorm-jfc.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk.

Mr. Whippy - the European Tour?
3rd April: Malta's Mr. Whippy Top Methanol Dragster team are working on a deal to run the full FIA European Championship Tour in 2001, says driver Manty Bugeja.

Car owner Joey Carabott and the team have been hard at work on the car in an off-season which didn't start until long after the rest of Europe's 2000 season was over. "We attended another meeting after we returned to Malta", says Manty. "We made five runs as quick as 6.01 and these runs were only on seven cylinders. We still had an oil problem on one cylinder, but after hours trying to solve it we found a tiny hole in one of the inlet ports. You wouldn't believe it, but that's drag racing!"

John was pulled back from the line at the FIA European Finals with what turned out to be the first intimation of the problem later found back at home. "We didn't have time to make any of our planned changes", says Manty. "We stripped the motor down three times, twice between elimination rounds, and the rush caused us to miss on checking one of the oil lines. After the burnout in our race against John Ellul the oil line got loose and started to leak, which put us out of the race."

Some major work has been done on the dragster in preparation for the 2001 campaign. "We have made small changes to the motor, but we have made big changes to the clutch, transmission and rear end, we hope it works out", says Manty.

As for that 2001 campaign, Mr. Whippy fans may be seeing more of their heroes in Europe this season. "We will be racing at the Main Event at Santa Pod in May", says Manty, "and we are dealing with a sponsor who will help a bit, so we might take part in all the European events."

Pre-Main Event test set to go ahead.
3rd April: Santa Pod Raceway's Kjell Petterson has confirmed that enough interest has been shown in the pre-Main Event private test for it to go ahead. The test, closed to the public, allows racers to run on a fully-prepped track before the FIA season starts in earnest.

"Enough racers have shown an interest", said Kjell, "so now I just need entry forms to be filled out and returned to me. We need a minimum number of entries by April 18th for the test to go ahead, although entries will be accepted after that date assuming that the minimum number has been passed by then."

Expressions of interest are also being invited for the Main Event Press Day on Wednesday 23rd May. "If you are planning to attend the Press Day and would like to invite your own media and/or sponsors, I would ask you to liaise with Caroline Day at Santa Pod Raceway so that we can accommodate everybody's needs and make the Press Day run as smoothly as possible", says Kjell.

The official entry form for the pre-Main Event test, in PDF format, is available for download or printing by clicking here. The same form can also be used to express interest in attending the Main Event Press Day.

For more details on the pre-Main Event test, contact Kjell Petterson at Santa Pod Raceway by phone on 08700 782828 (outside the UK +44 1234 782828), fax on 01234 782818 (outside the UK +1234 782818), or by E-Mail at test@santapod.fsnet.co.uk. For more details on the Main Event Press Day contact Caroline Day on the phone and fax numbers above, or by E-Mail at caroline@santapod.fsnet.co.uk.

Finally, although the pre-Main Event test is private, Kjell Petterson has kindly invited Eurodragster along to post reports and pictures from Santa Pod. We are very pleased to accept Kjell's invitation; it will be a busy weekend for us since we will also be reporting from Super Series 2 at Shakespeare County Raceway throughout the same weekend.

Lindelöw's eventful off-season.
2nd April: Swedish Top Fuel Dragster racer
Pelle Lindelöw has had a busy off-season. Apart from preparing for the 2001 race season he has changed jobs, and in January underwent an operation to treat an ankle damaged in a skiing accident in 1994. "The operation was on my right foot, which is my gas foot", says Pelle. "At this stage it's too early to tell if the operation was successful, but I'm happy that drag racing offers a handicap system. I'm certain that my fellow racers will act like gentlemen and ladies and give me a few tenths at the start line - if not I'll take it from them anyway!"

Pelle's many fans will be glad to hear that not only is he fit and well, but that his plans for the 2001 racing season are well in hand. "The first shipment of updated parts is on its way from the States. So many of the parts need to be checked and re-certified that it's always a better idea to send everything over to Gary Burgin, and to let him distribute everything to the different manufacturers for new tags. Altogether we're talking about approximately 150 kilogrammes of parts, so it is beneficial to have good connections in the airfreight industry...", says Pelle, who has just moved from working with the Swedish Post Office back to mobile phone company Ericsson, where he is now Global Account Manager. "My job will be to ensure that TNT will be the preferred carrier!", he adds.

Pelle's season is starting on a sound basis. "From two brand new TFX blocks which we have purchased, and a full load of spare parts, we will build two motors for the events which we will contest this year", he says. "No one can predict a season's parts consumption, but we know that we at least have the resources for the first events, and compared with recent years we are pretty well prepared."

Unlike some of his fellow Fuel racers who stole a march in 2000, 2001 will be Pelle's first season under the new 90% Nitro rule. "We need to start more or less from square one again with a new blower and fuel set-up", he says, "A new Peter Lantz injector was purchased a couple of months ago, and together we will figure out how to run the car at our first planned event which will be at the FIA event at Alastaro in Finland on 8-10 June. Two weeks after that we will attend the first of the four races in the 2001 Top Fuel Tour, at Wittstock in Germany."

P and G Racing's winter work has also involved attention to the Dragster's appearance, and to the trailer. "The 'Paint Shop' guys - Janne, Kjelle and Böcka in Älmhult - have freshened up the car", says Pelle. "It's the same paint scheme but the finish has been overhauled, and of course the sidepanel which blew off the car in the big explosion at Santa Pod in September has been replaced. Hopefully the body will stay on the car this year! We've also spent some time working on fixtures and fittings in the trailer such as brackets to hold the wings and injector scoop to the wall, and we have fitted a new air compressor. Finally we have added to our comfort with some more amenities in the trailer's lounge - they're necessary for a bunch of veterans like us!"

You can stay in touch with all the latest from P and G Racing on their official web site at www.pgracing.nu.

UK racer to quarters in Atlanta.
2nd April: The UK's Dave Beck has again been in AMA/Prostar competition in the USA, this time at the Star Racing Nationals in Atlanta. Dave qualified seventh in Pro Mod Bike on Jay Regan's MRE machine and made it to the quarter-finals.

You can find full qualifying and elimination details, plus news from the pits, on the Pit Lane Gossip page of the King Racing web site at www.kingracing.com.

Team Flying Doctor sign up for RWYB.
2nd April: The UK's Flying Doctor Super Street team will be testing modifications to their Pop at next Sunday's final pre-season Run What You Brung at Santa Pod Raceway.

"We will be dialling the Pop in for the Easter Thunderball", says Stuart Doignie, one of the team's two drivers along with Bob. "At the October Meet the engine was looking very tired indeed, and over the winter there has been a complete freshen up. This has also included a new more radical cam, headwork and some new headers, and we have also got some new bigger slicks for this year. We are hoping to pick up some higher speed (130+ mph) in the Super Street class by bringing in the throttlestop early - as long as the car behaves! - and using all the extra power. The car should run easy consistent nines on full throttle after the modifications."

Racers: If you plan to attend next weekend's RWYB then don't hesitate to let us know at news@eurodragster.com and we'll post the news here.

Did you spot the April Fool?
2nd April: We hope you enjoyed our April Fool yesterday, in which the usual Home Page action pictures were swapped for some highlights from Sharkman and Tog's extensive collections of out-takes (Who was that at the back said "We didn't notice the difference"? - Ed). Thanks also to TSI Timers' Andy Marrs for the superb pictures of Tomi Laine and John Spuffard...well, put it this way: Andy claimed that they were there in the pictures somewhere.

You can see more of these pictures in the School of Excellence page on Sharkman's personal web site at www.eurodragster.com/sharkman.

Mantorp Park under new management.
1st April: The
Svensk Dragracing site has been updated with an exclusive interview with Fredrik Bernshed, the new manager of Sweden's Mantorp Park. The interview is featured both in Swedish and English and amongst other things reveals plans to lengthen Mantorp's notorious shutdown area, and to hold a test session two weeks before the start of the FIA Championship season.

Our good buddies at Svensk Dragracing have also posted news of a great new ferry deal for racers travelling to and from Finland, and a quiz which tests fans' knowledge of the Nordic Drag Racing Series. It's not as easy as it looks! Check it out at www.dragracing.se.

FAST prepare for season.
1st April: Shakespeare County Raceway's safety crew, the FAST Team, have been preparing for the new season with a training day at the UK track. Ozzy Ewing of APIRA's tech crew was at the training session and sent us this report, which gives a great insight into the work which safety crews undertake.

"After each crew had been assembled and all the trucks kitted out with the necessary equipment and that essential ingredient of water and fire extinguishers we were all set to go. With Jane co-ordinating the training and scenarios and Bruno and Jim setting fire to a Ford Capri (this was good to watch, one can of petrol and two fire marshals makes for interesting incidents) each FAST team consisting of two trucks and a fire engine took it in turns to deal with the simulated fires.

"The simulations started with a very simple flash fire from a set of carbs, to an engine fire and then on to a major car fire. Each FAST team responded and dealt with the fire individually with a joint effort at the end to deal with a major car fire, all three FAST teams responding to the incident and dealing with it as one large team.

"After the fire training we then moved on to removing a casualty from an upturned vehicle. We turned Tush's Fiesta on its side and then Jim climbed in to simulate a casualty who was trapped in the car, and who also had his arm trapped under the car having fallen through a window. This exercise was very involved with all three FAST teams responding to the situation in a highly controlled manner. Jim's complaints and screams didn't put them off doing an excellent job of righting the vehicle in a controlled roll and then proceeding to remove the roof and peel it back to extract the casualty in one piece. At one stage Jim had three minutes to live, but the FAST team ever efficient had him out, helmet removed and CPR applied, and if anyone asks it was Mandy who had to apply her hands to Jim's neck!

"After an excellent lunch provided by Sophie and Tracey it was on to fire extinguisher training, this again involved a tray of petrol and then the necessary directions from Jim, Bruno and Jane to teach the marshalls how different types of extinguisher work. Also shown was how not to deal with a fire, this was an excellent demonstration and involved a large plume of flames in a spectacular showering motion.

"All in all an excellent training day was had by all the marshals and guess what, they will be doing this all again tomorrow!"

Web site updates.
1st April: Eurodragster staffer Sharkman has updated his personal web site Sharkman's Top End Tales with a set of pictures from this year's Run What You Brung events at Santa Pod Raceway. Check it out at www.eurodragster.com/sharkman.

Earlier news

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