2nd October:
Thanks to Pro Mod racer Andreas Sjödin for sending his race report Tierp Arena and Summit Racing Equipment Internationals August 2023! Andreas's viewpoint is his own...
What a crazy year...Now after the season is over for real, I’ve got some well-needed vacation, found some spirit again and I’m back at work, I felt it was time to sum up the last event for the year in Pro Modified with Jörgen Berg 's Chevrolet Corvette '79 at Tierp Arena! It turned out to be the worst and most disappointing weekend at a race track this year.
Me, Sofi, Jörgen and Benkt went to Tierp Arena for the last race with Jörgen's Pro Mod Vette for 2023 on Wednesday after 2 rainy days at Jörgen's shop. The plan was to service the Vette during Monday and Tuesday after the race at Gardermoen but, due to bad weather, the car was still like brand new when we left Norway.
Anyway, the trip from the Bat Cave in Ludvika was pretty simple and we arrived to Tierp Arena around 13:00 on Wednesday! As soon as I went out from the truck we got some rain, that’s pretty amazing! Haha! And then after a lot of arguing with the wind trying to put up the tents in our pit space for hours then team Old 51 arrived and saved us by blocking the really powerful winds with their bus!
Benkt and Krille started to do some small adjustments on the Vette in the driver’s area that I wanted to do after the Norway weekend, this car was not built for me so it takes some time to adjust all small stuff to make me satisfied with it.
No racing for us on Thursday because that’s the day for the sportsman classes only. So, our plan was just to relax, finishing up some details on the Vette and get her inspected for the qualifying that started on Friday. Thursday was a rainy day at Tierp Area and it was cold on top of that. In the afternoon the qualifying got cancelled due to the rain. It was a really bad day for all the sportsman racers and I felt sorry for my fellow buddies in Top Doorslammer who sitting there all day waiting for nothing to happen.
Jörgen and Krille serviced the Vette and checked the rod bearings during the morning. Me and Benkt diagnosed and fixed some air shift issues that we had the weekend before in Norway by changing out the Co2 air regulator that for some reason didn’t give enough air any more.
Friday started with a cold and cloudy morning at Tierp Arena. When I got the running order for the first qualifying round it looked to be around 12:30-13:00 I assumed. We waited 4 hours until it was time for Q1 for us. I looked at the weather forecast and I did hope that it was wrong, because it did not look good at all. Q1 got delayed. We did have a couple of classes before us and unfortunately a Top Fuel Bike crashed (Neil Midgley - Ed). We were ready to go but more rain came, so we were on hold again. After many hours delay, and more rain whilst we were in the lineup we got a round that was enough to get some decent data to start work from.
After the adjustments in the driver’s area, I found out that it was even harder to see the tree when I was in the right lane, especially seeing the pre stage and stage lamp and getting into stage. I needed to listen to Micke when he went up on his 2-step so I could do the same. So, the reaction time wasn't that great, haha, but I held the pedal to the floor until three seconds out when I started to shake some and I was off the throttle. I think the round got delayed at least three hours. The Vette got serviced and we were ready again.
It looked like we would go out again pretty much directly after that against Gullan, but then we got some drizzle in time for Q2, but we once again got some rain in the lineup, that’s two times in one day. Sitting there in the lineup we could actually see a rainbow in the sky, not sure if that is how I want it to be on a race track. Our second qualifying round was at 20:00 in the evening.
It was even better than Q1, but I needed to add more power! We did not have enough time to change transmission in the car, but I was happy now that I'm was closer to find a tuning window even though I'm still way low on power. It's a HUGE difference between a roots and a screw blower when it comes how much fuel you can give it or how much timing you can take out, but I`m learning and I really miss my screw blower which would help me find the window quicker.
So, a long day of waiting again out on a race track, but one really good thing is that the camshaft is still ok. After Q2 at this race it has made 6 launches without any issues compared to the one that only made 2 before it broke. Still the manufacturer tells me that the stuff he sold me (the cam that broke) is all ok. Well, I assume this will be something to continue arguing about during the coming winter.
After that we did serviced the Vette, switched to a new transmission to get some more wheel speed, and we also put together another trans so we could add even more ratio after the first pass, because I'm pretty sure that we would need it. For me it is a “low power roots blower engine”, compared to what I’m used to when it got a screw blower on top.
On Saturday morning at a chilly and cloudy Tierp Arena, the Vette was ready to warm up when it was time and I assumed that we would be called in about 2 hours. The bad weekend continued, startin with a clean up after an oil down and then some light rain delay. Following a change of schedule, Pro Mod ran passes after the bikes rather than Pro Stock. After more hours of waiting in some drizzle on and off in the line-up, we finally made our Q3 round against Roger Johansson around 14:30 in the afternoon!
The car was happy with a more aggressive first gear and ended up with a good 60ft of 0.9793! But a good 60ft is nothing if the car goes into shake after it! It’s hard to sort out all parts down the track with so few rounds in the car and when it's cloudy, cold and rains on and off it is tricky conditions to test a car that has never made a real pass. I was getting closer, but I'm also starting to get really frustrated about this now.
Q4 was the last chance to make a pass to get into the ladder, I was pretty sure that the changes I made to the car won’t be enough but it’s the last test round for the year for us so let’s just try. I felt that this must be the worst year ever since I started racing 20 years ago when it comes to bad luck and bad weather. When we rolled out from our tent it felt like you can cut through the moist outside and the whole car fogged up!
We were third pair out in this session against Patrik Wikström, but it turned out to be a solo round because he had some problems with the engine. When I went up to the starting line to look at the mess it of course also started to rain again and when I looked out on the track, I could see a half track clean up after an oil down at the same time! What a strange racing weekend, and like I said earlier the worst ever since I started racing!
Finally, the weekend was over for us. I think we made the pass around 19:30 after sitting in the lineup for I don’t know 1 or maybe 2 hours. You could feel the moisture in the air and the car was almost wet from it, when I put the helmet on and closed my visor it fogged up. It did not feel good but I was happy to have a solo round so I won’t mess up someone else car if something happens.
The burn out felt it was like making a burn out on grass, then for first time ever I got wheel speed in the Corvette, however it was from spinning the tyres immediately on the launch. The change from the round before when we were way low in wheel speed was to move a little weight in the car and a little shock change, but we had no runs to talk about because a slick car has nothing to do on a wet race track.
In my view, the fourth qualifying pass should have been cancelled before they told us to roll down from the pits. Some crew members were not allowing their driver to make a pass, and others decided not to run on Sunday. Should it be like that?
Sunday was just one more rainy day at the track after raining all Saturday night! We ended up at spot nineteen in the qualifying list and due to one car before us already loading to leave we were second reserve. I decided on Saturday evening that I was not going to sit and wait again in the lineup for the third day in a row, so we started loading up everything that wasn’t wet already after breakfast on Sunday morning.
It was still raining on Sunday at 10:10 and they cancelled all the sportsman classes pretty early due to the weather. When we were about to leave around 15:00, they held an extra drivers meeting to see if any racers would like them to continue to work on the track and make it ready to start the eliminations, good for the ones that are there to get points in the series they couldn't finish the race completely because they are not allowed to make noise long enough in the evening, but that is how I feel about it, and I was on my way home anyway.
Oil downs are time consuming, however oil downs are caused by the racers, so I think that the correct place to start complaining is to the racers having their cars in order and also that there should be harder rules when it comes to engine diapers and fines when it comes to oil downs.
I think that the crew did an amazing job all weekend trying to get the track dry because it was raining on and off more than ever before! Great job guys and girls. Me and Krille left Tierp Arena and maybe 15-20 minutes later the sun came out, the first real sun since Wednesday or so, so typical and frustrating! Back at our ÅBM shop we got clear blue sky, sun and 22 degrees Celsius!
It was kind of hard not getting angry after four days at the race track in rain, cloudy sky and no sun and on top of that it was cold with heavy winds. Directly after we arrived at the ÅBM shop we we started to prepare for the weekend after at Dala-Järna and an exhibition race with the Chevelle after letting it sit in the shop for almost a year.
I want to say thanks to all involved during this unsuccessful test year in Pro Modified, Jörgen first of all that trusted me and gave me the opportunity to drive his brand new Pro Modified car! Dad (Ake), Sofi, Max, Krille, John the Sneaky Snake, Marcus, Dennis, Benkt, Katrin, Ludde, Moa and Mike Canter for a lot of input when it comes to the fuel system.
Then I want to say a special thanks to my partners that supported this test year, our own shop of course Åkes Bil & Motor, Peter and Patrik at Rörmekano, Tobbe at T.Grundström Plåtslageri, Christer at Alwerco Svets & Smide, Kaare at ICA Gärdet, Micke at Clearwrap East Coast, Nicke at Nicclast and Leif at Catch with Care!
Let’s see what 2024 will bring us, we got no plans yet.

Swift snippets.
2nd October:
Happy Birthday for today to Street Eliminator racer Mark Sheridan,radio presenter and former Nitro FM DJ Nigel Fitzmaurice, former 9.50 Bike racer and Billy Gane team member Jak Hylton, and former Junior Dragster racer Joe Holland-Villa. We hope you all have had a great day.
Dakota Raceway gallery.
1st October:
Thanks to Kieran for supplying a gallery of pictures taken at yesterday's Dakota Raceway run what ya brung held at Smeatharpe Airfield.
You can see Kieran's gallery, sponsored by John Woolfe Racing, and a link to his Youtube video at this link or via the Event Coverage page in the menu above.
There were a wide range of vehicles making passes including hot rods, the Scoobybits Subaru driven by Jamie White, the Gasser Circus Falcon of Patrick Hobbs and some quick street machines. Bikes included several National Sprint Association entries and Wild Bunch member Chris Hartnell's Backdraft II historic machine.
This was Dakota Raceway's closing event of 2023, watch out on straightliners.events for 2024 dates to be published at the start of the year.