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Cannonball addicts to get Summernationals fix
28th July: A four-car field of Fuel Funny Cars will be attending the New Summernationals at Santa Pod Raceway on Saturday/Sunday August 8th/9th, with the intention of making up for the cancellation of this year's Cannonball. As revealed to EuroDragster on
July 6th, John Spuffard will be driving the ex-Tom Hoover FC and Gary Page will be driving the DJB Showtime FC. They will be joined by Alan Jackson and Alan Bates, who will be taking over as driver of the "Liquidator" FC. The "Liquidator" FC has had a major body repair after a tyre explosion took out its left rear quarter at the Main Event. In line with licensing rules, the SPR Race Director requires familiarisation passes from Spuffard, Page and Bates on Saturday as they are new to their respective mounts, but as all three drivers are Fuel-FC licensed these passes are expected to be a formality.

Danish Nationals results
25th July:
Svensk Dragracing has the results and comments on last weekend's Danish Nationals at Vandel.

Press Release: Nordic Sportsman Cups tillbaka i Danmark

Barry Sheavills launches web site
20th July: UK Top Fuel Dragster driver Barry Sheavills has announced the launch of his web site. It is currently an on-line version of his hero card (which features a photograph by one of the Eurodragster staff), but Barry promises a rapid expansion for the site. You can find Barry's site at

Testing news from Santa Pod Raceway
19th July: Some big names attended today's Run What You Brung at Santa Pod Raceway. Rob Turner ran a 10.66 at 75 mph on his first pass with the new Whipple supercharger fitted to the Turner Racing Top Alcohol Dragster. The run consisted of a less than 60 foot "squirt" but the car sounded very strong indeed. Fay Fischer, awaiting her next Top Alcohol race, took a Sunday drive in her Super Pro ET Dragster "Lucky Fisch 2", running 8.45 at 161 mph on her only pass. Not to be outdone, Tog, one of your EuroDragster reporters, was persuaded to "have a go" and ran a best of 20.31 at 66.53 mph in his Renault Clio, which he normally uses to drive to the shops (and to Santa Pod).

Rover V8 Nationals
15th July: The Rover V8 Drag Racing Association invites you to the first annual Rover V8 Nationals at Avon Park, Sept 26 - 27. More details on the
RV8DRA web site.

Drag-ten Nationals Events this weekend:
18 - 19th July: Dragten Nationals, Drachten (NL)
18 - 19th July: Danish Nationals, Vandel (DK) See the preview at
Svensk Dragracing

A new car for Spuff
6th July: Bob Jarret informs us that after extensive negotiations last week, Showtime Racing has purchased the ex Tom Hoover Dodge Avenger from Bill Sherrat. John Spuffard will drive the car at the Summer Nationals at Santa Pod in August, while the DJB Showtime Avenger will be driven by Gary Page. Sadly, this arrangement will be for the Summer Nationals only, unless another sponsor can be found to allow the team to run both cars on a regular basis. Also look out for the DJB Showtime Avenger at the Bug Jam, July 26th.

For Sale
Anybody over there interested in pro street cars? I have a very good car for sale. 1968 firebird, complete chromoly pro mod type chassis, 9 inch ford , mw ctr section, 40 spline, da konis, da strange struts, 5 inch flowmaster exhaust, certified chassis, and on and on. absolute best of everything....
Anybody interested? drop me a line. Thanks,
Max Carter []

Fay goes to Hockenheim
6th July: The Lucas Oil Products / Redstone & Gleadow team are confident that they have at last got the horsepower they need from their Top Alcohol dragster, driven by Fay Fischer. The magneto and fuel supply problems that have dogged them so far this season have been fixed and they will shortly be replacing the old 2-plate clutch for a new 3-plate to cope with the extra power. They'll be testing the configuration at the Summer Nationals, then the team are off to Hockenheim for some serious racing. Finally, Bob Gleadow tells us that the team are planning to do the full European tour next season. Can I interest anyone in sponsoring me to follow them and report on their progress?

Alastaro & Västerås results
6th July: Results of the FIA European championship meeting at Alastaro and the Aros Nationals at Västerås are now available at
Svensk Drag Racing, along with the latest points standings in the FIA championsips and the Nordic Sportsman Cup.

Tom hangs up his Mike
6th July: Tom Ward who, along with Graham Beckwith, provided the commentary at Santa Pod, has resigned from the position. In a statement issued today, Tom says "I have decided, following the Main Event at Santa Pod, to stand down from the role of commentator. Mr Bartlet has a clear idea of what the role of the commentator consists of and I have mine. Unfortunately there was little overlap between the two points of view and I felt it was better for me to stand down. I would like to thank all the crew at Santa Pod for their help and support while I was there. Particular thanks go to Graham Beckwith and Steve and Andy from the timing crew." We at EuroDragster will be sorry to see him go as he brought something which has traditionally been missing from the commentary at the Pod, namely accuracy. However, we look forward to meeting him on the bank in his trademark shark hat, where we know his amazing memory for drag racing facts and figures will be of immense value to us. Can you write HTML, Tom?

Midsummer Nationals results
5th July: Results of the Midsummer Nationals at Santa Pod Raceway have been posted on
TonyB's web site.

Events this weekend
3 - 5 July: FIA European Championships, Alastaro (Finland)
4th July: Sprints, Harlingen (Netherlands)
4 - 5 July: Aros Nationals, Västerås (Sweden)
4 - 5 July: Midsummer Nationals, Santa Pod (England)
4 - 5 July: Nostalgia Nationals, Avon Park (England)
4 - 5 July: Top Gun 2, Gross Dolln (Germany)

June 1998

August 1998 aims to bring you links to all the best European Drag Racing web sites. To add your site to Eurodragster's listings, simply email with your URL and a little information about your site and we'll do the rest. When you update your site, drop us a line at and we'll feature your site in our "What's New" section. is a non-profit-making organisation run by a small group of Drag Racing enthusiasts for the sole purpose of promoting European Drag Racing. If you can help us to meet the modest cost of hosting this web site by advertising here, please email We're sure you'll find our rates extremely competitive.