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Interview: Barry Sheavills. 31st October: UK Top Fuel Dragster racer Barry Sheavills returns to the track for the first time in a year at this Saturday's Flame and Thunder Show at Santa Pod Raceway, where he will be match racing Norway's Linda Thun Tønseth. Rick Cuthbert of Santa Pod Raceway caught up with Barry on behalf of Eurodragster.com and asked him what he has been up to recently and what drives his enthusiasm for drag racing. ©Eurodragster.com Click here to read the interview with Barry Sheavills, or click on the Features, Interviews, Tributes link on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster.com page. Smith on the Limited Edition. ![]() The Halloween car came about after Andy Gibb asked me last year if he could take a mould off my car because he wanted to build a replica of Stripteaser. This was all set up and the other week I took the body off and had it rubbed down ready. I decided that as it would not be done for a few weeks I would do a quick paintjob for the Halloween Bonfire Burn-Up. After a few thoughts and basic designs, I came upon the film theme with Michael Myers. I did a few searches on the net and came up with what I needed. ©Eurodragster.com My mate Jon Paine gave it a quick blow over with white paint which was left over from my van paint job. I cut out stencils and just used aerosols for the main parts, borrowed an air brush to do some of the detail work and, at the only cost for the whole lot (£5), bought some luminous paint to highlight the moon on the sides and the eyes on the pumpkins. I would like to thank Jon for all his hard work in prepping and painting the body, and the tins of black paint. He will be doing it all again when getting it ready for the new paintjob for next year. Thanks to Tuneup Autospares for the other colours and to Les at Tonypandy Motors for letting me do some of it during work hours. To all those at the weekend who asked me to keep it that way: I am tempted, but will think about it the beginning of next season. Now back to Andy and Stripteaser. Andy phoned me last week and has gone one better. As you saw yesterday he is now the owner of the real thing. I am really pleased it's back in the country and Andy said it should be out for next year, I am looking forward to it. Andy, I am not bothered at all about you not wanting to use the body now the old paintjob was getting really bad and needed re-doing anyway. Good luck with the new car. When you can't face the off-season... 31st October: Following a pretty dismal start to the season, UK Super Modified racer Rob Smallworth found that he had a spun rear main bearing. Rob originally decided to sit out the rest of 2007 but then given the length of the UK off-season he decided to run at the UK National Finals to see if anything needed to be done to his beautiful seven-second Chevy over the winter: In with assistance stepped Michael Wheatley, Managing Director of Steriliser Technical Services. STS LTD validate, service and provide breakdown cover for sterilizers and washer disinfectors within the NHS, Private Hospitals and Laboratories which require a second to none service. They are a company happy to provide knowledge and support for all makes and models. STS have been of great help to me over many years and can be contacted by mobile on 07801 957444 or in the office on 02476 387948 or by E-Mail at stsltd1@aol.com. ©Eurodragster.com Following a great job by ICE Automotive and, as usual, a last-minute thrash on my part, I managed to enter the National Finals. We arrived at the Pod still with quite a lot to do so many thanks to Barry Grimes and Jim McGhee. We got to the line for the first qualifier and pulled out a 7.71 off the trailer. After some tinkering we achieved a 7.69 to qualify second. In the first round, we ran a 7.65 but I redlit against Tim Garlick and that was it for the day. So, with the great help from Steriliser Technical Services, we go into the winter with some data and we are looking forward to the Super Modified Racers Association AGM on 17th November. Anyone wishing to attend the SMRA AGM should Chairman and 2007 Champion Andy Kirk at kirk.family@btconnect.com. Congratulations to Andy, Barbara and Lee on their win, and to everyone in Super Mod for making it such a great class to compete in. Swift snippets. 31st October: Congratulations to Zoe Sheard who has won our contest for a family ticket to Saturday's Flame and Thunder Show at Santa Pod Raceway. As did all but three entrants, Zoe correctly answered that Midland Oil is a sponsor of Urs Erbacher's Top Fuel Dragster, that John Spuffard went over 300 mph in the Showtime Fuel FC at the Easter Thunderball, and that Belinda Bear made headlines on a passenger ride in Freddy Fagerström's Top Methanol FC at the FIA European Finals. Thanks to everyone who entered the contest and a big Thank You to Santa Pod Raceway for putting up the prize. ©Eurodragster.com Elias Vathias tells us that Greek drag racer Dimitris Papadopoulos, who runs in the BT2 Aut class, has been on the Power Mag dyno recently and clocked 1095 hp and 96.7 kgr torque at 2.8 bar turbo boost. You can check out a video clip at www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YavLSNEJvE and Dimitris' career stats at www.greekdragster.com/database/drivers.php?Id=374. European Championship DVDs available. ![]() The two-disc set, featuring 220 minutes of FIA action and 120 minutes of FIM/UEM action, features all eight Championship classes and as well as the racing action includes interviews with the riders and drivers and previously-unseen footage giving viewers the chance to step into the world of preparation and methodical planning needed to come out on top as European Champions. As with last year's season review the DVD set will be available all around Europe from the following outlets: DENMARK Streetfire Promotion HJ Holstvej 4 2610 Rodover Denmark Tel: +45 23228018 Web: www.streetfire.nu E-Mail: holger@streetfire.nu FINLAND Finnish Hot Rod Association Tel: +358 (0) 9-2515 250 Fax: +358 (0) 9-2515 2515 Web: www.fhra.fi E-Mail: fhra@fhra.fi SWEDEN Iceman Sports Extreme AB Tel: +46 (0)36-40300 Web: www.iceman.se E-Mail: info@iceman.se and its network of traders which can be found on the Iceman web site. Mantorp Park 590 17 Mantorp Sweden Tel: +46 (0)142 298856 Fax: +46 (0)142 298869 Web: www.mantorppark.com E-Mail: jan.forslind@mantorppark.com Löven Racing AB Runebergsgatan 44 611 37 Nyköping Sweden Tel: +46 (0)155 287878 Fax: +46 (0)155 28 18 50 Web: www.lovenracing.com E-Mail: info@lovenracing.com Micke Kågered Racing Web: www.kagered-racing.com E-Mail: asa@kagered-racing.com ©Eurodragster.com SWITZERLAND Erbacher Merchandising Fat Attack Racing GmbH Talstrasse 82 CH- 4144 Arlesheim Switzerland Tel: +41 61 743 04 00 Fax: +41 61 743 04 01 Web: www.fatattack.ch E-Mail: bikes@fatattack.ch UK Santa Pod Raceway Airfield Road Podington Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN29 7XA England Tel: +44 (0)1234 782828 Fax: +44 (0)1234 782818 Web: www.santapod.com E-Mail: info@santapod.com European and worldwide DVD outlet trade enquiries are welcome and should be addressed to Kjell Pettersson at info@powerracing.eu. We will bring you a review of the DVD set shortly. Web site updates. ![]() ©Eurodragster.com Also updated from the Halloween Bonfire Burn-Up is the Shakespeare County Racers web site which you can find at www.shakespearecountyracers.com. Stripteaser comes home. ![]() "For the last year I'd been thinking of building a replica", Andrew told Eurodragster.com. "I was going to take a mould off Tony Smith's Cunning Plan and start again with a chromoly chassis. I had an engine sitting in my yard. But I posted on a French drag racing forum asking for information about the original car and had responses within forty eight hours - everyone was very helpful. "Last week we located the altered in St Étienne. Jean Louis Peyrard had owned it for ten years and he told me that the car was for sale at a very good price. It was important for me to get this car back home so last week I drove down to the south of France and picked it up." ©Eurodragster.com The altered is original from the chassis to the body and from the Jim Tester Jaguar engine to its Wolfrace front wheels and even the trim on the driving seat. "This car is unique because it can be put back as it was - you can't say that for many other cars of the era apart from Mister Six", said Bill Felstead of Fester Race Cars. "The build quality of this car is phenomenal - it was a real step forward in its day and still stands up now with a lot of nice touches, for example in the tinwork." The chassis will have to be replaced and the wheelbase extended by five inches to confirm to current rules but the original front axle, steering, motor and various brackets will be retained. "We aim to run in Pro ET at the 2008 Easter Thunderball", said Andy. "I have a £100 bet with Jeff Thurston that the car will be ready for that race." To assist in the restoration Andy and Bill would like to track down as much of the history of Stripteaser as possible, whether pictures, printed matter or anecdotes. If you can help then please drop us a line at eurodragster.com@btinternet.com and we will put you in touch. Eurodragster.com will be tracking the progress of the restoration through the off-season so stay tuned. Pictures courtesy and ©Sandie Gibb Betts sets the record straight. 30th October: UK Fuel Altered racer Tony Betts has been in touch to quash a few rumours doubtless prompted by the appearance of his Venom Racing AAFA on our Jeff Bull Race Engine and Performance Parts-sponsored Swap Meet. "I am in good health and am just winding down from a trip to the USA where Crew Chief Kevin Miller and I, along with our better halves, went to Bakersfield and Rockingham, where we were invited to join the Zizzo Top Fuel team by Mike Kern", says Tony. "I then went to Texas Motorplex where I had a tour of the facility from the Track Manager and then on to the Kennedale eighth mile track and finally back to Charlotte for the Goodguys street rod meeting. "I have met some great people like Mike Kern, Spike Gorr and Dave Settles along with a guy who offered me a great deal to build me a new Fuel Altered, along with input from people mentioned above. I will send pictures as and when. The deal includes my using my engine and trans along with the new truck and trailer, but that's it. ©Eurodragster.com "This is the reason for selling the car I raced for the last two years. It will be sold complete with fire system, complete back axle, body, wing and all the rest of the parts. This is a great car which goes straight. "We are also looking for a sponsor for the coming year. This is a great opportunity for someone to get maximum exposure for their company on our race car along with one of the nicest artic units in the UK, and a link on our web site at www.venomracing.co.uk. If you are interested then please E-Mail us via the web site or call me on 07768106795." Swift snippets. 30th October: UK Super Pro ET racer Chris Orthodoxou has been in touch to ask if any of our readers has digital video footage of his Dodge Viper in action. "The promoters of the Essen Motorshow, where the Viper will be on show in November, want footage to show on a giant screen behind the car", says Chris. "The problem is that the Viper is so quick that people are not managing to capture her on camera! Footage from any angle is welcome; burn-outs, launches, complete runs, finish line, parachute etc. It needs to be good quality and fairly close and clear. Sound is not so important, but would be a bonus". If you can help then please drop Chris a line at chris.orthodoxou@fluor.com or call 07710 609080. ©Eurodragster.com Web site updates. 30th October: Alan Currans writes with news of the latest update to his excellent Acceleration Archive. "Brian Taylor has added his October and November Blog detailing his latest researches for his book Crazy Horses which will chart the complete history of UK drag racing. Also added to the site today are 128 pictures taken trackside at Shakespeare County Raceway on the first day of their end-season Halloween Bonfire Burn-Up meeting. The weather was kind and there was some great action". You can access the new additions from the What's New page at www.theaccelerationarchive.co.uk. ©Eurodragster.com ![]() ![]() ![]() "Top Fuel is totally different from Pro Mod", Linda told Eurodragster.com. "It's difficult to describe Top Fuel. The Pro Mod was a car with doors, the engine was in the front, and I had to work real hard to get it down the track with the gear shifts too. In the Top Fueller you just hit the throttle and off you go!" Linda thinks that she might have a chance to beat Barry in front of his home crowd. "It's going to be fun to race Barry", she said. "He has a lot of experience but I think I can beat him. Even though I haven't had many runs in Top Fuel I have good experience myself with twelve years behind the wheel in Junior Dragster, Super Comp and Pro Mod." Linda is currently working to find sponsorship for the 2008 season. "I don't have any deals yet, but I want to keep on doing it next year", she said. ©Eurodragster.com Don't forget that a Family ticket to the Flame and Thunder Show, which will admit two adults and up to six children, is on offer in our Contest which closes at 23:50 UK tomorrow (Tuesday). For details of how to enter, check out the official contest page by clicking here or by clicking on the Flame & Thunder Show contest link on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster.com page. You can find out more about the Flame and Thunder Show, including provisional timetable and partial entry list of Saturday's drag racing demonstration riders and drivers, at Santa Pod Raceway's web site at www.santapod.co.uk/e_flame.php. Swift snippets. ![]() Tim and Diane Cooper have been in touch to ask us to send their best wishes to Turner Motorsport Top Methanol Dragster team member Steve Nelmes and his wife Karen on the arrival of their daughter Heidi, who was born yesterday morning (Sunday). No sooner said than done guys, our congratulations to Steve and Karen. ![]() Secondly Thank You to everyone who has been in touch with feedback about the improved Webster Race Engineering/MPM Oil webcam which made its début at the weekend. We still have some file upload issues to sort out but the increased picture size of 640x480 appears to have gone down well. If you missed out over the weekend then you can check out the last frame from yesterday by clicking here. Web site updates. 29th October: We have as promised posted a gallery from the weekend's Halloween Bonfire Burn-Up at Shakespeare County Raceway. You can check out Peter's shots, which are presented in association with American Car Imports by clicking here or by clicking on the Event Coverage link on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster.com page and selecting the Halloween Bonfire Burn-up. Peter's full gallery will be published on his own web site shortly. ©Eurodragster.com Swift snippets. 28th October: European Top Fuel Dragster Champion and Eurodragster.com News sponsor Urs Erbacher ended up in #15 spot in Top Fuel at the AC Delco Las Vegas NHRA Nationals with his 4.594/326.48 of Friday, and faces #2 qualifier Doug Kalitta in today's eliminations. You can stay in touch with Urs' progress on the Drag Race Central web site at www.dragracecentral.com or on NHRA's web site at www.nhra.com. ©Eurodragster.com Supplying a new sponsor. 26th October: We are very pleased to welcome Nitrous Oxide Supplies on board as a sponsor of Eurodragster.com News. Nitrous Oxide Supplies is the UK's only one-stop shop for the supply of Nitrous Oxide gas and associated products. Their diverse range of top flight products includes everything from the gas itself to cylinders, kits, spray bars, controllers and refill equipment. Nitrous Oxide Supplies is also one of the few companies in the country to offer refills by courier. Nitrous Oxide Supplies' services and products offer quality and suitability for every need, and new for 2007 the company lists kits from Wizards of NOS, Dynotune, Cold Fusion, Dei/Cryo2 and NOS. Coming soon, and new for 2008, will be full details of their UK-wide refiller network. ©Eurodragster.com You can check out full details of the products and services on offer on Nitrous Oxide Supplies' web site at www.nitrousoxidesupplies.co.uk or click on the logo at left. We would like to thank Si Barker of Nitrous Oxide Supplies for his support and we are particularly pleased to add to our sponsor roster yet another supplier of essential products and services to the racing community. If you need gas then you know what to do and tell them we sent you. Ready and waiting in Vegas. 26th October: Andrea Wucher has been in touch from Las Vegas where 2007 FIA European Top Fuel Dragster Champion and Eurodragster.com News sponsor Urs Erbacher opens his account at the AC Delco Las Vegas NHRA Nationals today (Friday). Andrea says that everyone is nervous but that they are looking forward to the weekend: We arrived at the race track on Wednesday and set up our pit. As we have only the dragster loaded we set up half of the normal pit space. There is enough room to work, but nowhere to party. I am a little bit worried. Wednesday and yesterday we were busy buying all sort of parts and liquids such as nitro, sprays, silicone etc. Now we are all stocked up and ready to go. The Tech inspection went OK and we fired up the car at 22:30 last night, the perfect time for Urs to get some nitro before he went to bed. Earlier on yesterday Urs was part of the NHRA fan event at Fremantle. A huge crowd was waiting for their heroes and queued up to get a signed hero card. Urs enjoyed it and he had a great time with the other Top Fuel and Funny Car drivers. ©Eurodragster.com Many European racers and fans visited us yesterday. Team Kågered and Jöran Persåker were here and Holly, our Crew Chief on the Junior Dragster, and her family have joined us. Without the support of our two Americans Wayne Dupuy and Rick Johnson it wouldn't have been possible to get through all the problems so fast. It started with passing Tech inspection and ended up with some tricks and tpps to speed up the turnarounds and make the dragster faster. To stay in touch with Urs' progress tune in to the Drag Race Central web site at www.dragracecentral.com or NHRA's web site at www.nhra.com, and we will of course bring you Andrea's updates as we receive them. Swift snippets. ![]() ©Eurodragster.com Santa Pod Raceway have been in touch to remind readers that there are just two Run What You Brungs left in 2007 season. "If you want to get your car or bike on the track one last time before it goes into its winter hibernation, make sure you're fuelled up and ready to go on either this Sunday (28th) or on Sunday 4th November, the day after Flame and Thunder Show (or both - Ed)", says Rick Cuthbert. More details at www.rwyb.com. UK Pro ET Sponsorship Co-ordinator Carl Burton has been in touch to ask us to say a big Thank You to Charles Pinion of Real Steel for sponsoring the trophies at the Christmas Pro ET bash and prizegiving. "Thanks to Charles, top bloke", says Carl. "Pro ET racers please remember to mention the Sponsorship Scheme when spending with our sponsors over the winter." Carolina Classics have a vacancy for an MoT tester/mechanic. Duties include repairs and servicing; wages are commensurate with experience and bonus offers on hot rodding and American car parts are a perk of the job. If you are in the Andover (Hampshire) UK area and are interested and qualifired then give Nigel Taylor a call on 01264 321170. To Hell and planning to come back. 26th October: UK Pro ET racer Marius Blackburn says that the Escape From Reality team have had the proverbial Season from Hell in 2007. "Rainouts, breakages, wrong bits many times, Crew Chief Chris Gray's illness leading to cancelled events, and finally a broken engine to pair up with the convertor we broke earlier in the year", says Marius. "Who said Pro ET was the greatest class to run in? Who? Oh, it was me! Hell yes. Thanks to everyone out there who offered encouragement, sympathy and wise comments...some of them even had something to do with drag racing! "We will be back some time. The Cleveland engine was beat up pretty bad: heads, pistons, eight cylinder liners and some other bits which had sentimental value as we had been using them for some time and you can't always do that when you run a Cleveland! ©Eurodragster.com "Thanks to our sponsors Malcolm at US Autocare (01493 752152); Alan at Engine Engineering (01493 442221); Bob Regis at a2z Web Design (01263 826005); John Mack Haulage Ltd, East Dereham, Norfolk (01362 691150); Milton Butchers, Grimston, Norfolk (01485 600216) for all your carnivorous needs; and Rachel's Childcare Services (07880 515905/01485 600920) for all your child care needs…but not at the Pod!" Feature: California Hot Rod Reunion. ![]() ©Eurodragster.com Roger's report and pictures cover not just the UK participants (Jerry Denning and Lee Pike, right) but every class contested at the CHRR. Click here to check out Roger's Feature, or click on the Features, Interviews, Tributes link on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster.com page. Swift snippets. ![]() ©Eurodragster.com Advance ticket bookings for the Flame and Thunder Show, which takes place at Santa Pod Raceway on Saturday 3rd November, close tomorrow (Friday). For more details and to book your tickets visit www.santapod.com or call 01234 782828. We have a couple of birthdays in the ranks of Pro racers today. Ladies first and it's a big Happy Birthday to our good friend Gittli Koller of German Top Methanol Dragster team Peter Schöfer Racing. Happy Birthday also to 2007 FIA European Top Fuel Dragster Champion and Eurodragster.com sponsor Urs Erbacher, currently in Las Vegas preparing to contest this weekend's NHRA National event. Hope that you both have a great day, guys. Jap Racer series reaches end... 24th October: This weekend's Halloween Bonfire Burn-Up is finals time for the season long Jap Racer series contested at Shakespeare County Raceway. Any one of four drivers could be driving home from the Warwickshire drag strip with the series title under their belt in the Front Wheel Drive and Unlimited Drive categories, writes SCR's Jerry Cookson. Expecting to take his first series win at the weekend is MGT Racing's Dean Buxton. After taking over the points lead from SMG Tuning's Steve Guiry after round three in June, Dean is going to be pushing his 2.7 Nissan R32 GTR hard all day long on Sunday for maximum and bonus points as will Steve and the RePerformance Centre's cop car look-a-like Skyline GTR32 of Team Tomlinson and Farrer. Its been a closely fought points battle in the Front Wheel Drive category between the Honda Civic of TDi North's Paul Jones and the CPL Racing/Opie Oils prepared Civics of Guy Chamberlain and Scott Whitelaw. But with Guy missing last month's penultimate round after his scary ride along the guardrails at Santa Pod Raceway in August the series is now a straightforward shootout between the 2.0 litre Civics of Jones and Whitelaw. The weekend also closes a chapter on the Jap Racer Day Series in its present format before the proposed new Pro Street Drag Series takes over next year. Shakespeare County Raceway would like to take this opportunity to thank all the drivers, crew members and enthusiasts who have signed up for the series and supported the rounds in its short period of time, and LA Racing Parts' Lee Child for coming up with the concept in the first place. ©Eurodragster.com ...at Halloween Bonfire Burn-Up. 25th October: There will also be plenty of spooky goings on at Shakespeare County Raceway this weekend when racers and fans will be bringing the curtain down on the 2007 season at the Halloween Bonfire Burn-up. As well as two days of Public Track Day RWYB, Sunday features the season long Shakespeare Street Car/Bike Challenge, held in association with lane sponsor Motorshack, to find the quickest and fastest street legal car or bike of the day in four categories - four, six and eight cylinder as well as street bike for trophies and product vouchers. This will be run on Sunday between 11.00 am and 3.00 pm. There will also be a trophy for the Best Burnout judged by the Race Control crew. The track will also be prepped both days. Sunday includes club participation from Kawasaki Triples, Pole Position.org, TB Developments and a special on-track shootout between members of Club Polo and the Renault Turbo Owners Club. Rocket Ronnie Picardo will be bringing along his Jet Truck Roaring Thunder to perform track drying and warm-up duties during the weekend, and provided mid-week tests have gone successfully, Carolynne Campbell is hoping that her rocket-powered dragster Laffin Gas will be in action on Sunday too. There will be a Saturday night bonfire and firework display sponsored and performed by Jade Racing, JJ Motorsports and SCR, disco, resident band Straight-Up, and fancy dress competitions for the children and adults in the Clubhouse Bar 'til late. SCR will also award a trophy and a weekend ticket for a 2008 event of their choice to the best dressed crew member in Halloween costume on the start line during the weekend. Admission to the Raceway is £10 Saturday, £10 Sunday, and £20 for the weekend. RWYB track fee is £20 per day for unlimited runs or £35 for the weekend. A valid DVLC licence must be presented at signing-on and a helmet is always recommended. The track opens, weather and track conditions permitting, between 10.00 am and 6.00 pm on Saturday and between 11.00 am and 5.00 pm on Sunday. You can find more details on the track's official web site at www.shakespearecountyraceway.co.uk. ©Eurodragster.com In association with American Car Imports Eurodragster.com will be posting Coverage Lite from this weekend's event. The Webster Race Engineering/MPM Oil webcam will be on-line on both Saturday and Sunday and will be scheduled to post a picture every sixty seconds. Peter will be providing a post-event Photo Gallery which will be posted on Monday. Don't blink! 25th October: Jeff Rainbird says that it seems an age since the old engine said "Enough" and work started on the new combination for UK Sportsman ET racer Martin Lewis' Nova Blaze: Keeping to the team's concept, stock parts only, the new combination should step the whole range of the engines output. The block was bored and the crank ground on all journals, the counterweights had to have some attention to clear as did the small ends on the rods. The piston crowns needed to be machined to get the crown desired. All the parts can be bought at the dealer. The car was rewired and was fired for the first time the Saturday before the UK National Finals. We did some bedding-in runs on a local piece of private road and everything was looking good except that Martin had a hard time keeping it straight due to wheel spin. I flew out to the USA on the Saturday morning of the Finals and left clear instructions how hard we needed to run the combination at this stage of bed-in. Martin kept the rpm 2000 down on the launch and the shift point was set 500 lower than we normally revved on the old engine. Out of the box, big red and big breakout. On the next three runs Martin had a handle on the Tree and dial-in but he did pedal the car twice on the last run but still went under on a 14.63. All of the runs showed up that the plugs were shutting down in the last 350 feet. Martin had the plugs to do the job but did not put them in, but still we got that elusive 90 mph. I will tear down the motor and inspect the parts, as well as making the upgrades to the chassis I have been planning for some time. I would like to apologise to both APIRA and SPRC for not having the car ready when the team had entered meetings, and to anyone who likes to see the car run, but it has been an engineering nightmare to get this motor together and taken a lot longer than I had ever dreamed it would. But these new numbers make it all worth while ©Eurodragster.com Congratulations to all the Championship winners, it's not as easy as some think it is. Thanks to all who don't get mentioned as without their time we would not be out on track having fun, however small the task they do to keep the tracks running. Massive thanks to Trevor Underhill and all at Tanker and General, Ron Knight, Colin and Babs and Pete from Team Greenfish for plugging in the distributor L/T lead (that's why it won't start Martin) and my wife for putting up with all the time I have spent getting this motor done. I can't wait for next season to start to see how far this combination will go. It has already gone well under what I said it would do taking it really easy. Don't blink you might miss us. Top Fuel Dragster seat available. ![]() "This is the car which Harlan Thompson drove in Bahrain", says Knut. "The car was built by Mats Eriksson in Sweden and has the latest of everything: setback blower, the latest Racepak computer and plenty of spare parts. I am looking for someone who knows what it takes to run with the top guys because as we all know 2008 is going to be a very tough year. This car has definitely got the stuff to do it. ©Eurodragster.com "The car has only four passes on it and is sitting ready for the right person. If you are serious then please contact me at knut@carbonbydesign.nu or call +46 42 54255 daytime or +46 70 296 4564 evenings." More flag-flying. 23rd October: German Top Methanol Dragster team Peter Schöfer Racing have been busy flying the flag for drag racing, writes team member Gittli Koller: Last weekend the car was on display at the annual Autumn show in our home town of Moosburg. This year was special because it snowed. It was so cold, but there were many spectators and people who had been following our racing season in the newspaper and on our web site. So we had fun. ©Eurodragster.com Yesterday we went to Wels, near Linz in Austria, for one of the biggest car shows, the PS-Show which usually attracts 30,000 people. There are always several race cars and unique cars from designers as well. There was our car, another dragster from Germany, and two bikes on display. Nicky's thanks. 23rd October: UK Pro ET racer Nicky Frost has been in touch to thank everyone who helped with her Money for Nuthin' Camaro this season: A very big thank you to John 'Jumping Black Flash' Atkinson, Matthew Atkinson and Chris Cresswell. I would not have been able to race at the European Finals or the UK National Finals without all their help and support. Matthew kindly took on the role of Crew Chief for these meetings as my husband Nick, normally my Crew Chief and mechanic, was unable to do so due to back problems. I would also like to thank my sponsors, who make it all possible. Mark at Rochford Tyres and Alloy Wheels, Graham at US Autos from Japan, and Redline Imports - their help and support is very much appreciated. ©Eurodragster.com Thank you to Carl Burton for all his hard work organising the Pro ET sponsorship scheme which consists of Motorshack, Metamorphosis Finance, Inkwell Printers, Penn Autos, A1 Motor Stores, Hauser Race Cars, Wisbech American Street and Performance, Toxico Clothing, Black Bear Harley Davidson, Alley Jax, Real Steel and Sandy Scooters, what a great class. Also to all the staff at Santa Pod who work tirelessly to hold such great race events and all at Eurodragster.com for all the great news and reports (Thanks - Ed). Congratulations to the 2007 Pro ET Championship winners Paul Baynton and Charlie Chivers, and to Steve 'Splinter' Nash and Mick Franklin on their well-deserved Real Steel Street Eliminator Championship win and ET record. Well done guys. More details on how my season progressed can be found on my web site at www.nfrostracing.com. Christmas gift press release #1. ![]() But don't worry, because Modernpics.co.uk have just released the must-have 2008 calendar. Measuring a massive 13.5" by 19" the calendar is sure to make a fitting addition to any room. Retailing at £15.00/$30.00/€21.49 the calendar features thirteen pieces of stunning artwork printed on canvas effect paper (click on picture for large version). Once 2008 is over and done with you can cut out the pictures and stick them on your wall for all eternity. Be quick though as only one thousand are going to be printed, so get yours from www.modernpics.co.uk/products before they're gone. ©Eurodragster.com Lehtimäki goes Top Fuel. 23rd October: Finnish Competition Eliminator racer Timo Lehtimäki is making a major step up in 2008. Finnish Hot Rod Association Head of Media Relations Jami Kakanen says that Timo has bought the former Lorentzon and Möller Top Fuel Dragster and will be licencing at the start of next season: The idea to step up has been there since the early 1990s, exactly one year before Paha-Paavali Poutiainen drove the legendary 5.0 at the Motopark. The last move came last summer at Mantorp Park, when Timo lost in Competition and said that the breaking was going to come to an end. There were plenty of options, such as an A/Fueller similar to Krister Johansson's Top Methanol Dragster, and somehow the time was right for a Top Fueller to arrive. The Lorentzon and Möller dragster was available and negotiations started at this year's DEFA Finals. The dragster has run 4.81/502 kmh, and has been bought turnkey. The 2008 season will start with licencing passes at Alastaro and the FHRA Nitro Nationals is definitely on the schedule. The rest of the season is still under development. If you are interested in supporting TIL-Racing in Top Fuel, then you can find contact information at www.til-racing.com. The FHRA (and Eurodragster.com - Ed) wishes Timo and his team good luck and congratulations on the Top Fuel Dragster. ©Eurodragster.com Sunday Street Wars 2. ![]() The track action was relentless with over a thousand runs in six hours from 225 drivers and riders, all gunning for the trophies sponsored by Street Toyz and Mike Lynch Photography. Not everybody was there for the trophies but to beat the other driver or rider in the next lane. 1800 spectators witnessed the sights and sounds of Dakota Drag Strip on a mild and sunny October day. Lee Andrews of Exeter purchased the quickest car from Sunday Street Wars event in June. The Chevy-powered green metalflake Fordson panel van was straight back into the sevens over the eighth mile earning Lee the Quickest Car and the Quickest RWD trophies. Richard Hann of Yeovil took Quickest Bike on his UK National Championship 9.50 Bike Suzuki Bandit. The modest Somerset rider also won the Quickest Japanese Bike award, but decided to give it to the second place man James Chamberlain. But one trophy was not enough for James so he destroyed his rear tyre to take the Best Burnout trophy. Anyone would have bet good money on a Honda Civic winning the Front Wheel Drive trophy as happened in June, but Chard based Paul Duckmanton of the 16V Mini Owners Club took the honours and the trophy for FWD category. Paul's ultra straight early 1970s Mini is Show and Go and ran a 9.37 over the eighth mile. When it was time for the trophy presentation, our sponsor Carrim of Street Toyz was in a state of semi shock that the Mini had won. The shock soon ended when Paul revealed what was shoehorned in the car, one Honda powerplant. Darren Lawrence aka Scoobydazza run 7.877/91.4 in the clean white Subaru Impreza. The Torquay based driver said "To be honest I could have done a much better time but I rushed the launch to make sure I beat matey next to me". Darren's one and only run was good enough for the 4WD trophy. A number of VW Bugs and buses attended Sunday Street Wars 2 to have a go at the Quickest Aircooled trophy. Paul Jones' black Beetle set the pace for the day and ended up with the trophy. Crowd favourite and rolling road Big Power Trophy winner Ian Powel entertained everybody with his Toyota Hilux pick-up truck. The supercharged V8 truck did some monster burnouts and Ian also won Best Appearing Car On Track from Street Toyz. ©Eurodragster.com The Show and Shine was just pure quality with some outstanding cars. Alex Buckley won the Best of Show and Shine with his awesome R32 Skyline. Yet again a member of the Tatsu car club bagged this trophy. Best Modified trophy was a clear winner with the judges, and their choice was Trever Young's black Subaru. Trever was over the moon with the win and commented later "It was the best day out for me all year, as it is the first time I have ever won anything". Toby Hall had a great time on the track with his VW split screen bus. The lowered bus looked so cool parked up and its condition was awesome, so good it took the Best Retro trophy. Yeovil-based ex-Fuel Altered crew member Mel Shave displayed his 1932 Roadster at Sunday Street Wars along with some other excellent street rods. The decision was a tough one but the best street rod trophy went to Mel. Long time street racer and Gary's International Doorslammer competitor Beavis Allen showed that his '59 Chevy Impala is Show and Go. Beavis won the Best Classic trophy and took some win lights in his road-going ocean liner. The next Sunday Street Wars is on Sunday 4th November; for more details check out www.streetnights.com. If you're interested in advertising or sponsorship at Dakota Drag Strip contact Lee on 01803 554308. Stay tuned to Eurodragster.com this week for more news from Sunday Street Wars. Swift snippets. ![]() Meanwhile Filippos Papafilippou is racing his Chevy Camaro at the World Street Nationals in Orlanda with LENOE President Andreas Papadopoulos and Greek Championship racer Makis Nefrem are accompanying him, and Andreas promises us news of Fil's progress soon. ©Eurodragster.com Bob Roberts of Eurodragster.com Home and News sponsor Andy Robinson Race Cars tells us that you can find out all about the black Mustang, which our Reserve Photographer Peter Donaldson noted at the recent Saturday Night Special at Santa Pod Raceway, by following the What's New link at www.robinson-race-cars.co.uk. Flying the flag in Stafford. ![]() The magnitude of some of the machines of the distant past firing up in the mock Grand Prix paddock was truly amazing with the distinctive aroma of Castrol R wafting through the warm autumn air. Legends included eight time world Grand Prix champion Phil Hill, road racer Tommy Robb and Superbike legends Roger Marshall and Graeme Crosby, an autograph hunters delight. Drag racing was well represented with a central display of machines provided by Jade Racing and Tim Blakemore Racing. The crew at TBR down in Bristol brought along Tim's six-second factory-backed Kawasaki Funny Bike still bearing the battle scars from the National Finals when the engine let go in the biggest way possible. At least it gave show onlookers something to look while at the same time showing them the forces these engines are placed under in a short period of time. Wendy Clutterbuck's Fuel Harley caught quite a few people's imagination although talking with dad Steve, Wendy now has designs on getting his former fuel Harley back out on to the strip for 2008. In another progression in promoting the Junior Drag Bike concept, three bikes were on display which included Tyler Clutterbuck's mini fuel bike replica, Jordan Bissell's Andover Hyperformance sponsored bike (right) and twice champ Scott Collier's Junior Jade. Alongside his world record holding RD 400 bike Jerry Collier had on display for the first time his 1600cc With the Suzuki TL1000 based Pro Stocker in virginal white bodywork and looking for paint and a sponsor next year. With the Kawasaki Triples Club now heavily into drag racing in a real big way at Shakespeare County Raceway their show theme stretched to a mini drag strip layout complete with lights and aptly named Stafford Dragway! Of no less that nine street and strip bikes, the centre of attraction was Gary Clarke's American imported H2 which was formerly ridden by Bill Baxter. In fact while his clubmates were at the show news began to filter through that Gary , while on holiday in Oklahoma, had run his first ever nine-second pass on a borrowed Kawasaki - 9.98/139, four tenths off the previous owner's best times - while running at a PMRA event at Thunder Valley Raceway Park. Club magazine editor Malcolm Anderson brought along his rapid 1975 H2C machine which was purchased as a non standard road bike. Malcolm has so far been consistently the quickest and fastest rider all season with mid twelves at 113 mph. ©Eurodragster.com Landing another sponsor. 22nd October: We are very pleased to welcome Florida Land and Property Sales on board as a sponsor of Eurodragster.com News. Florida Land and Property Sales is a venture involving UK Super Comp racer Brian Pateman. "I have a partnership with a realtor in Port St Lucie on the east coast of Florida, who has been taking care of my long term rental house for the last three years", says Brian. "He has brought to my attention some amazing bargains in land and property available right now because of the recent market correction in the US. Chuck has been in the business for over thirty years and is of the opinion that now is a great time to buy in the area, especially land, as you can buy a quarter acre building lot for only $35,000. They don't make land any more! ©Eurodragster.com "If you would like more details, go to www.floridaland.org.uk or call me in the evening on 01702 343401." We would like to thank Brian for his support and wish him every success with his business. We never cease to be amazed at the range of services available via our sponsors - the way things are going, our readers will soon never have to go anywhere else for anything. If you're interested in investing in Florida then please check out Brian's web site by clicking on the logo at left and don't forget to tell him we sent you. Flame & Thunder family ticket to be won! 22nd October: Eurodragster.com has again teamed up with Santa Pod Raceway to offer one lucky reader a family ticket to the Flame and Thunder Show at Santa Pod Raceway on Saturday 3rd November. The family ticket admits two adults and up to six under-sixteens. ![]() For your chance to win the Flame and Thunder Show family ticket, simply answer the three questions below. The answers can all be found somewhere on Eurodragster.com if you don't know them already. Question A: Which oil company sponsors 2007 FIA European Top Fuel Dragster Champion Urs Erbacher?
©Eurodragster.com Simply send an E-Mail to eurodragster.win@btinternet.com giving:
For more details including the Contest rules, check out its official page by clicking here or by clicking on the Flame & Thunder Show Contest link on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster.com page. Swift snippets. ![]() ©Eurodragster.com ![]() PMR Monza for hire. 22nd October: Paul Marston tells us that Paul Marston Racing's Whoopass Monza, which took the Super Gas win at the UK National Finals, will be available to race next season. "It goes without saying that this is an awesomely competitive race car, garnering a number one qualifier and two final round appearances over the last three events", says Paul. "It flat out wins races, with a good driver of course. ©Eurodragster.com "We are inviting enquiries from any driver who would be interested in driving the Whoopass Monza for the 2008 season. This is a serious piece of kit so a rookie driver would naturally have to undergo training courses through the Paul Marston Racing Drag Race Driving School. Our rates are very attractive and when everything is taken into consideration offer outstanding value for money, plus all the competitive advantages enjoyed by being part of a large team. "The Whoopass Monza can compete in Super Street, Super Gas, Super Comp, Pro ET and Super Pro ET. It can also double-class and remain competitive without a problem, its recent record is testament to that. "For further details please contact us by E-Mail at office@pmracing.fsnet.co.uk or check out our web site." Ljungberg takes the prize. ![]() Jan competes in Bracket with his 1963 Chrysler Valiant. During 2007 he attended five events, three of which were the Nordtrafik Bracket Cup in which Jan ended up in fifteenth place. Tezzii of Eurodragsternorth.com tells us that Jan doesn't think that next year will be any easier with the new helmet but that his old lid was not nearly as nice as this one. To register your details check out www.eurodragsternorth.com. ©Eurodragster.com Swift snippets. ![]() ©Eurodragster.com UK Rocket Dragster pilot Carolynne Campbell tells us that rocketry fans will be interested to hear that rocket legend Ky Michaelson has released a biography including a lot of information about his rocket cars. You can order Ky's book at www.the-rocketman.com/content12.html. Web site updates. 21st October: In the latest entry in his exclusive Racer Blog, Dutch Top Fuel Dragster racer Lex Joon talks about the need for a new trailer and looks forward to his forthcoming trip to the USA where he and Gerda will take in The Strip at Las Vegas, the SEMA Show, and Pomona. You can read Lex's Blog by clicking here or by clicking on the Racer Blog link on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster.com page. ©Eurodragster.com The official web site of UK Super Gas and Junior Dragster team Panther Racing UK has been updated with the team's racing tales from the 2007 season, which you can check out by following the Results and Reviews link at www.pantherracinguk.com. Team PR Wayne Corbitt tells us that the site will be updated over the off-season so keep checking back. 2007 – A year to remember? ![]() Paul's been in touch to offer his take on things for the wet, sometimes frustrating and always challenging 2007 season: The season's excellent achievements have only just sank in, a third consecutive Ultimate Power Drag Racing Championship and the UK Super Comp Championship. I was absolutely focussed and determined to make 2007 my year. I remember painfully the disappointing end of season result from 2006 where I missed out on the Championship by 120 points. An administrative error in my entry for the Easter Thunderball had meant that I wasn't eligible for the 200-point bonus… costing me my first National title. I was gutted. This just made me concentrate all the more on putting the building blocks into place during the 2007 pre-season. Late nights on the car, parts shipped from the States, burning the midnight oil, reviewing the data from all the 2006 events – oh yes, and the odd apology to my extremely understanding wife Julie. The Easter Thunderball was to prove to be a settling-in race for me and the Trans Am, finishing out of the top spots but still getting 470 points for my efforts. It was just a matter of trying too hard, too keen to get back into it after what seemed like an eternity in the off season. ©Eurodragster.com With a couple of wash outs at the Springspeed Festival and The Main Event it was always going to be difficult to make up the points, but determination was just what I needed to secure an event win at the Open Sports Nationals and on to win a third consecutive Ultimate Power Championship. The car was running really well, consistently and reliably – exactly what the doctor ordered. Winning ways were to continue with a hard fought place in the last two at the European Finals and at that stage I could almost taste it – the Nationals were in sight and so long as there was no drama, the car continued to perform and I didn't do anything stupid, my first National title was in the bag. The National Finals wasn't to be my best performance of the season, but after qualifying and a couple of rounds under my belt, the title was mine. Brilliant, I was overjoyed, I was wandering around the pits like a Cheshire Cat, beaming from ear to ear and would like to take this opportunity to say a few well deserved thank yous. Firstly and most importantly, to my wife Julie, 2007 is our Silver Wedding Anniversary year. Whatever I've needed to do with drag racing, Julie's been at my side working as hard as me and has always, always, always given me 100% support. A special thank you to Bean (aka Ian Neal) – my faithful crew man - for all his hard work and dedication. Ian has clearly played a major part in the Team's success. Next up are my fellow Super Comp racers – you've been great! And finally, those people that have faith enough to put their company's name and logo to the car and the team and are happy to be associated with Paul Knight Racing. They are Steve Wood of Motorshack, the crew at VP Racing Fuels and Les Downey of Lucas Oil Products – these people have made my success possible with their support and fantastic products. Orlando blooms for PMR. 20th October: Paul Marston is on a fact finding trip to see our American cousins in Florida (it's a tough life sometimes) and here is his account: After a long, wet but ultimately successful UK Drag Racing season, it's time to go visit sponsors, negotiate deals and order parts for Paul Marston Racing. Whilst that is at the top of the agenda, there should also be time for a little bit of R & R along the way. And then there is the road trip. We will be taking in the remaining Divisional Event for Division 2 19th–21st October at Silver Dollar Raceway in Georgia, where I will once again be crewing for alcohol carburettor specialist, bracket racing, throttlestop and racecraft professor, our very good friend, Ex Pat Tony Morris. This trip will also give me the opportunity to spend time with Tony's new racing partner Mike from Mixed Nuts Racing. Both drivers race Dragsters in Super Comp and Super Pro at events throughout Florida and the southern states. Two weeks in the US is just the most fantastic way to spend a vacation, you see so many good friends again and have so much fun at the same time; its hard work and a tight schedule but worth it. It always kicks off with lunch the first day with everyone at BLP where Jo Hilerio, Tony Morris, Mike, Chuck, Cindy and everyone else just makes you feel so welcome; you just know you have arrived at your home from home. ©Eurodragster.com I will be on a fact finding mission, looking at the set-ups, throttle stops, weather stations, shifter programmes, etc, used by the more successful racers in an effort to improve our team's competitiveness for the 08 season. With the level of competition you now see in England you simply cannot stand still and remain competitive. I am also looking forward to seeing how Top Sportsman has progressed this year as a full NHRA Class. Top Sportsman is a heads up doorslammer class where you have to qualify 7.99 or faster to make the field. There is a heads up eliminator Saturday night followed by a Sportsman Tree Bracket race with electronics permitted on the Sunday, the best of both worlds you might say and plenty of track time. I will be catching up with a veritable who's who of sportsman drag racers, champion in Super Comp and Super Stock more times than he can remember Edmond Richardson, national event winners Steve and Ro Deatherage, national event winner Dave Hartman of Hartbeat Racing Engines, double national event winner Tim and April Hutcherson, many time Divisional Super Street champion Mike Ruff and all the racers from Division 2. After the Silver Dollar Raceway event there is a trip to Gainesville for a big money bracket race and to see former Division 2 Super Comp champion Vic Fera who will be competing in Super Pro. Then back to Orlando later that week for a visit to Sunshine Dragstrip for some mid-week bracket racing then the big one, the lunacy that is Speedworld Dragway's 2007 Real World Street Nationals on 25-27 October. I will hopefully send back some reports over the following two weeks in particular about Top Sportsman. 8.90 Bike Bike class mooted. 20th October: UK 9.50 Bike Champion Chris Jones says that there has been a lot of discussion at the track this year about running an additional 8.90 Bike class alongside the existing 9.50 bracket. "An informal pit side ballot showed considerable interest", he said. "The detailed pros and cons have been considered at the track although it is at too early a stage to be brought before the UK drag racing tech committee. ©Eurodragster.com He continued "If racers do support the concept of an additional 8.90 class bracket to run with the same rules as 9.50 would they e mail chrisj1100@hotmail.com or Paul Watson at DSD Developments to enable the level of support to be gauged. It is emphasised that any application would be to run this class in addition to 9.50." New FHRA media head. 20th October: Our good friend Hannele Hoylen has been in touch to announce that FHRA's new head of media relations is Jami Kananen, better known as an announcer at Drag Race events in Finland. Hanski said "First of all Jami is going to improve relations with all Finnish media, including newspapers, magazines, television and radio. His work will also be to deliver more information from the FHRA." So, if you have anything to inform to the Finnish media about drag racing, Jami's email address is jami.kananen@fhra.fi. ©Eurodragster.com The FHRA will be setting sail for its prize giving ceremony on a cruise this weekend with trophy presentations to Finnish Champions and cup winners. Magazine update. 20th October: The November 2007 issue of American Car World magazine has a five page feature on the trusty Plymouth 'Cuda of Chris Orthodoxou. Chrissy O says "I've owned her since 1982 and won numerous bracket racing trophies with her in the mid nineties. She was also fastest in 'King of Street' at the 2005 Mopar Nationals with an 11.31/120 run. Not bad for a 4000lb barge on the original leaf springs and shocks." ©Eurodragster.com Also included are features on Real Steel Street Eliminator round 6, and a certain 2005 Mustang getting a 1000hp going-over at Robinson Race Cars. American Car World is available at all good newsagents at £3.60. Web site updates. 20th October: The web site of UK Super Comp racer and race car constructor Chris Isaacs at www.chris-isaacs.com is now fully updated with the latest information about what has been happening in his shop and he promises us will now be updated regularly. Hot foot for Stafford. 19th October: Fire up that bike and point your wheels to the Stafford County Showground this weekend for the most unmissable classic motorcycle show on the calendar. It's the 14th year of the Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Show and drag bikes are going to feature, writes Shakespeare County Raceway's Jerry Cookson. Amongst a mouth watering presentation of some of the world's respected classic and vintage bikes, the club stands promise some scintillating displays include a special drag bike display laid on by Jerry Collier's Jade Racing, Tim Blakemore Racing and Shakespeare County Raceway. Included in the display will be Jade's world record holding RD400 and Jerry's ACU Championship bound Suzuki Pro Stocker. From the Tim Blakemore stable comes Tim's six second Kawasaki Funny Bike and Wendy Clutterbuck's fuel burning Harley. The Junior Drag Bike series will be represented by two-time champion Scott Collier, Tyler Clutterbuck and Jordan Bissell. Jade Racing will also be making several stage appearances promoting both Junior Drag Bike and the ACU UK Championship. ©Eurodragster.com The renowned Classic Racer magazine will also be taking on a more prominent role at the show with the first ever Classic Racer Grand Prix Paddock with an atmosphere of a real GP paddock, and many of the iconic machines on display like Mick Grant's GSXR750 and the factory Suzukis of Barry Sheene and Randy Mamola will be started over the weekend. The show features five halls of classic bike clubs, trade stands and displays, a huge outside auto jumble, the famous Wall of Death and Bonham's auction. The show opens from 9.00 am each day. For further information about the show, visit www.classicbikeshows.com. Donny Show Returns. 19th October:The National Custom & Sports Car Show returns to Doncaster Race Course, Leger Way, Doncaster this weekend following a break during extensive refurbishments to the site. As well as stunning show cars and bikes from throughout the UK and Europe, the ‘Winter Warmer' features a Best In Show competition, stunning main arena entertainment, exhibitions of the latest accessories and suppliers, club displays, and a huge autojumble. The doors open at 9:30am both days and tickets are £10 for adults, £5 for children aged 3 to 13 and £7.50 for senior citizens. Organisers Live Promotions say to avoid Bawtry Road and use A1 M18 instead due to roadworks. Further details can be found at www.customcarshow.co.uk. Swift snippets. 19th October:Super Comp and Super Gas racer Brian Pateman has been in touch to say that owing to his Pontiac Firebird breaking a lifter and damaging the block, he wasn't able to attend the National Finals. He adds "I have a shed load of Pontiac spares for sale if anyone needs anything as a Chevy motor is going in now." Web site updates. 19th October:Nick Fitt, who drives a 2005 Mustang GT in the NSCC under the banner Lazy Racing, has launched a new web site www.streetandstrip.co.uk. The home page states it is "a site dedicated to the sportsman drag racer, hot rodder or muscle car fan, bench racer and all round gearhead, a forum to speak out or support, share ideas and hopefully have a bit of a laugh..." Final UK, SPRC Championship points. 18th October: Many thanks to Yvonne Tramm and our very own Simon for forwarding us the final standings in the 2007 UK National Drag Racing Championships, and to Yvonne for additionally forwarding the final standings in the 2007 Santa Pod Racers Club Championships. "My congratulations to all the winners", says Yvonne. ©Eurodragster.com You can see both sets of points on our Simpson Race Products-sponsored points standings page by clicking here or by clicking on the Points Standings link on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster.com page. If you do not see the final points when you load a page then please either click on your Browser's Refresh button or hold down the Ctrl key and press r rather than sending us a worried E-Mail. Getting things Straight at SCR. ![]() Taking advantage of the fully prepped track on Sunday, Super Street rider and Big CC Racing team member Sean Mills blasted his 1300 cc Suzuki Hayabusa Turbo to a couple of creditable low eight second times of 8.208 and 8.186 before eventually finishing off the day with a stunning 8.048/185.45 to set a new track record for the Straightliner class. Second quickest on a similar turbocharged 1300cc Busa (formerly ridden by Sean) was Ian Cotton with a day's best of 8.110 at 182.71 followed by Phil Wood's close 8.171/183.31. Putting in a staggering thirty four runs over the two day weekend was the Kawasaki ZZR1100 machine of Richard Warlow resulting in a best of 9.788/141.13. It was another busy day of Run What You Brung action too with an interesting mix of cars taking part in the track's popular Challenges for the quickest four, six and eight cylinder cars in association with lane sponsor Motorshack. Taking the four cylinder category back to the West Midlands was Big Fud's 2.5 Subaru Impreza with a time of 11.761/118.28. Runner up was another Subaru, this time the 2.2 version of Craig Mewitt at 12.907/108.26. The day's quickest six cylinder was Terry Wilson's 2.8 Nissan Skyline GTR at 11.934/120.44 while the quickest eight went to Roger Luty's Oldsmobile 442 with a 10.456/127.41. Unfortunately Roger holed the bottom of the sump exiting the finish line traps on his next run, ending his day there and then. From the assembled turnout of National Street Car Challenge drivers, Andy Hadfield's 400ci Chevy T was officially the quickest timed driver at 10.606/134.64 followed by newly crowned Series champ John Osborne at 10.803/126.47 from his 427 ci Chevy powered '61 Ford 100 E. The next SCR Challenge takes place on Sunday 28th October at the Halloween Bonfire Burn-Up. Picture courtesy and ©Dave Derry ©Eurodragster.com 2007 UK Junior Drag Bike review. ![]() The opening round of the 2007 season got underway at Shakespeare County Raceway's Springspeed Nationals, round two of the UK National Championships. With four teams contesting the round, qualifying over the two day period was always going to be tight. Eventually, the top honour went to defending Champ Scott Collier taking his 50 cc Yamaha Junior Jade machine to a creditable 13.252 over the eighth against his 13.2 dial-in. Giselle Moor took her 125cc Yamaha Majestic into second (12.705) followed by the Honda 125 single cylinder four stroke Pro Mod bike of Jake Carruthers (12.761) and Tyler Clutterbuck (13.681). Sadly for the teams, after two excellent days of racing and sun, the weather took a turn for the worst with only a very few first rounds of eliminations being run. Fortunately, Junior Drag Bike was one of them with both Scott and Giselle taking the round wins; 13.28/47.67 on a 12.90 dial and 13.01/54.15 on a 12.30 dial respectively. Both were competition singles to the final. Round two of the series saw two teams returning to the track in May for a two-day Public Track Day Street Car event, Scott Collier and Jake Carruthers . With qualifying and eliminations completed in a matter of hours it was young Jake who rode his Honda Pro Mod machine to the winner's circle where the trophies were presented by Laffin-Gas rocket car driver Carolynn Campbell. Best times and speeds were 11.863/55.90 in favour of Jake and a 12.954/48.39 for Scott. In amongst loads and loads of Minis were four Junior Drag Bike teams contesting round three at the British Mini Showdown sponsored by lane sponsors Motorshack. Again, qualifying was going to be tight with Scott and new kid on the block Jordan Bissell riding his Yamaha 50 cc Areox fighting it out for the number one spot. In the end it was Jordan by mere fractions of a second. Second was Scott on his last qualifier of 13.214 on a 13.15 dial, third was the 125cc Yamaha of Giselle Moor with a 12.800 second time and Tyler was in number four spot. With qualifying conducted in summery conditions, overnight it turned very sour indeed with everyone waking up at three in the morning to the sound of heavy rain which didn't clear until well into the afternoon signalling the end of the weekend. However, even though there were no winners as such, Motorshack proprietor Steve Wood was kind enough to present the trophies to the round's two quickest qualifiers, Jordan and Scott. With such a long wait between rounds everyone was praying for fine weather for SCR's Open Sport Nationals which was duly rewarded with three excellent days of qualifying and racing. Topping the timing sheets was Giselle with a 12.341 on a 13.30 dial followed by Jordan's 14.581 (14.450), Scott with a 13.138 (13.00) and Tyler 10.972 (10.75). Round one commenced with Tyler taking out Giselle at the top end with an 11.081/57.54 to a losing 12.532/52.20 while Scott's 13.312 on his 13.30 index put paid to Jordan's 14.595. In the final run-off it was Tyler taking the round points with Junior Jade Scott coming in runner up. So the Championship ends with Scott Collier retaining his JB1 plate, Tyler Clutterbuck second, Giselle Moor third, Jake Carruthers fourth and rookie Jordan Bissell coming in as JB5. Thanks to all the people who helped Junior Bike this year, first of all Julia Willcox, Jerry Cookson and everyone at Shakespeare County Raceway, Dave and Charlotte Beck for sponsoring the class, Steve Wood at Motorshack, Stephen Wexler at Eclipse Photos, Carl at Turnertech for his help and commitment to the Junior Drag Bike web site at www.juniordragbike.co.uk for the last few years, and to Ozzy at WTD for stepping into Carl's shoes and carrying on the great work for us. Last but most importantly, a huge Thank You to all the riders and parents for making this such a great racing and fun year. ©Eurodragster.com Swift snippets. 18th October: UK Supertwin teams are reminded to check out the National Association of Supertwins web site at www.supertwins.co.uk for the agenda for the NAST AGM in November. Any additional items for the agenda should be forwarded by Saturday. ©Eurodragster.com Enter the Mad Scientist. ![]() VP's Q16, VP113, M5, Rally Plus and U4.2 race fuel products for drag, circle track and powersports applications led the field in New Product categories for 2007, but Burns is not done yet. To recognize Burns' influence on race fuel development and alert consumers that there are bigger and better things to come in 2008, VP has released the "Mad Scientist - Must Make More POWER!" T-Shirt. Supplies are on the water to VP's European distributors. Check out www.vpracingfuels.com for more information. ©Eurodragster.com Web site updates. 18th October: Paul Lister has updated his Drag Car Anon photo site with pictures from the FIA European Finals. You can find Paul's shots by following the Finals 3 link at www.dragcaranon.co.uk. ©Eurodragster.com Ready to make an entry. 17th October: 2007 FIA European Top Fuel Dragster Champion and Eurodragster.com News sponsor Urs Erbacher's dragster has arrived in the United States on its way to contest the AC Delco NHRA Nationals in Las Vegas. Team member Andrea Wucher has been in touch with her first update on the Fat Attack team's progress: Wini picked up the truck and cleared customs yesterday. His first ride on the US highway will take him to Bob Hansen to update the chassis according to the current NHRA regulations. There are just some small adjustments to make as we updated the chassis as far as possible at the beginning of this season. Urs and the rest of the crew are still in Switzerland. We will leave on Friday for Los Angeles where we will get some sleep and then drive up to Las Vegas on Saturday. If you think that we will have some days off before the race to enjoy life in the city which never sleeps then you are wrong. We have a packed programme. Our film team from The Gamma Project will join us at Los Angeles Airport and they have prepared many special takes for us, from riding into Las Vegas in some old-style convertibles to a ride on the Stratosphere Big Shot to a special publicity events at some of Las Vegas' most rocking places. ©Eurodragster.com Many European racers offered us their support: thank you very much for all the kind offers and thoughts. We really need the support from the grandstands as we know that we are just the strange guys coming over from Europe. But we will do our best to promote European drag racing at its best. With the support of an experienced and up to date NHRA Top Fuel tuner and an experienced Top Fuel mechanic from the US we are ready to take the challenge. And there will be a lot of challenges waiting for us. Driving low numbers is one thing, but short turnround times and a very professional and unforgiving race operation is another thing. We will see how things work out. The whole Erbacher Top Fuel crew will be in the USA reinforced by Dario from the Supertwin team. To get the latest updates on qualifying and the race, tune in to NHRA.com. We will send regular team updates to Eurodragster.com so that you are always up to date with what happened between runs and off track. And as you know with the Erbacher team there is always a lot happening off the track. Swift snippets. 17th October: Elias Vathias tells us that this weekend's fifth round of the ELPA Greek Championship has been postponed due to a bad weather forecast. A new date will be announced in due course. ©Eurodragster.com Gittli Koller has been in touch to ask us to say a big Happy 40th Birthday to Turner Motorsport Crew Chief and UK driver Steve Turner. No sooner said than done, have a great day Steve. Mick Franklin would be pleased to hear from any Eurodragster.com reader with pictures of the Wildcat Cougar which he co-owns with Steve Nash and which runs in Real Steel Street Eliminator. The pictures will be used to help to find funding for 2008 as Mick says that his wife put his wallet in the washing machine and it shrunk. If you can help then please drop Mick a line at mick@msfranklin.fsnet.co.uk. Osborne takes NSCC. ![]() John started the day with a nominal points lead over Nick Gunby's Ford Mustang but either one of the drivers could have taken victory. When they came head to head at the start line it was certainly to be the grudge race of the season. Nick pulled out a tremendous holeshot and his 347 ci Fox-bodied Ford hooked up superbly and rocketed off up the track, leaving the 427 ci Chevy-powered 100E with over a car length to make up. At half track the 100E was clawing back ground but there was a long way to go...until Nick shifted for third and pulled the gear knob off the stick! The 100E took the beams first with an 11.0 and with them the Challenge title for 2007. Nick was the first to congratulate John back in the pits, so quick to get out of his car that he still had the offending article in his hand! John's car has evolved from a two-litre Pinto-powered rod into the stroker Small Block-powered Pro Streeter that it is today. John and wife Christine have been taking part in the Challenge, run by HotRod Gazette magazine and John Sleath Race Cars, for many years and have always figured prominently. This victory was seen by everybody as well-deserved after such a great year, with John even scoring points for taking his ten-second car on a fifty-mile cruise over Kirkstone Pass in the Lake District. The Challenge has been running for eleven years now and was started to give hot rodders a chance to get into cheap, grass-roots drag racing whilst also reaping the rewards of driving to the cruises and shows that they all enjoy. For more information on the series, including a complete list of the final points standings, visit www.hotrodgazette.com. ©Eurodragster.com Catching up with the spies. 16th October: Our two sets of spy pictures in the last few days generated a flurry of E-Mails from fellow racers, all of which were completely correct, and in a couple of cases we heard from the racers involved. First up was Friday's mystery Pro Mod which turns out to be the new ride of former Super Modified racer Steve Rawlings, currently undergoing construction at Eurodragster.com Home and News sponsor Andy Robinson Race Cars. Steve tells us that the 1963 split window Corvette features a Suncoast Performance body, latest design Robinson Race Cars twin-rail chromoly 25.1E Pro Mod chassis, Mark Williams 9.5" modular full floater rear axle, Strange spindle mount front struts, ARE front wheels and 16" Weld beadlocks on the rear. The engine is a 526 blown hemi which was formerly the Texas BigBird powerplant, and the clutch is "A very nice Crower item from a certain retiring Camaro as is the three-speed air-shifted CS2 Lenco". Steve promises more information soon. ©Eurodragster.com Sunday's nice pair turns out to be the new ride of UK Super Pro ET racer Martyn Jones, and the new engine residing in fellow Super Pro ET racer Steve Johnson's dragster. If you would like to send your own spy pictures, or indeed legitimately acquired pictures, or general workshop updates then drop us a line at eurodragster.com@btinternet.com. Swift snippets. 16th October: Jan Phersson of Sweden's Simpson Shop tells us that he has had a number of enquiries from racers regarding the latest Top Fuel Dragster and Funny Car driver restraint systems such as the new seven-point harness. Jan has sent some details and prices which you can check out by clicking here. ©Eurodragster.com Despite our frequent entreaties about this sort of thing it came too late to be posted yesterday, so a slightly belated Happy Birthday for yesterday to Santa Pod Racers Club official Carole Ismail. Hope that you had a great day Carole. Worth the wait... ![]() After a small altercation with a Skoda en route, the omens were all bad. On Saturday morning there were more bad omens with the weather looking grim. Luckily things were about to change, and it was all good from here on in. The first pass of the day was a shakedown pass by Dave on the freshened Bull motor, which netted a 9.7 without much effort and only in shakedown mode. The next pass was made in the dark, a first for Dave, and a trouser rumbler for sure. At 140 mph in pitch dark - Coco doesn't run any front lights - this pass was surely the biggest adrenalin rush as Coco blasted off into a dark oblivion. The unlit return road was an experience, tentatively feeling the way back to the pits without turning Coco into an off-roader. Not only was the biggest rush ever, this pass in the denser cooler evening air netted a best for both Dave and Coco with a 9.30. ©Eurodragster.com On Sunday, Vicky signed on to race Coco. Vicky has run a nine in her Nova, but had never driven Coco. On her first pass she pulled a 9.8 straight out of the bag. Coco has always been a clockwork nine-second car, and for Vix a nine came in the first run...Vix isn't frightened of planting her foot firmly to the floor though (Who is - soon-to-be-driving Ed). The next pass was another new Personal Best for Vicky, with a 9.4. This was the last outing for Never Again Racing this year and the best fun of the season by all accounts, with two new PBs and a chance to let Coco stretch its low nine-second legs. Web site updates. ![]() ©Eurodragster.com Feature: Belinda and Jeff Bull. 15th October: For the latest in our occasional series of Features in association with John Woolfe Racing Peter caught up with UK Super Comp racer Belinda Bull and husband, engine builder, performance part supplier and Eurodragster.com Swap Meet sponsor Jeff Bull. ©Eurodragster.com Peter asked Belinda and Jeff about their racing careers, the history of Jeff's engine building business, juggling racing and day jobs, and more. You can check out the feature by clicking here or by clicking on the Features, Interviews, Tributes link on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster.com page. The groove - who needs it. ![]() The California sunshine finally arrived and in form too, from 8.30 am the sun was baking and there was no doubt that we certainly were nowhere near Santa Pod! The bolt scrounge had gone well as Richie Walters had managed to get one from one of the Fuel Funny Car guys and at 9:00 am the team were eagerly assembling the bottom end when we got the OK to head down to the pairing lanes. The guys did their magic, Dad got suited and booted, and we had the car down along with the others by 9.15. Unfortunately we were near the end of the queue, and for the third time this weekend got turned back and told they may call the exhibition class again around 1:00 pm. We got back to the pits and had a natter, went off to watch some racing and returned to the pits around 12.30 but were told it was unlikely they would call exhibition again so faced facts that our weekend of passes was over and at least we had a cracker yesterday. Around 2.30 we heard a big announcement over the tannoy thanking us for appearing and announced we would be out at three o'clock! At 2.45 we got our own call out, "Can the Brits of Xtreme Racing get down into the pairing lanes now" and we found ourselves sitting alongside the Winged Express, Bradford's Topolino and Rat Trap! What an honour it was to be sent out to put on a show with these guys, just chatting with them in the pairing lanes was wonderful and they had so many good words to say about our car and crew, it was really pretty special. Bradford's and Rat Trap went first leaving us paired with Winged Express, unfortunately Rat Trap sprung a minor leak on the line and they shut it down and closed the lane, leaving Winged Express and Xtreme to run byes. Our turn came round and Dad put in a strong burnout to busy grandstands and lots of cheering, it was once again all eyes on the Brits as Dad backed up and prepared for probably the highest pressured run of his life. Eager to impress he revved it hard on the trans and let it go to a big wheelstand, it carried the wheels way out and put in a sixty foot time of 1.06 while aiming at the wall. The crew (and crowd apparently) were mouths open as Dad kept it in as long as he could and then less than a foot from the wall came off the throttle, dragged in straight and nailed it once more. With the left slick on the loose stuff the car slid sideways a little and headed right but Dad kept it in all the way over the line to a 7.68/178, what a wild pass! ©Eurodragster.com The start line crew were full of praise for Dad's driving and the crowd went mental. I can't quite describe how enthusiastic the grandstands were, but everyone was on their feet clapping and we even had a "God save the Queen" yelled at full volume in our direction. It was amazing, I was just gutted that Dad couldn't see it. At the top end though he was getting praise where it counted, Mike the pilot of Winged Express was shaking his hand and was giving him some kind words along with the safety crew. We were all so pleased with how it had gone and towed the car back to the pits where more of the spectators had gathered to congratulate the team, it was unreal! I know dad has a list of people to thank as long as both arms but I'll try to cover as many as I can remember. Thanks to Mum, Cathy, the Wife or whatever alias she goes by - she authorised the whole expedition and without Mum's nod then I guess the idea wouldnt have got off the ground. Thanks to all the crew: Rich, Lee, Tom, Chris, Mark, Holley, Natalie, Margaret, Pete and Julie. Jen and Dale for storing the car and being great hosts aswell as fans. Bunt and Dinah, Alex and his wife, All the guys from the UK who came and said hello and wished us well. Steve Gibbs, Tony Thacker, Andy Willsheer and all those who helped us making contacts and making plans to get over to the event, all the guys at Gold RV for their continued support, Eurodragster.com, and all the great characters we met at the Reunion who made us feel so at home and really couldn't have been any more supportive and friendly. I'm sure I have probably missed some people out so if thats you, I'm sorry, Dad will probably tell me off later if thats any consolation! Swift snippets. ![]() ©Eurodragster.com Voting closes on 14th November for the Awards to be presented at the Pro ET Christmas bash. Bob Regis says that any team or team members who have not yet voted should do so on-line at www.pro-et.co.uk/vote/index.php. Voting is open to Pro ET teams and each team is entitled to three votes. British man in queue jump shame. ![]() We awoke early hoping for a day filled with California sunshine and my choice of shorts was a bad one. Upon stepping outside we were met with a very dreary cloudy sky and a gentle drizzle, which quickly got heavier. Every hardened Hot Rod Reunion attendee assured us that "It never has ever rained at the Reunion". Dale, who kindly looked after our car for us at his house in Bakersfield, told us that in the sixteen years he has been coming to the event it hasn't rained once! Maybe it was just the California weather trying to make us feel at home, because huddled under the shelter of the awning drinking our morning tea it didn't feel a million miles away from Santa Pod or Shakespeare County Raceway. Luckily by 11:00 am the rain had progessively become finer until it was non existent. As the Exhibition class we were the first team in the fire-up road. Still no California sunshine but we were about to run so everyone was smiling! Unfortunately being one of the first cars down didn't mean we were first out, and the other three pairing lanes seemed to be emptied before us. As twelve o'clock approached the Top Fuel slingshots appeared beside us. We were sent packing as they had classes to run and the Top Fuel class ran as scheduled as we trundled back to the pits feeling pretty deflated. Chatting to some marshals en route to the pits we found that Exhibition wouldn't be called again as they had too many competition classes to get through. To describe everyones mood as gutted would be an understatement - to travel however many thousands of miles and not run would have been a crying shame. What made it worse was that it looked unlikely that we would get to run Sunday either, as all the Funny Cars get wheeled out and there are all the eliminations to get through, so Exhibition becomes even less of a priority. ©Eurodragster.com After some digging we found out that the guy in charge of the running order was Chuck. I decided to track him down. Thankfully Chuck sympathised and put me straight in front of Alan Miller who looked very busy and very important. He told me to bring the car straight down, and go straight past the huge queue of cars in the pairing lanes, and if anyone stopped us we should say his name. To say I was relieved was a understatement - I hadn't fancied going to back to the pits to tell Dad and the crew that the half pass yesterday was all we were going to get. Chuffed to bits we whipped the car down to the start line and Steve Gibbs was there to see us on the track. At this point I think Dad was feeling decidedly nervous (I was crapping it!) as Xtreme Racing were slotted in between two major classes, in front of packed grandstands and all eyes on us! Dad lit the tyres up to much applause from the crowds and the commentator explained how far we had come. A strong burnout saw Dad back in the groove but the car still hesitated slightly as the tyres skipped on the launch. The rest of the pass was much better as Dad kept the power in while the car skitted left, right and left and right again! He crossed the line at 7.256/186, not a bad run and the crowd loved it. I was so happy that we had put in a good solid run and it was great to see the massive smile on Dad's face at the top end. If that was all we get, it made the trip worth it. Who would have thought we would be so happy just to get one run in! Back in the pits we dropped the sump, checked the bearings and all was OK, although upon reassembly a bolt snapped on us. Rich Walters, Lee Johnstone (J&W Automotive) and Bill Todd (from Gary Burgin Enterprises) have been on the scrounge for a replacement bolt although at the time of writing they have yet to find one: everyone is running Hemis and not many are running Chevys but people are asking people and it seems hopeful for the morning. If we can get the engine built back up at least we will be ready to run should the opportunity arise. Another spy breaks cover. 14th October: Hot on the heels of Friday's spy pictures comes another pair courtesy of a UK correspondent dubbing themselves Secret Squirrel 2007. Click on pictures for large version: ©Eurodragster.com ![]() ![]() Secret assures us that we are looking at two different cars in two different locations, and in fact our Assistant Pit Reporter Kirstie Tramm thinks she may have cracked the identity of both. But if you know for sure what we've got here, or if you would like to send your own spy pictures, then drop us a line at eurodragster.com@btinternet.com. Swift snippets. 12th October: Norwegian Supertwin racer Svein Olav Rolfstad is qualified fifteenth in Top Fuel at this weekend's AHDRA Screamin' Eagle Performance Parts Nationals at Rockingham Dragway. Ian Turburville tells us that you can stay in touch with Svein Olav's progress at www.ahdra.com/liveupdate.html. ©Eurodragster.com ![]() DJ of Santa Pod Raceway tells us that there are still places available for VIP/Hospitality at the Flame and Thunder Show on Saturday 3rd November. "For £79 + VAT per person (under 12s half price), or £650 + VAT for a table of ten, come along and enjoy the VIP experience including lunch and access to a VIP balcony", says DJ. "Don't worry if you've already booked your tickets, you can still upgrade for a great day out or a gift. For more information please call 01234 782828 or visit the VIP/Hospitality pages at www.santapod.com." When you said you couldn't wait... ![]() Steve Gibbs of the NHRA gave the gate staff the OK, and the Xtreme team were granted all their required tickets and passes complimentary upon arrival, which was really nice. The guys set up ready for tech on Thursday. Dad had a bit of a scary moment when the official signing on drivers said he couldn't race without an NHRA licence: luckily a quick call was made to Steve Gibbs and Dad was signed on and taking the car to Tech to face the next hurdle - a sheet of paper with a million blank boxes and little info to go in them. Luckily the lack of spec information on our car (which US cars require) wasn't a massive problems and rules were flexed to allow our UK-spec car to pass tech. The tech guys checked all the specifics and found that the car met all the relevant safety criteria and were happy to see that our safety gear was Stroud and a brand that was recognised. So with the car and driver approved it was time to get our heads down for Friday as we were out with the Exhibition class at 9:00 am. It was bright and sunny if not a little chilly at first but soon warmed up as we got dad suited, warmed up the motor to general pit applause (they love a car firing up) and headed down to the start line where we saw Lee Pike about to pull on to the track. ©Eurodragster.com After a gentle burnout we backed the car up and dad edged forward and pulled into stage. At this point dad was unaware that he was not on a bye run, as a doorsammer had burnt out in the box behind him and was approaching the stage lights. The Xtreme Topolino dropped into stage, dad brought the revs up and waited for the Tree to run, but it didn't. After a few seconds dad wondered what was going on and all of a sudden saw the other stage lights blink which threw him completely and unfortunately he let off the transbrake, the car popped forward a foot to bring up the red so he just let the button go and nailed it. The up side was a rather wild and fast looking run but sadly we didn't get a time, we did however get plenty of applause and as six crew members piled into a Mustang convertible an amused commentater quipped "How many brits can you fit in a Mustang?". Back in the pits the motor was given a clean bill of health back in the pits and we waited for the next run, sadly rain (yes rain) stopped play for the day. It seems we brought more then the car and crew from Blighty... We would like to say thanks to Derek Flynn and the Golds for their best wishes posted on Eurodragster.com and thanks to all the kind words we received from fellow racers before we set off. If it looks like a Pro Mod... ![]() ©Eurodragster.com The car is pretty obviously a Pro Mod, looks like a Corvette, and is pretty obviously powered by a blown-alcohol motor. More than that we cannot say except that we think it is probably in the UK since the mail server which sent the pictures is located here. If you know any more about this car, or indeed if you are the racer concerned, then drop us a line at eurodragster.com@btinternet.com. Same address if you would like to send some spy pictures of your own... Swift snippets. 12th October: A very Happy 24th Birthday for yesterday (Thursday) to German Top Methanol Dragster racer and Eurodragster.com/Speedflow Perfect Light Award winner Timo Habermann. Hope that you had a great day, Timo, and that you have a great time at your party tomorrow. ©Eurodragster.com The inquest has concluded into the death of Roger George, the spectator who died in an accident at the 2006 FIA European Finals. You can read more at news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/7039664.stm. Web site updates. 12th October: Tim Gregory has been in touch to tell us about his new Photo Gallery web site which you can find at www.doorslammers.co.uk. Tim's site features some great spectator-side pictures from the FIA European Finals, UK National Finals and JapShow Finale covering not just doorslammers, as the site name might suggest, but all classes. ©Eurodragster.com Good luck Bob! ![]() ©Eurodragster.com Bob will be in some excellent company at one of the largest Nostalgia events in the US, and he is very excited at the prospect of racing with some great legends. He has already collected the car and taken it Bakersfield and he just can't wait. Pete Walters of PWRD has designed T-Shirts for the team especially for the event (right). Pete and the J&W Automotive boys have flown out to the USA and have promised to keep me updated on their progress. Again all the best Bob and you never know you might get that six you and the team are after, but no matter what I am sure you will represent Britain well and as usual put on an excellent show. Straightliners and more at SCR. 11th October: After an absence of some considerable time the riders and teams of the Straightliners drag race series make a welcome return to Shakespeare County Raceway this weekend as part of the Warwickshire drag strip's second Autumn Public Track Day Weekend, writes Jerry Cookson. With the Straightliner series ending another successful campaign at Elvington recently, organiser Trevor Duckworth is very optimistic of an excellent turnout given that most of the riders involved won't have been to Shakespeare County before! Saturday also sees the final points scoring round for the Old Skool Ford Drag Challenge with the National Street Car Challenge on Sunday. The track will be open to all competing street and strip cars and bikes, with trophies and vouchers from lane sponsor Motorshack to the winners of the SCR Street Challenges, from 10.00 am Saturday and 11.00 am on Sunday. Admission is £10 per day or £20 for the weekend with overnight camping. Children under 16 free. RWYB track fee is £20 per day or £35 for a weekend pass for unlimited runs. For further information call 01789 720180 or check out Shakespeare County Raceway's web site. ©Eurodragster.com Catton does it for PMR. 11th October: Paul Marston Racing # ended their record breaking season with yet another high mark as Dave 'Wing Commander' Catton, driving PMR's Whoopass Monza, lifted the Super Gas trophy at the UK National Finals at Santa Pod Raceway, writes Paul Marston: Super Gas has always been considered one of the toughest classes to win, with so many outstanding competitive racers it's a real challenge. With no easy round, Dave Catton carefully and methodically cut a swathe through his opponents who included Matt Eley, Brendan Clancy, Stuart Morrice and, in the final, Martin Curbishley. Dave dedicated his win to the Paul Marston Racing crew who work on the Whoopass Monza. "I felt that winning the event was my way of rewarding them for the past two and a half years of hard work, perseverance and keeping my spirits up when I went through tough times with Mrs Monza, she can be a heartbreaker", he said. "I turned a corner after deciding to sit out the SPRC Summernationals, Paul Marston drove the Monza into the semis in Super Gas and the quarter finals of Pro ET. After seeing that I had my hunger back and there was no stopping me. The crew were just marvellous, they deserve the credit. After the first round with Matt Eley there was a ig cloud of smoke as I went through the finish line. As soon as I was back in the pits, Drag Race Engineering proprietor Gary Springford the problem, and Paul and Gary sorted it which involved a precautionary compression check, plug check, going through the whole of the fuel system and resetting it. Sefton Whitlock, Mick Howling, Steve Bolton and the rest of the crew set to changing the oil as another precautionary move. All between the first and second rounds - with that kind of teamwork, it gives you confidence in the equipment and a real will to win, to do my job as well as they do theirs. "The key race was beating Stuart Morrice, it was the closest and toughest. Paul and I discussed tactics as we knew that Stuart would be tough, he is one of our emerging stars of Super Gas having risen through the ranks from Juniors. Paul has always said try to treat every round as just another qualifier, stay focused on getting the job done, it might not sound much but it works! After getting so close and losing to Conrad Stanley at Shakespeare County Raceway earlier this season, it was nice to win one. now I have that monkey off my back I am looking forward to 2008 very much indeed. "I am grateful to all my fellow racers who are without doubt some of the most sportsmanlike and polite people you are ever likely to compete against. I would also like to thank Paul Marston for setting up the Paul Marston Racing Drag Race Driving School and the race car rental programme. Without them I would still be a spectator on the bank watching." The Whoopass Monza which Dave drove originally competed in Pro Modified, running a best of 7.75/178. Its current best with PMR is 8.85/152 from a 477ci Big Block Chevy topped with ported Dart Pro 1 Heads, BLP Inc Alcohol 1090 Dominator, Dedenbear two-speed Al O'Connor-built Glide, JW Transmissions 8" Converter, RPM Activated TCI Shifter, Olds Rear Axle, and No1 Stop inline throttle stop. The Monza is prepared and maintained exclusively by Drag Race Engineering (020 8597 9484). Paul Marston Racing would like to thank Dave Catton for his kind words. Dave is a shining example of why we set up the Drag Race Driving School and his success does us proud. Once again congratulations Dave Catton on your victory and we wish him continued success in 2008. If you would like more details regarding the 2008 drag racing season be it teaching, licencing, race car rental opportunities or those infamous passenger rides please call 07831 650230 or E-Mail office@pmracing.fsnet.co.uk. ©Eurodragster.com Saturday Night Special. 10th October: Summer is over and the days are getting shorter - which provides the opportunity for night racing. Saturday Night Special on 13th October will see the Santa Pod Raceway track open from 9am - 9pm. All types of vehicles are invited to make the most of 12 hours of RWYB time. There will also be the Fireforce Jet Car, full catering and bar facilities, evening entertainment including free Pole Dance Shows and DJ plus camping for those wishing to stay over for the Sunday's RWYB. All clubs are welcome too please call 01234 782828 if you would like to book a club stand. ©Eurodragster.com Gates will open at 8am. Sign on fees are unlimited and as follows: 9am to 9pm £30, 9am – 4pm £20 and 4pm to 9pm £10. Just don't forget to bring your driving licence! Entry costs £10 for a full-day ticket and £20 for a two-day ticket, Free camping with two-day tickets. This weekend will be the last two days eligible for the 2007 Castrol Challenge. Full Details are at www.rwyb.com. Records set at JapShow Finale. ![]() Scott Whitelaw ran a new UK FWD record for a Japanese car in his CPL Racing Honda Civic Type R of 10.691 seconds and 137.27mph, backing up his personal best and beating Paul Jones' record which stood for just one week. Andy Barnes ran a new UK 4WD record in his Sumo Power Nissan Skyline R33 GTR of 8.408 seconds and 162.48mph. Andy ran a personal best of 8.271@164.90 but failed to back it up to 1% for the record. This is an outright record for any 4WD car in the UK. ©Eurodragster.com Steve Whittaker (pictured, right) ran a new UK RWD record for a Japanese car in his XS Power Toyota Supra, which ran a record pass of 8.389 seconds, and a record speed of 168.61mph. Steve also ran an 8.013 second pass and one with a terminal speed of 173.14mph but failed to back up either to within 1%. All records stated are backed-up to within 1% at the same event in accordance with MSA regulations. Swift snippets. 10th October: Carl Burton says that due to the postal strike some tickets and accommodation details for the Pro ET end of season buffet, dance and prize giving at the Oliver Cromwell Hotel, March, Cambridgeshire on 24th November are going to be late. The hotel have just 12 rooms remaining booked in Carl's name so if anyone is planning on staying they should ring direct on 01354 602890 to avoid disappointment; if however the hotel is full Carl has details of guest houses and can be contacted via the class web site www.pro-et.co.uk. ©Eurodragster.com A Plan comes together. 9th October: 2007 Wild Bunch Series winner Tony Smith says that for he and Dave Williams to win the Series for a record three times in 2006 with the Cunning Plan Minivan was brilliant, but to win it for a fourth time is unbelievable: After passing as full car and bike scrutineer last year and now a probational Clerk of the Course (Race Director) for the MSA and ACU, I decided to take it easy this year and not bother too much about the Series, but as each event came the car just performed as well as normal, taking wins and runner-up at most meetings. With two rain off events and Ant Harris chasing me all the way, it was down to the UK National Finals, but my car is not MSA legal so I couldn't run. For all those critics that who say my car is unsafe, but not for the ten years it ran in MSA events, the main problem is that as it is based on a road car, the main chassis is 3 x 1½ box and not 1¼ tube, all the rest is 3.2 mm tube as per rules if not a little oversize. ©Eurodragster.com Ant needed third or better to beat me, but got knocked out in the first round. I would like to congratulate Ant on his second place in only his second season of racing, you could not meet a better bunch (pun intended) with Ant and his crew, well done and also the rest of the winners and runner ups with the Wild Bunch this year. I would like to thank Dave and Linda for all their held over this year, with Dave having to prepare the car at most events while I am scrutineering, my Linda for letting me away most weekends and putting up with me, my sponsors Alan from Newgate (Newark) Ltd, Les from Tonypandy Motor Co, Ian and Mike from Tuneup Auto Spares and Gavin from MAPS at Tonypandy Auto Services (stainless steel exhausts). I would like to thank everybody at Shakespeare County Raceway for their support and help over the last couple of years with the MSA and ACU side of things, also the crew at Santa Pod especially Robin, Darren, Tina and the rest of the crew (including John and Tog) for putting up with me and letting me help at the National Finals. Thanks also to Dave and Les for taking me around the Top Fuel Bike pits at the event. 2008? I don't know yet, I might just take it easy! And keep on studying to get my full MSA/ACU licence. Swift snippets. 9th October: Steve Wood says that drag racing sponsor Motorshack will be at Santa Pod Raceway's RWYB and Saturday Night Special this Saturday of this weekend for fuel, nitrous refills and other services, and then at Shakespeare County Raceway's Jap Racer / Street Challenge / Straightliners event on Sunday. For more information check out www.motorshack.com. The final standings in the 2007 ACU UK Drag Bike Championships are now available on the King Racing web site at www.kingracing.com. ©Eurodragster.com The location and agenda for the 2007 National Association of Supertwins Annual General Meeting and subsequent "informal business" are now available on the NAST web site at www.supertwins.co.uk. UK National Finals 9.50 Bike review. 9th October: Newly-crowned UK National 9.50 Bike Champion Chris Jones has been in touch with his regular post-event report, this time from the UK National Finals at Santa Pod Raceway: This really was a nail biting round - I myself was down to the elbows! I came into this round leading, being chased by a mere ten points by Andy Burfitt who had certainly picked up the pace consistently from mid season and was regularly hitting the index with event wins under his belt. Andy was closely followed by Richard Sawatzki, a seasoned veteran of 9.50 and previous 9.90 Championship winner, a mere 120 points behind. After some mid season problems (understatement of the century - rodding his engine amongst things) Julian Harris aka Fast Harry had pulled out all the stops, riding Phil Pratt's old Gixer...recent press reports suggest that owners of GSXRs who awake to find their front wheels missing should not be alarmed as they are only away for shock testing by Harry, just don't ride on the flat bit! Harry stalked ninja like behind the top three in the National Championship only 400 points to the lead position. Only two qualifiers on Saturday, as the track crew worked tirelessly to sort the seemingly never ending tirade of oildowns it led to much wondering about the "cool looks" v "Bloody hell it's dark wish I hadn't put this tinted visor on" as we queued up for the second round of night qualifying. The first round of qualifying saw young gun Fast Freddy Furlong at the top of the pile with a 9.516/140 followed by Richard Sawatzki's 9.528/143. Fast Harry was the sandwich filling at #4 9.622/140 between Jason McCann #3 with a 9.600/144 and myself #5 9.673/145. So onto the second and final qualifier! The sun was setting and following some track sorting, a mad scramble for clear visors following the realisation that this was going to be a dark one. A few delays made for mirth in the queue, as my visor screw made a bid for freedom and hid in the bike, but it was soon coaxed out. Steaming of my spare helmet didn't help Martin 'Chunk' Walker of Team Hyena entice it onto his head. More Vaseline was ordered, but not in time. Second round saw #1 qualifier go to Chris Reed, aka Boisy of Team Hyena with a 9.503/139 despite the distant voices calling him back to Super Street Bike giving him and the bank manager sleepless nights. He's still on the medication and has been commenting on the good time he's had this year. The angle grinder never saw the light of day in 2007. #2 went to Richard Sawatzki now focused on the Championship edging ever closer with a 9.540/138 closely followed with the 9.541/134 of Andy Haley, who sported a rather nice Look Who's Forty Today badge, apparently he doesn't look a day over 52, Happy birthday mate! #4 was Greg Skett with a 9.590/144, Greg has made regular appearances in the top five this year. Bringing up the rear with a totally dysfunctional air shifter (all manual though this was not the cunning plan) was Phil Pratt on his new and very yellow GSXR 1000 with a 9.591/142. I think we'll be seeing a lot more of Phil on this bike in 2008. Notable breakouts consisted of Richard 'Boss' Hann who after discovering the gas jets had been blocked just wouldn't let go, recording a 9.369/149 in the first round of qualifying (along with a PB of 9.298/141) and Augy Harrison with a 9.401/151 on his turbo Suzuki in the first round. ©Eurodragster.com Onto eliminations, which saw the field halved. Notable exits in the first round saw "The biggest breakout loses" of Andy Burfitt with a 9.374/147 along with dashed title hopes, which sent Boss' 9.413/138 through to the next round. Julian Harris took out Team Breakout's Flagship Geoff Connor who stalled on the line. Subsequent rounds give Boisy a bye run in the second and another biggest-breakout-loses between myself and Dave Burfitt (9.497/135 to 9.442/148) in the second, which saw me through. It was a day of breakouts as I got alongside Boisy in the third round. Similar reactions but a better sixty foot saw me chasing Boisy up the strip with a big 'roll off' at three quarter track as Boisy crept backwards. Off the power, on the power, at the end of the day you just can't gauge it, and over the line we went. By the skin of the skin of my teeth I got through with a winning 9.4652/144 to a 9.4639/132, a mere 0.0332 in it. Don't want any more of those, think I'll go for legal runs from now on! Meanwhile on the other side of the ladder Fast Harry was scything through the opposition, taking out previous Champion Freddy Furlong and Boss. Carl Atkinson was on a flyer through the eliminations first despatching Greg Skett, dealing with Chunk in the second round and then dashing the title hopes of Richard Sawatzki in the third round with a 9.623/137 to losing 9.610/144, the split on the reactions sealed Rick's fate with a 0.09 to a 0.20. The semis gave Fast Harry some respite with a bye into the final, although he didn't after all wave to the crowd, and myself up against Carl. Slightly better reactions and sixty foot just got me out in front (0.114 to 0.1501 and a 1.5999 to 1.610) made for a close race. Duelling up the strip I'd had enough of the breakouts and, what the hell, just tried to clip it off at the stripe, which saw me through with a 9.764/129 to Carl's 9.790/137. So here we were. A bit of a re-run from the start of the season up against Fast Harry. I knew I'd clinched the Championship; but there was no way I was going give the final away and I knew Harry would give no quarter either. Both of us pulled into pre stage. Harry went into full stage first. I pulled up the revs and moved into full stage, the lights dropped and we were off! I managed to Tree Harry with a 0.055 to a 0.126 then it went horribly wrong on the sixty foot and Harry was off, making up the difference of a 1.519 to my 1.751. I quickly grabbed a handful of clutch and desperately injected some life back into the motor but it wasn't to be. This left me chasing Harry up the strip hoping that he'd put a foot wrong or break out. Of course this didn't happen, the force had deserted me and Harry took a deserved win. Well ridden mate. It certainly has been an exciting year with much to'ing and fro'ing. The year started with Fast Harry in the driving seat after taking the win at Easter although damage to his bike and a flurry of red lights dropped him to fourth going into the finals. Andy Burfitt surely was on a mission and looked primed to take the Championship. Rick Sawatzki was on a flanking manoeuvre, in third by 120 points. It could have been anyone's! At the end of the day there were congratulationss all round from all quarters of the camp once again showing what a close group of friends 9.50 Bike really is. All that remains to say on the Championship is that although it went down to the wire I managed it and what a great feeling. I said Halle Berry speeches but the abbreviated version gives thanks to both Santa Pod Raceway and Shakespeare County Raceway along with their respective track crews etc. for giving us the means to avoid the washing up and shouting at kids for bending my wind screen wipers. Well done Tog, Simon and Roger of Eurodragster with the continued and informative web site along with their commentary (Thanks! - Ed). On a personal front big cheers to Mark Fisher and Jamie Sneddon from Greenhill Racing for all their help advice and work on the bike. Cheers to my crew: Olly and Pee, #1 and #2 pit bitches, and Shell for all the bacon butties, of course all the racers in 9.50 camp. Sorry I couldn't mention you all. I look forward to another exciting year in 2008. Flamholc's USA diary, Part 5. ![]() On Friday we had two qualifying rounds. Just about an hour before our first run the rain started to fall (as we are used to from the tracks in Europe). The rain lasted for an hour or so and the first qualifying round was cancelled. As soon as the track had dried they dropped the classes that were supposed to run before us (we originally expected Pro Mod to go before us and lay down some rubber, but they were cancelled as well) and we found ourselves the first car out on the untried track. We managed to pull off a 6.79s run despite a slippery track and extremely high humidity and warm air. There was no rain on the Saturday but it was still warm and moist. We misjudged the track for the first run and shook the tyres from the start. For the second run we decided to use a "safe" setup to guarantee that we would make it down the track, wanting to make sure that our new sponsor Hurst Boiler & Welding Company got to see the car running. It worked out and we had a 6.77, we think we can go faster but we need more test runs. In total we ran eleven quarter mile runs, ten of which were between 6.75-6.81 seconds (one run was aborted) during our stay here in USA. We ended up 0.072 seconds from qualifying and 0.126 seconds from the number one qualifier in NHRA Torco Nationals. We once again want to thank Justin Humpreys for lending us various stuff and Bob Glidden for all his help with chassis and clutch settings. Who knows, we might see these gentlemen at some FIA races next year... As for now, we will unload the car and tools at Progressive Performance (Chester and Kevin Houghtaling) to have them stored there until we get here again some time during the winter. Finally I want to thank my team Fredrik Åkesson, Michael Karlsson, Robert Brodén, Johan Pripp, Peter Flamholc, Michael Callin, Kevin Houghtaling and Chester Houghtaling as well as my partners Amalie Oil, HC-Bilservice, YIT, Malmö Motorrenovering, Custom Graphics, Hurst Boiler & Welding Company, Karlstad Bilförsäljning, CHRE and Progressive Performance. We all made this possible together and we have probably learned a lot more here these two weeks than we have in two years back home. ©Eurodragster.com Workshop visit: Mats Eriksson. 8th October: The latest in our occasional series of Features presented in association with John Woolfe Racing is a visit to the workshops of Swedish race car builder and Pro Mod racer Mats Eriksson, which Simon undertook during his extended trip to Sweden in the summer. Whilst there Mats and Lena also took Simon and his family to the huge annual Cruise in Rättvik. ©Eurodragster.com You can check out Simon's photo feature by clicking here or by clicking on the Features, Interviews, Tributes link on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster.com page. Sweeter the second time. 8th October: A week on from the UK National Finals the realisation has eventually hit Phil Leamon that he has won the ACU UK Comp Bike Championship for the second time. "In a way I was very lucky", says Phil, "scoring points throughout the season and wining the odd event along the way. Very much like the first time around in 2003. A few minor issues with my bike's handling were pretty insignificant compared to the mechanical and electrical woes that knocked back Kevin Charman and Dave Peters, my two main rivals. ©Eurodragster.com "Looking back at the season, what sticks in my mind are the performances of my fellow racers. For example, Conrad Skett on the Bandit Outlaw Bike running a super smooth 7.5, Nick Holland's engine-blowing 8.0 on the old school Kawasaki, Al Young with the high tech turbo Busa beating me by inches in the first round of the Finals with an amazing top end charge, Dave Peters hooking up and running a 7.7, and finally Kevin Charman clicking off yet another nice and straight 7.5 number one qualifier. The list could go on and on. "In closing I would like to thank my super crew of my ever dependable brother Robert, Denis and Gary, my fellow racers, all the staff at Santa Pod and Shakespeare County Raceways, and finally Dave Branch for a bulletproof engine which keeps going on and on and for his wise words during the season. "Winning my first title was mind-blowing, my second was mind numbing. I wonder what it's like to win a third?" Web site updates. 8th October: Eurodragster.com Home and News sponsor Andy Robinson Race Cars are launching a monthly E-Newsletter with the first issue on November 1st. To encourage subscriptions ARRC will be holding a prize draw each month, and for the first issue the prize will be a Flaming River T-Shirt. You can find a Subscribe link on the ARRC home page at www.robinson-race-cars.co.uk. The site has also been updated with pictures and in-car video on the Racing History page. ARRC's E-Bay shop is also offering used parts from Andy's 6.1-second Studebaker Pro Mod at stores.ebay.co.uk/Andy-Robinson-Race-Cars. "Look out for the slightly toothless blower belt and the well blown burst panel from the third qualifier at the European Finals", says Bob Roberts. ©Eurodragster.com After a very embarrassing return to the track for the Zannetec dragster, dumping a total of thirty litres of water in two passes and nearly cutting his thumb off in the pits, UK Super Comp racer Zane Llewellyn has posted a UK National Finals report on the Bristol Doorslammers page of the Zannetec web site at www.bootsoop.freeserve.co.uk/bristol.htm. "Thanks to Ivan Sansom for taking such great quality pictures, and everyone who chose Zannetec as their transmission supplier in 2007", says Zane. "I would especially like to thank the paramedics at Santa Pod for looking after my ‘destroyed digit' in a very professional and light-hearted way. You guys calmed me down from my initial shock and made me feel I was in very good hands for the whole weekend. Thank You!" UK National Finals Pro ET review. ![]() The final round of the Championship started with a fair forecast but with a very soggy track, which the SPRC crew managed to make good enough for us to launch well thanks to their relentless hard work. The crew was also kept very busy by an exceptional number of oildowns, which denied us the third qualifier. However the excellent organisation and the crew's vigorous efforts still allowed two full sessions to complete, no mean feat in the circumstances. Heartfelt thanks guys, for a job very well done! We were very pleased with the performance of the Heaven & Hell Camaro - she stuck to the track, raised the front wheels with enthusiasm and gave us consistently good sixty foot times as well as good ETs throughout the meeting. We now believe (fingers crossed) that we have cured the valve train problem which caused two breakages in 2006 and one at the Easter Thunderball, and with a small tweak of the cam phasing all seems to be working well. Unfortunately things were not going so well for others. Marius Blackburn in the Escape from Reality Altered struggled to run close to his dial-in in qualifying and was a no-show in the first round against John Morris. More deplorable problems after a troubled season, we wish Marius and the team a much better 2008. A catalogue of disasters struck poor Billy Gane in the 460 ci motivated Fat Pack Racing Vauxhall Victor even before he got to the track. First his tow vehicle broke down whilst on route to the Pod and the team had to patch it up to enable it to limp home in the middle of the night, then they had to find a car transporter to load the car up again and restart the trip with few tools and no provisions due to lack of space on the transporter. They arrived on Saturday morning having had no sleep at all, eager to race and making it to the first round of qualifications only to find that the transbrake button failed on the start line, so Billy launched before the Tree came down and therefore no time or speed appeared on the ticket. Luckily he had another chance to qualify in the afternoon, but his hopes were quashed when the transbrake seemed to lock on before the run, and despite managing to unlock it during the session it was (wisely) deemed unsafe to make a pass with the danger of the transbrake locking on again during the run, and the chance to qualify was lost. Billy and his dad worked very hard this season (Billy's first full season in Pro ET) and did well despite the problems. A sure candidate for the Pro ET "Hard Luck" Award, we salute their never give up attitude, offer our commiserations and again wish them a much better 2008 season. The battle for the Championship top positions started during qualifying, with the ineffable Mr Herbert in the Furyous Plymouth doing all he could to preserve his lead and snatching number one qualifier in the first run (again proving to have no manners) two thousandths off his dial-in. Keith secured a bye run in the first round as well as bagging the generous contingency sponsorship money for his top qualifier but pulled a cherry against Brian Huxley's black '32 in the second round, a very expensive cherry as this loss robbed him of the very lucrative SPRC hampionship win. Still, the sponsorship scheme has been quite profitable for Mr Fury this year, so he can't complain! Charlie's Taxi gained precious points with Mr Chivers getting past a breaking out Liz Malcolm in the first round. Liz had her share of trouble, having to get the pretty Jus'4 Fun four-pot dragster pushed off the track at the top end twice due to coil failure. Super Pro ET racer Steve Johnson helped by supplying a replacement coil which enabled Liz to race, albeit with a problematic dial-in which led to a healthy but broken out run. Charlie gained further in the second round against Tig Napier in the gorgeous big purple Challenger. Tig was doing really well after fixing a few problems with his new 572 ci mill and happily running 9.7s for the first time, and clocking a 9.71 in a break-out pass against Charlie. Quite a few mods are on the cards this winter, which will further improve the (no, Cath, not a sleeper!) very heavy and very rapid street legal car. Watch out for the purple monster in 2008! Charlie's march was stopped in the third round, when he red-lit against Johnny Morris in the Animal Magic Ford Probe on his way to the final. Our rookies had no luck this meeting, with Simon Rowland in the E-Hell Dragster having a few bottom end problems during qualifying (they described the sixty foot times as "positively pedestrian") and ending in a surprise backward launch in the first round of eliminations. Ian Brown in the other lane also seemed to have problems and both cars were allowed to re-stage, only for Simon to go briefly go backwards again whilst red-lighting for good measure. The gearbox will obviously receive some attention during the winter and the team are eager to do a full season next year. Mark Bishop in the colourful and well presented Vegas Hustler had more of the same launch troubles in qualifying and only hoped to get down the track properly in eliminations to give Tig Napier a decent race. Only he managed to do it too well, running a 10.58 on a 10.90 dial-in despite lifting before the gantry. We believe this is Mark's current PB and not too bad for someone who got his licence two weeks before the Main Event! 2007 Champion Paul Baynton in the Capricious blue Capri had it all pretty stitched up before the event: he only needed one round to secure the win, and Steve Bolton obliged when the black Plymouth prematurely accelerated in the first round. So Paul wasn't exactly distraught when he broke out against John Morris in the second round, knowing that the big crown was by then glued to his head. Well done Paul, the entire Pro ET class is now superstitious because of you - the cherry tomato instigated by Gino Bernadine really takes the biscuit now - and everyone is now hunting for rabbit feet, horse shoes, four leaf clovers, plastic pigeons and all manners of lucky charms, see what you've done? The normally rational (er, well, sometimes) Carl Burton was seen lurking in the pits whilst cooing and stroking a plastic pigeon early on Saturday morning, although the pigeon cannot have been that helpful as it was later seen impaled on the team flag pole (ouch!). Carl beat a red lighting Mick Howling in the first round but was then defeated by Ian Brown in the second, after which we reckon the unfortunate pigeon received his comeuppance. Brian Huxley was on form and after winning a close race with Mike Lacey's Metamorphosi" Camaro, when Mike broke out by five thousandths (another candidate for the hard luck award). He proceeded to get past a red lighting Keith Herbert and put away Neil Hunter's cheeky 7 Year Itch red Capri in the third, only to slow down to a 10.57 on a 10.50 dial-in after a 0.004 light giving the win to John Morris in the semis. The cheeky Capri driver did not run a low nine at 155 mph with a 1.02 sixty foot, did not change his name to John Morris, did not buy a pigeon and did not sell his car after the event for £57,000. What he did do was run his track PB running against a red lighting Martin Green in the second round, which isn't as good as doing all those other things but good enough for 2007 at least. Martin Green in the very pretty and aptly named Rods and Rockers Ford Consul also broke out for good measure in that run, after disposing of Jerry Smith in the big Grim Beeper Road Runner in the first round. Jerry was plagued by misfire which kept him and son Mark busy trying to puzzle it out. John Atkinson in the rapid Time is Money blue Cortina wasn't doing too bad and after qualifying eighth he proceeded to trailer a breaking out Paul Marston at the wheel of Gary Springford's Shogun in the first round, and Kim Bishop's grey Willys in the second, only to be nailed to the Tree by Ian Brown at the wheel of the yellow Thatadoo Camaro, who left with a perfect 0.0000 reaction time! Ian "improved" on that in the next round against the Heaven & Hell Camaro and went red, wasting our 9.804 on a 9.80 dial-in which perhaps we should have used in the final instead. On our part, on his way to the final Rick got past Butch Wilkins' flaming red Ground Zero Model A pick up in the first round, after which we had a well earned bye in the second (we used black magic and, yes, secret lucky charms). We then met Dave Cherrett's well sorted Dark Revenger Model A in the third round, and managed to get the win light with side by side wheelies which looked very good and were immortalised by Ivan Sansom and others (thanks Ivan for the pics which were, as always, much appreciated). The final round filled us with trepidation, as a win would have meant a runner up in the National Championship and I really feared we may go red as a result. Perhaps I pushed the concept a bit too far, and Rick had the slowest light of the weekend, a 0.13 which killed our chances by pushing us to a breakout run after a great wheelie and a good pass, which gave John Morris the win. John Morris did increase his chances by having a better light and running within one thousandth of his dial-in though, so well done John, you made it pretty difficult to beat you. Congratulations to the Championship winners Paul and Charlie, we take consolation in not having to invest in another sticker for the car by keeping our number three for the third year running (it's getting boring!) and by hanging on to the top three positions for the last six years, not too bad although not good enough! So the season is over for us although we'll be back once more at the Flame and Thunder Show with our Reserve Driver (we have a few dangerous mods we would like him to test...OK, OK, I've done that one before, only kidding) and will try to double our chances next year with our new large lucky charm. Many thanks to Santa Pod crew and officials for a splendid job throughout the season, to Eurodragster.com for putting European drag racing firmly on the map (Thanks, you're welcome - Ed), to the Pro ET sponsors for their great support of the class: Inkwell Printers, Penn Autos, Sandy Scooters, A1 Motor Stores, WASP, Toxico Clothing, Black Bear Harley Davidson, Alleyjax, Motorshack, Hauser Race Cars and Real Steel, and to Carl Burton for organising it all. Finally, a thank you to our crew man Dave Bucklands for showing dedication to the team and last but not least best wishes to Sharkman for a full recovery, we hope to be able to share a beer or fifteen at the Easter Thunderball with you mate. ©Eurodragster.com Swift snippets. 7th October: Swedish Pro Stock racer Adam Flamholc put up a superb best of 6.771/203.86 in his recently-acquired Pontiac GTO during qualifying for the Torco Racing Fuels NHRA Nationals in Virginia. You can find pictures of Adam in action on Drag Race Central and on the NHRA web site. ©Eurodragster.com Chaos Brother Robin Orthodoxou has been in touch to bring us up to date with his returning Super Pro ET altered. "The body is a slightly altered '27 Ford Model T supplied by Pat Cuss", says Robin. "You may remember it blew up a Torqueflight on the start line one year, and that the rods came unglued at 300 feet on the last run with its Ford 351 Cleveland engine the following year. The engine has now been replaced by a 632 Steve Schmidt Chevy, 1300 hp and 1000 ft/lb torque. Trans is a Liberty Extreme five-speed, air shifted, with a Ram eight-inch clutch. Due to a bit of tyre shake we have only run 1.1 second sixty foot times and have been unable to make a decent pass. It should run mid sevens. The crew are my sons Darren and Lee who continue the family tradition of hard work and total Chaos. Thanks to Geof and Ray at Hauser Race Cars for their help, and to Chris for being that little voice in my head making me do it." The final race of Greece's ELPA Drag Racing Championship takes place at Serres on 20th-21st October. Elias Vathias tells us that the entry form is available by clicking here. Stop thief! 6th October: If you were tuned in to Eurodragster.com News on Wednesday then you might have noticed Graham Ellis' passing comment about UK Super Modified racer Andy 'Fred' Hone's "stolen" engine. We asked Graham what he meant, and on condition that none of you tell anyone else here is the story: As you know Fred seriously damaged his engine during qualifying on the Saturday of the Open Sport Nationals at Shakespeare County Raceway. I got a phone call that evening. After really getting some good times and winning the previous meeting, Fred was really pissed off that the motor went. He said to me "I'm thinking of asking Steve Rawlings if I can borrow the motor from the Supra that he sold". I said "Well, if that were, me I'd ask him". So Fred phoned Steve, but Steve wasn't there, because he was off to France that weekend, but we didn't think he would be gone yet. Fred called me and said "He's gone, but I can get the keys for his garage". I said "Well go and get it". Fred replied "But I'm worried about taking it, in case we break it". A fair comment, but I thought about it for about four seconds and told Fred that if he broke it I'd guarantee to have it repaired. ©Eurodragster.com So Fred took a ride to Hertfordshire and stole Steve's engine...I believe taking someone else's property without consent really is stealing! Unfortunately Steve's engine was slightly different to Fred's and so by the time they changed everything and got it in the car and running they missed the call and so were out, and any Championship hopes disappeared. A practice run later in the event netted Fred a 7.5 first time out with a strange engine when everybody else was struggling. So we knew that had Steve's engine fitted easily Fred would have been in with a real shot at the Championship. Anyway no damage done and a few days later when Steve returned from France he called Fred to see how he got on. Fred started to tell him how the weekend had gone. Steve told me later "I knew there was more to the story than he was letting on" - I think Fred was being diplomatic, slowly building toward the truth. Well the truth came out and as we knew Steve was really happy to have helped in his absence, and chuffed to bits that his motor had run so fast. I think the price rose by a bit after that. Fred used the engine at the UK National Finals and you saw the result of that. I believe the engine is now for sale, and Fred will have a new engine next year. Again this proves the extent to which one team will help another in this class, and a big thanks to Steve Rawlings from all of us. The nervous wait is over. 6th October: 2007 UK National Super Modified Champion Andy Kirk says that everything was looking promising as the Kirk Motorsport team approached the UK National Finals: All we needed to do was qualify reasonably well and go through the first round, a feat that we had managed at every event throughout the year. Everything was set. The car had been running flawlessly all year, a testament to the hard work of the team, coupled with an excellent engine from Clive Bond at Ultimate Race Cars. All the crew members that had worked with us all year would be there and the weather forecast was good. Add to that it was to be my birthday on the Saturday, what could possibly go wrong! Only two runs on Saturday because of enough oil downs to cover Central Europe. Well done to the track crew, we really do appreciate all your tireless effort, when are we going to adopt some form of penalty to discourage this constant barrage? We nnetted a number six qualifying spot, unfamiliar territory, leaving us with only two things to smile about. The first a stellar 184.56 mph top end charge (the fastest speed yet under the new regulations), and the second was the fact that number two man Tim Garlick was one spot behind us at number seven. At this point the mood in the camp was a bit tense as we started to sense things slipping away. Out early Sunday for the final qualifying session and lo and behold everyone held station. So now we knew what we had to do. Beat Paul Mander in the first round and the Championship was coming back to Nottingham. Easier said than done. A poor reaction time, a touch of tyre shake and it was all over. Paul, much improved in recent outings, did his job well and took the win light, well done Paul, all bodes well for next year. A nervous time was now had by all as we waited to see if Tim Garlick could win the meet and take our Championship away. We didn't have long to wait as 'Giant Killer' Mander once again did an excellent job and put Tim on the trailer, well done Paul we owe you one. ©Eurodragster.com We had finally done it. To say we were overjoyed is an understatement. To have our name on a trophy alongside names we admire so much such as Danny Cockerill, Team Ellis and Andy Hone is an honour that I really don't think has sunk in yet. All that remains is to say well done to Fred on some really impressive 7.50s, well done to Paul on taking out the top three cars and winning the meet (more URC power). Hard luck to Tim Garlick whom we've been battling all year - I know you'll be back quicker and faster next year - and a huge thanks to all the teams in Super Modified. This is a real racer's class and it's a credit to everyone involved. Further thanks must go to all the supporters of the class: Andy Robinson Race Cars, Stroud, Heliarc Technologies, Motorshack, Turboville, I.C.E Automotive Racing Engines, Oak Industries, Obsession Motorsport, Centerline Wheels and Power Race Graphics, as well as all the track crews and tech guys, especially Jeff Martin, Mark Norton and their team who stand tirelessly over the scales at every meeting. Thanks guys, we couldn't do it without you. And finally the biggest thanks go to my team, wife Barbara, son Lee, daughters Gemma and Charlotte and ace crew men Al Smith and Jay Patterson. Not forgetting 'Pro Mod' Dave Read and master engine builder Clive Bond. This Championship belongs to all of us, well done. If you want to see the complete Super Modified racing season in glorious technicolour then you need to visit www.quartermilehigh.com and order the Super Mod Wars DVD, available in early November. Finally the 2007 Super Modified Championship-winning Rat Fink is now for sale. As soon as sponsor commitments are complete the rolling chassis will be looking for a new home. No expense has been spared in the construction or tuning of this car. It is specc'ed to 7.50 and will run in any class up to Super Modified. Keep your eyes peeled on the Cars for Sale section of the Swap Meet for a chance to own a piece of history. If you would like to get in before the rest, E-Mmail me at kirk.family@btconnect.com. The boys done good! 6th October: UK race car builder Chris Isaacs has been in touch to congratulate all of his customers on their 2007 campaigns, but he says that two in particular stand out. "Firstly, Steve 'Splinter' Nash debuted the new lightweight Cougar at Easter after a heroic thrash by the team to finish the car in time", says Chris. "I remember us finally topping up the transmission fluid by the zebra crossing at the head of the Santa Pod collecting area just before Street Eliminator's last qualifier. To finish the season as Real Steel Street Eliminator Champion, in such a dedicated class, with a brand new car, is a tremendous achievement by Team Wildcat. Solving one or two small, but persistent, issues on the Saturday of the UK National Finals saw the Cougar run consistently in the sevens, taking the event win and a new RSSE ET record of 7.840 secs - the quickest-ever time recorded on block tread tyres anywhere in the world. ©Eurodragster.com "Spencer Tramm began his season in his VW Corrado with a new engine and a new class, running Super Pro ET for the first time ever at Easter. Consistent late-round finishes in thirty-odd car fields, including a win at the European Finals, saw Spencer become the 2007 Super Pro ET National Champion - the first to do so in a door car for four years, and for good measure he garnered the SPRC Comp Eliminator crown as well. Congratulations to both teams! "Last but not least I would like to thank my own faithful crew of George Georgiou and Chris Dixon, who diligently serviced the Vanguard for me whilst I was often elsewhere with various customers. Well done guys - same place next year, eh?" Celebrations for the Flying Dutchman. 6th October: UK Comp Bike racer Nick Holland says that the UK National Finals was a whirlwind of events - literally to begin with: I hope I was not the only one looking like an idiot holding up an awning for an hour getting blown all over the place and soaked right the way through before successfully securing it to the car! But hey, we should be used to the British weather by now, so we didn't let it dampen our spirits. Before I go on I think a big thanks and well done is in order for the Santa Pod track crew who worked so hard over the weekend drying the track and cleaning up oil. Thanks to all concerned! After five weeks' non-stop work getting the engine re-built from the last meeting's blow up, we headed into Saturday's qualifying without even testing the rebuilt engine with the new GPZ head. All our fingers were crossed. We managed to get up the track before it got dark. All was fine, the engine was good - a tad rich but better than blowing a new engine! Sunday morning was showing great promise as the sun was shining and the bike was getting quicker putting us in mid field for qualifying. So into eliminations we went, and getting through the first round for the first time this season was fantastic, the team weas on a high! And just when you think things are great, they get even better. I got through the semi finals and into the final! The team and I were just lost for words. What a buzz, and what a way to finish off my first season in Comp Bike! It's such a great feeling as we run a low budget bike and it is the smallest capacity in its class. ©Eurodragster.com Sadly I lost the final but hey that's racing - I had to let off the throttle before the finish line as the bike was getting a tad to close to the wall in the right hand lane and I was not prepared to exchange paint just to win. But nonetheless finishing in second place in the last race of the season was just a perfect ending. To say I'm over the moon is about spot-on! A huge thanks to all the team: Dad - engine builder, Mum - money tree, Si - clutch man, Nikki - trolly dolly, Keith - pit bike towing and Daz - chef and coffee vendor for the weekend! I could not have done it without you. Big big thanks also to Dave Branch for all his efforts, machining and crank re-build. I must also say a huge thanks to all the other riders for their support and encouragement over the weekend, it's a great feeling to have so many people paying interest in my bike and how well we do. So big thanks to you all. In 2008 we'll have a new engine and gearbox, new paint and a new addition to the team as dad (Baz) will be joining the Superwwins on his new bike. So we hope to see you all again at the start of next season. Feeding a hungry Fuel Altered. 6th October: UK Fuel Altered racer Tony Betts put his Venom AA/Fuel Altered on a new diet at the UK National Finals, and she promptly grew even longer fangs: Kevin with input from Bill Felstead and a friend across the Pond had decided that it was time to start feeding Venom a lot more nitro as it was not going to go faster without it. The nozzles were thrown away and, as John put it, she now had sixteen hosepipes. Along with five other changes Venom had shed her skin and was ready for the next phase of her life. She needed a quick shakedown run which she did on the Saturday with a 6.71 and now she was ready for the main dish. We had an early round on Sunday but as we were to find out Venom was not ready. I did the burnout and backed up but she would not let me select forward gear. I had Kevin leaning in the car to help but she had made her mind up that she was not going anywhere. Once back at base we took the reverser apart and it was found that over the last meeting, where she got the shakes on, a few of the bolts had come loose. Nothing else was changed and we were ready for our 4:00 pm slot. We were paired against Chaos which had taken Venom's record with a stout 6.33 at the last meeting. Once Chaos had started Kevin and Steve fired Venom and boy was she hungry. I had never felt her behave like this, it was like Herbie on steroids. I could just about hold her on the handbrake as she was lunging forward. I thought "This is it then, all or nothing if she lets me go into gear". ©Eurodragster.com Unfortunately Chaos had a problem and after the burnout John Wright kept going to clear the track. I managed to get reverse OK but I could not slow Venom down, Steve was waving his hands but she was not listening. All she wanted was to get on that start line. At first I thought she would not select forward but she finally let me and we were going to the line. Steve was standing out front guiding her up to the line and he said she even scared him. She was still lunging forward but I managed to hold her on the lights till the green came down and then she was off. She left the line quite hard but then I shifted gear and she shook the tyres then reared up and headed for the finish line. At a thousand feet we knew the record was within our sights but Venom seemed to slow down at the top end and recorded a 6.44 which is just one tenth of a second off the NFAA record. We are not sure if she just wanted to let an old man keep his glory over the winter or wether it was to entice the crew to do better next year. All I know is that She is still hungry for more nitro. A big thanks go to all Venom's crew and catering staff as well as all the sponsors who have helped us throughout the season. We have done six meetings with no breakages and consistent six-second runs. Thanks to you all. Bond's thanks. 6th October: UK blown-alcohol altered racer Joe Bond has been in touch with some thanks to those who have helped him this season: First off I'd like to thank my family and team for their hard work and unflagging commitment to take us to runner-up in the Nostalgia Fuel Altered Asociation series in our first full year in the class! It's been a tough year all around and I think it's about a good time to have a break and re-group for next year. ©Eurodragster.com I'd also like to thank Pete and Fay Radcliffe for letting me use their magnetos for the Hot Rod Drags, and also to Neil Townson and the Northern Spirit team for delivering them to the track. I'd also like to thank Wayne Allman at Intergalactic Customs for his constant help and saving us the Saturday morning of the Hot Rod Drags. It goes without saying to also thank all the guys and girls who work at both Shakespeare Countty and Santa Pod for giving us a safe surface to race on at every event. Finally thank you to Lawrie and Judith and everyone involved in the NFAA for making the NFAA a fantastic series to compete in. I have updated my web site at www.nuthinfancyracing.co.uk with reports from the last two events, and I will be updating the site throughout the winter with updates on the car. We have a few plans, hopefully some of them can come into fruition for 2008. 2007 NFAA retrospective. ![]() Overall, it was a pretty impressive year. Almost all teams ran Personal Bests, and not by a few hundredths, there were many significant reductions in ETs and gains in Terminal Speeds. Almost all cars are now in the six second zone, subject to weather and track conditions, and these figures are long way from those recorded in our first season. It's all down to track time and regular competition in getting the combinations somewhere about right. Older cars have resurfaced and been uprated and some new cars should appear in 2008, swelling the numbers. We have had a safe year, no explosions, no fires and no wall/Armco contact. Most teams have had some damage, probably inevitable given the uprated performances, but they have been overcome such that we were able to field more cars at most events. Co-ordination, appearance and engineering standards have all improved by a country quarter mile. The Points Structure which was established to create a level playing field, seems to have largely been successful in achieving closely matched side-by-side racing. Congratulations again to Clayton Round (Mr Consistency) and team on defending their Championship and winning the title three years in a row. The competition for second place between Joe Bond and Frank Bennett went down to the wire – only ten points in it after the final runs. The race for fourth to sixth places was equally tight, with a difference of only forty points covering this span. Everyone remains enthusiastic about the Series and we have all had fun. We think that we have put on a good show for the spectators, sponsors, tracks, Clubs and the media. We thank, without reservation, officials, track crews and organisers for their hard work which has enabled us to indulge our passion. Now it is time to regroup, uprate, spend our pennies (including those we haven't got yet), and appear bigger, bolder and louder for the 2008 Season. This is what we do. We race Fuel Altereds. Anything else is just a means of doing it. Thanks again, we have had a ball. ©Eurodragster.com The latest issue of Dragracer magazine includes a feature on the Chaos Fuel Altered and a pull-out picture of Frank Bennett and Clayton Round. You can find out how to get your copy on the magazine's official web site. Swift snippets. 6th October: Tomas Pettersson has been in touch to remind racers that the 2007 Nordic Drag Racing Series Banquet and Trophy Presentation takes place at the Scandic Infra City outside Stockholm at 6:00 pm on Saturday 27th October and that the closing date for ticket bookings is next Friday, 12th October. You can find out more and download the invitation on the Svensk Dragracing web site at www.dragracing.se. ©Eurodragster.com Collin and Stuart Morrice have been in touch to thank UK Super Gas racer Brendan Clancy who has very kindly doubled the first donation to Diabetes UK. "This means another cheque for £220 is on its way to Diabetes UK", say the Morrice Boys. "We would also like to congratulate Jon Morton on winning the Super Gas Championship, and thanks to everyone in Super Gas for a fantastic race season - they really are a fantastic bunch of people - and to the Santa Pod crew for all their hard work this season. Finally thanks to Eurodragster for the great reports for this year (Thanks, you're welcome - Ed). UK blown-alcohol altered team Bennett Racing are now offering a supercharger re-strip and polishing service for Roots superchargers. Prices start from £150 for a re-strip and various services are on offer. You can find full details on the team's web site at www.bennettracing.co.uk, by E-Mail at info@bennettracing.co.uk, or call 07843 619724. Web site updates. 6th October: This week's issue of Drag, Rod and Classic Review magazine features a preview of the forthcoming California Hot Rod Reunion, which this year will honour the US Drag teams which took part in the UK Drag Fests of the 1960s. In addition, there's the chance to support the British Honky Tonkin' drag racing team who are attending this event by purchasing one of their very neat T-Shirt designs. The concluding part of Paul and Beth Barrow's hot rod adventure to Italy is also featured this week, charting the highs and lows of an epic 1600-mile journey in a freshly-built hot rod. Finally, readers may not be aware that fuel altered veteran Don Green passed away last Saturday after a heart attack. Enthusiasts may remember Don as the driving force behind the original Rat Trap Fuel Altered. You can find it all at www.drcreview.com. ©Eurodragster.com Flamholc's USA diary, Part 4. ![]() The first run at Maryland Raceway was a 6.79/203.40 with a not so good sixty foot time. During Wednesday we swapped motors and made some chassis adjustments. The weather was not that good, with a density altitude at about 2100 feet (we had about 1500 during the Tuesday) making it hard to pull off good runs. We did manage a 6.752/204.66 run with a 1.0 sixty foot time at a density altitude of 2080. All in all we are pleased with the tests even though we got the second motor too late to make the first two runs on the Wednesday. We owe Justin Humphreys a big thanks for lending us various stuff, like third member, oil, tools etc. We would also like to thank Bob Glidden for all his help with the chassis and clutch settings. ©Eurodragster.com The quickest way to keep in touch with Adam's progress at Richmond this weekend will be on the Drag Race Central web site at www.dragracecentral.com. Swift snippets. ![]() Santa Pod Raceway are hosting a Run What You Brung open to all tomorrow (Saturday 6th). Entrance is £10 and £20 and your DVLC will buy you unlimited runs down the strip. More information at www.rwyb.com. ©Eurodragster.com UK Pro ET racer Charlie Chivers writes to congratulate Paul Baynton on winning the UK National Pro ET Championship. "I knew going into the weekend that I needed Paul to qualify dadly and go out in the first round for me to stand a chance of winning the Championship", says Charlie. "I qualified third, and got into the last eight where I pulled a monster cherry against JoHn Morris. It was just enough to pip Keith Herbert for the SPRC Championship and i also finished runner up to Paul in the National Championship. Many thanks to the Pro ET sponsors, and to all the track staff at the Pod." Paul Watson of Eurodragster.com Home and News sponsor DynoSpeed Developments says that it's been another great season with records broken, personal bests and some great track time no matter what the weather. "It all comes down to those unsung heroes who work tirelessly on the track and off", says Grumpy. "To all the people who work at and run Santa Pod: Darren, Ian, Kjell, Bob, Steve, Robin, Richard, Angie, Dan, Trevor, David, Paula, Kathy, Carole, Nicky, Marcus, Nitro FM and everyone who does such a wonderful thankless job, we the racers salute you all, thank you. And to everyone involved with Eurodragster, simply the best (Thanks! - Ed). Editor's note: A bit of a rushed, and brief, news update today as your News Editor's day job is getting in the way again. Tomorrow's news update is going to be an epic judging by the backlog so stay tuned, and racers please keep those news items coming to news@eurodragster.com: the season may be all but done but our readers keep coming back. Web site updates. 5th October: In the latest entry in his exclusive Racer Blog, Dutch Top Fuel Dragster racer Lex Joon, as promised, explains his reasons for deciding not to race on the NHRA circuit this year, and also reckons Urs Erbacher's chances in the last two NHRA events of the season. You can read Lex's Blog by clicking here or by clicking on the Racer Blog link on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster.com page. ©Eurodragster.com The UK Drag Bike Forums now feature a gallery page to which members can upload pictures. Webmaster Dan is now also offering a free web hosting programme. "We can offer drag racers and riders free hosting of their web sites providing they put our link or logo somewhere on their site", says Dan. For more details check out www.ukdragbike.co.uk. What kind of tomatoes? 4th October: 2007 UK National Pro ET Champion Paul Baynton says that this turned out to be a great season for the Capricious team despite the best efforts of the weather to cock things up: Easter started by my getting through to the semi-finals where I lost to Steve Bolton. After that we were off to Shakespeare County Raceway, but as I had failed to get past a first round in the previous three years, I was not confident. We qualified second and at last got through a first round. To my surprise I was rewarded with a bye in the second round. Alas, after earlier rain, just as the sun came out the event was rained off...gutted! We qualified OK at the Main Event but the race was also rained off. We got through to the second round at the SPRC Summernationals which left us in third place in the Championship going into the Summer break. During the break I installed the new TH350 transmission which I had had Dave Milam build for me at the start of the season. At SCR in August we qualified #1, ran a PB of 10.91, and won the event, also taking the APIRA Championship and the points lead in the National Championship. At the European Finals we qualified second and went onto the final where a cherry went my way and we took away the runner-up trophy. So to the UK National Finals with a healthy points lead. ©Eurodragster.com We arrived in the rain and were scrutineered, Gino Bernadine kindly handed me a cherry tomato (as he didn't have a proper cherry) just to remind me of the previous meeting. Cheers mate! After all the hard work by the SPR track crew (well done everyone) we got our first run in on Saturday, eighth hundredths off, not good but OK for seventh after round one of qualifying. Round two saw no improvement as we failed to read track conditions and to make allowances for a driver cock-up. This dropped us to fourteenth place. Working out the points in my head that night, I knew that winning the first round would win me the National Championship. My first round opponent was to be Steve Bolton, a repeat of the Easter semi. Sitting in the car running it up in the morning, Gino again very kindly placed a cherry tomato in front of me on the windscreen. Cheers again mate! What with that and Carl Burton kidnapping my pigeon, was this a bad sign! I knew that if I lost, Charlie Chivers could take the title if he won the event. Fortunately Steve repaid the cherry I pulled against him at Easter and round one and the title were mine. In the second round I was up against John Morris, but I snoozed big time (my worst light of the year) and John went on to a well-deserved event win. This year has been so much fun. Thanks to everyone one for the encouragement they gave us. Thanks to Neil Hunter and his family, Gino and his crew for making it such a good laugh (we always seemed to be pitted together), to all the Pro ET racers for making it a tough class, to Carl Burton for all the hard work he does promoting it, the class sponsors for their committment - yes Carl, I know I'm not in it, but I'm just not into stickers yet! Special thanks to Dave Milam for helping build such a consistent car, especially the engine. Most of all thanks to my Crew Chief/partner Mandy and my daughter Laura: without them this year would not have possible. Double Ginger Trouble. 4th October: UK Super Comp and Super Gas racers Dave and Sarah Day and son Elliot have welcomed Gingerman Racing on board as permanent crew on their Double Trouble roadster starting next season. "Steven and Matthew have been on secret probation for most of this year, excelling themselves at the last two events", they say. "With Steven's abilities he managed to run two cars and three drivers at the same event and things ran incredibly smoothly. Matthew's knowledge and racecraft would put some racers to shame, just wait until he gets into a Super class car which we're sure will happen sooner or later. ©Eurodragster.com "We would like to wish Matthew luck in starting his college course and we're sure that if he applies the same dedication to his studies as he does to his racing then he will go far. On a sad note we will be sorry to let Vince go back to his roots in Super Modified - he was on temporary loan from Belmont Racing - and we wish him all the best. We don't lose crew, we just gain friends." Sunday Street Wars II. ![]() The first event back in June was held under clear blue skies and really created a buzz. The drag strip and Show'n'Shine had a great atmosphere with a wide selection of cars and bikes. Over a thousand people came through the gate and the audience consisted of first timers, current National Championship racers who also participated, and a number of veteran drag racers from the 1970s, which was really cool. Andy Frost destroyed a pair of Mickey Thompson tyres in the Red Victor with some awesome burnouts which impressed the crowd. The Vauxhall driver spent most of the day answering questions from the public and amazing them with "Yes, it's street-legal". ©Eurodragster.com Even with a twenty minute break for trophy presentations we still logged eighth hundred runs in four and a half hours. With 150 participating, everybody had a good time: one rider made twenty two runs which is not bad for £20. Admission this Sunday is £5 per person and £20 per driver or rider for unlimited runs. All riders and drivers must wear a crash helmet for the drag strip. You also need to bring your driving licence if you want to run on the drag strip. A number of trophies will also be up for grabs. For more details check out www.streetnights.com/events.php. Sunday Street Wars has received a lot of help and support from a great number of people: Keith Barlett, Kjell Petterson, David Lloyd Jones and Darren Prentice of Santa Pod Raceway; Clive Vickery of Devon and Cornwall Police; Steve Murty of the International Organisation of Professional Drivers, who has provided an excellent service; the landowners of Smeatharpe Airfield; Fred Furlong; and Eurodragster.com. A big Thank You goes to all of you who got this off the ground. Frustration, but no Five. 4th October: UK Top Methanol Dragster racer Derek Flynn of Eurodragster.com News sponsor Gold RV says that the UK National Finals was a frustrating weekend of bad launches, pedalling and broken belts. "We finally managed to keep a belt on for the last run, which was just as well or I was going A/Fuel", says Derek. "But the launch was terrible along with my reaction, although some of this was down to our trying to soften the launch which obviously increased the car's reaction time too. Well that's my excuse! It was still a good race against my mate Steve Turner, though, and we were catching him at the thousand foot mark, but I had struggled to keep it in the groove and had quite a steering job on my hands, which turned out to be a broken front wing! I would like to congratulate Steve and the rest of the Turner Motorsport team on the event win and for Steve's PB of 5.7. ©Eurodragster.com "Sorry about the ponytail Tog, the hair bands are in the post (Thank you so much - Ed). My team were doing everything they could to try to overcome our problems, but at least Fiona is happy that I kept my tail. It is always frustrating when you go backwards especially when we were progressing so well and we all knew there was a five in the combination we have been running since Mantorp. Ah well, bring on the Whipple, a clutch and few other go faster goodies and I am sure it will not take us too long to nail our first five, although as usual another learning curve for the team and I, having never had a clutch before. "Thanks to all at Andy Robinson Race Cars, Dave Wilson and the Turners for all their help and assistance in our rookie TMD year. We are already looking forward to next year when we hope to compete at all the FIA events. Thanks also to the Vegter brothers for the very kind loan of Shirley the blower, she gave our engine Bob great service. "Thanks to all the Go Gold Crew, you have been great and thanks to everyone involved in, at and around all the tracks and clubs for doing a great job in helping to put on all the events we attended. Finally and not least, thanks to everyone at Eurodragster.com for all your support of the European drag race scene (Thank you for your support Derek - Ed). See you all next year!" Swift snippets. 4th October: Dutch Top Fuel Dragster racer Lex Joon has announced that he will not after all be contesting the NHRA National events in Las Vegas and Pomona. You will be able to read more very shortly in Lex's Blog here on Eurodragster.com. Real Steel Street Eliminator racer Ray Tucker has been in touch to thank everyone who stopped to offer help when he ran a wheel bearing in his trailer just outside Santa Pod after the UK National Finals. "Thanks especially to Pete and Martin", says Ray. "From past experience, we carry a spare bearing and it got us home safely." Many thanks to Andy Marrs of TSI Timers Europe for forwarding us the official timing data from the weekend's UK National Finals, which you can view by clicking here or by clicking on the Timing Data link on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster.com page. "I would like to thank the team - Sharon Norris, David Anniwell, Martin Wallis and John Hackney - for their efforts over the weekend", says Andy. "In particular David, who not only worked like a dog all weekend (as usual), but performed admirably under very difficult conditions on Saturday evening." ©Eurodragster.com The final standings in the 2007 National Association of Supertwins Championships are now available on the official NAST web site at www.supertwins.co.uk. Expectations exceeded! 4th October: Paul Woodhead of Eurodragster.com Home and News sponsor Direct Plastics Online says that the outcome of his sponsorship of the sport and Eurodragster.com has exceeded his expectations. "I would like to start off by thanking Martin Curbishley, Bert Englefield, Spencer Tramm, John Price and Tog for their outstanding contribution to us during the UK National Finals", says Paul. "Direct Plastics Online had been seeking an effective and high quality medium to promote our new web shop and because of all their brilliant efforts and just as important, results, we now intend to further increase our marketing investment towards the sport of drag racing. ©Eurodragster.com "The whole experience is a very impressive one and we have had nothing but positive feedback. I am delighted to see our sales have seen an almost ten per cent increase this week, and our web shop has had record amounts of customers, proving that it does actually work. "On a personal note I had only planned on attending Saturday, but because I was so impressed I drove all the way back down on Sunday bring my ten year old daughter, who is now also a drag racing fan." We would like to add our own appreciation to our readers for showing their loyalty towards a sponsor of the sport. Dave Beck Racing season review. 4th October: Multiple ACU UK Pro Stock Bike Champion Dave Beck says that his team's goal for 2007 season was to retain the ACU Pro Stock title and to transition his engine programme from the successful four-valve set-up to the Ward two-valve motors, in readiness for 2008 and 2009: Easter saw a significant acceleration of our plans as our #1 motor, a Paul Gast special which has run consistent 7.2s, chose to completely destroy itself, handing the win to Richard Gipp in the process. We went on to win the next two Championship rounds at Santa Pod and Shakespeare County Raceway with our remaining four-valve motor. Two new Ward Performance two-valve motors arrived in time for the final two rounds, together with many other tweaks from Rick Ward and a lot of advice on set-up. The first outing at Extreme Performance Bike Weekend was a steep learning curve and while ETs were not spectacular, the first half improved each run. Many hours in the workshop before the final round, plus some time on the phone to Rick Ward saw us entering the UK National Finals in confident mood. On Saturday we had one shakedown pass before recording a 7.3 in the final qualifying round, followed by two 7.2s to take the win over Len Paget. The strong finish to the season bagged us a ninth ACU Pro Stock title and established the bike as indisputably the quickest Suzuki in Europe - 7.16 being the best on the four-valve big block motor and 7.23 in the semi-final being the quickest two-valve performance. A close look at the data suggests that 7.0s may be on the cards in 2008 with the new Ward motors. With a strong motor programme now in place, plans are being put in place for the 2008 and 2009 seasons, with talks ongoing with potential sponsors. For 2008 the team intend to contest the ACU Championship, seeking a tenth title. In addition, subject to sponsorship, we will contest at least three European Championship rounds, in addition to contesting the World Finals in Gainesville. For 2009 we are looking to put together a package to contest the full Prostar series in the USA. As always, success is due to the efforts of the whole Dave Beck Racing team and its sponsors, including the crew of Charlotte (and new arrival Penelope), Ric Naylor Stephen Moon and Liam Sheriden. Invaluable advice, support and backing was received from: Rick Ward of Ward Performance; Steve Clark at Nimbus (Torco oil and coatings); Eric Hochstetler at MTC Engineering; Don Plesser at PR Factory Store (Racepak); and Ray Corall at MSD Ignition. We would be interested in hearing from any sponsors interested in being involved in our upcoming European and US race plans. ©Eurodragster.com Fast Harry's 2007. 4th October: UK National Finals 9.50 Bike winner Julian Harris has been in touch with a review of an eventful season: I'll start by thanking my good friend and sponsor Paul (Grumpy) Watson of DynoSpeed Developments. As in previous years he helped prepare the Bandit pre-season and then came to the track to spot for me on the start line and offer more advice on set-up etc. The year started well winning the Easter Thunderball followed by a runner-up spot at the Springspeed Festival. It then went downhill a bit as I tried too hard racking up several red lights. We went testing to cure this over-excitement, but in the process I just gave the engine too much abuse and it threw out a rod, completely wrecking just about every part in it. Luckily for me, Phil Pratt and Jim Beck lent me their GSXR racer as neither of them were using it. With this I managed runner up at a somewhat chaotic Shakespeare County Raceway, but then nearly crashed at the following Santa Pod meeting while trying to land an out of control wheelie. The landing was so hard it buckled the front wheel and severely bruised a certain part of my anatomy. This showed in the following elimination rounds and I slipped down to fourth in the National Championship. So, last meeting and a point to prove to myself. The important bits no longer hurt, although my ribs we and are still not right. The rest of the 9.50 Bike racers did not make it easy, but I managed to get the win, and I believe clawed my way back up to second in the National Championship. This event is always special as a few of us celebrate birthdays, and my thanks go out to Kim and Andy Haley for putting on a great party complete with birthday cakes. Thanks Kim it was brilliant. ©Eurodragster.com I'll finish now by thanking all the 9.50 Bike racers and crew for being a great bunch of people and making the season so enjoyable. I would also like to thank all the crew and staff at Santa Pod for their tireless effort and of course Eurodragster.com for everything they do for us (Thanks, you're welcome - Ed). One last note: to the Press lady I spoke to on Sunday at the finals, I think in all the excitement I gave you a wrong phone number to contact me, D'oh! It should have read 07917 127413. See you all next year! Smax makes 34. ![]() Imagine my delight when one of the IHRA Top Fuel teams asked me to step in when their driver was sick earlier this year, but it never transpired as the driver got better in time. Oh well, not meant to be. Then Fuel Funny Car hero Terry Haddock gave me the opportunity to drive one of his cars but at the last minute General Motors failed to come up with the funds so I missed out again. Then another Funny Car team needed a driver for the IHRA meet but they ended up not racing in Toronto. I finally got a call on the Saturday morning asking if I could get to Michigan to qualify at 6:00 pm but it was six hours away plus a border crossing. I was ready but it was not clear if the IHRA would allow it in the last qualifying session. This prompted my sons Aidee and Rooz and I to get the blown alky altered ripping. Massive effort and late nights had the ex-Southern Rebel altered and a blown BBC on alky ready to test last Saturday. The plan was to run the notorious 35 Chevy body but we didn't have time to finish the tinwork and make Funny Car style headers so decided to run the '33 Plymouth. We got to the track early but it was after 2:00 pm before the car was ready to test. A Smax tune up and a planned half-pass was marred by the timing system failure and poor track but I did a huge rolling burnout then a nice launch to rocket away with a clean sounding motor. I was having too much fun and went to 900 feet before testing the chute, brakes etc. The plan was to do a full pass then stick Aidee in the hot seat! ©Eurodragster.com Back in the pits all seemed fine, no apparent damage, then on the last leakdown we discovered an intake leak so with hardly any tools (as loading was a last minute thrash) we stripped the motor and got the head off, only to find we had the spare valve but no valve spring compressor. A trip around the pits failed to deliver so after a dash to the local auto place I got three weedy looking tools to get the valve out. Firstly a proper tool collapsed - even with a hose clamp around it it was never going to move a spring with 300 lbs on the seat. Then a G-clamp affair couldn't get the collets, then finally a decorators' trick to clamp a piece of wood did the job but disaster - we had cracked a valve seat. We loaded up in the dark as the trailer lights didn't work and we forgot the torch. Cheers to Aidee and Rooz and our local mates for all the hard work, and thanks to Eurodragster for all the updates on the NFAA and Supercharged Outlaws (You're welcome - Ed). Web site updates. ![]() ©Eurodragster.com Also updating a Fotopic gallery is Sue Whyte of drag racing sponsor Motorshack who has posted pictures from the UK National Finals at suewhyte.fotopic.net. UK Tech Committee meeting. 3rd October: Phil Evans has been in touch to advise racers and other interested parties that there is to be a meeting of the UK Tech Committee at 8:00 pm next Wednesday, 10th October, at the Elstree Holiday Inn on the Barnet bypass, which is just off Junction 23 of the M25. ©Eurodragster.com "If anyone has anything they would like to discuss then please send a written submission to SPRC Club Secretary Paula Marshall at paula.marshall@btconnect.com so it can go on the agenda, and then come along to the meeting and we will be glad to discuss it", says Phil. WRE workshop update. ![]() We've just started a 25.2 SFI spec rolling chassis for a guy by the name of Andy Bennett, who some may associate with Never Again Racing, a formidable force at non-sanctioned events running some stout American muscle. Somewhat contradictory to their handle, Never Again Racing have entered into this new venture of real muscle in the form of a 1968 Chevy Impala. Our brief was to design and build a chassis which would allow them to evolve their drive train and not run out of car. So essentially the chassis you see (right, click on picture for large version) is covering all bases in terms of ET requirements, and because the car is steel it is likely to exceed 2800 lbs. A doorslammer which exceeds 2800 lbs and runs quicker than 7.50 requires a 25.2 chassis, which has significant differences over the Pro Stock / Pro Mod 25.1 structural safety requirements. ©Eurodragster.com Also currently on the jig is one of two Toyota Supra 25.1 projects, aimed at the new Japanese HKS series. Since building Dee Ireland's car and a couple of rotary cars we have had significant interest in this area. The cars currently being constructed will also be crossing over into mainstream drag racing. Now that the season is over WRE would like to congratulate all the Championship winners and runners-up. There has been some excellent competition this year amidst the all too frequent showers. In particular we would like to congratulate the seven-second Street Eliminator racers, Andy Frost and Splinter, who will both be recipients of the WRE gold Seven Second rings of which there are a total of four. Steve Pateman also deserves a seven-second ring, having run several several second passes. However only one was in official Street Eliminator competition, but is one of the most significant seven-second passes in Street Eliminator as it was the first side-by-side seven-second pass by street cars outside of America. Unfortunately we have now run out of season, but I'm sure the two remaining rings will be claimed early in 2008. Super Modified: It's super. 3rd October: Ellis Racing officially relinquished the UK National Super Modified Championship at the weekend as a new champion emerged from the fray. Graham Ellis, who has been working with the weekend's #1 qualifier Andy Hone this season, has been in touch with his thoughts on the season: Firstly we have to say congratulations to the Kirk Motorsport team on a stellar year and worthy Champions. There were some really unexpected upsets in the form of Paul Mander who ended the weekend with "Giant killer" emblazoned on his rear window, taking down Andy Kirk, Tim Garlick, and Fred Hone for his first event win, well-deserved too. With so many upsets the Championship was unsure for a while but going down to the last few laps in the last meeting gave us an exciting end to the Super Mod calendar. Well done to returning Rob Smallworth for a couple of nice passes with his rebuilt motor and for bothering at all when it was the last event of the year. Lesser persons would have sat out and waited until next year, but this is Super Modified which demands and gets committed racers as proven by Rob's actions. Commiserations to a really good guy, and someone who deserves an award just for staying the course with the problems he's had. Andy Chilton. It will get better mate! ©Eurodragster.com Also worthy of note, although not in the hunt for the title due to an engine expiring at Shakey and not getting the "stolen" one in the chassis in time, is Andy Hone who this weekend surpassed some long standing unofficial marks set in the class with a sixty foot time of 1.08 - incredible when you consider this is a 2650 lb car with a 461 ci production headed Chevy on a 5 lb bottle with small solenoids and a .600 lift camshaft. It beats all previous sixty foot times by a long way. Andy also ran 4.77 in the eighth mile, never before achieved, and went 7.52 in the quarter mile which is quicker than a certain Mr Cockerill ever managed at Santa Pod - he managed a 7.53 under much more liberal rules although he 7.48 at Shakey. Fred didn't quite equal my mark of 7.51 at Santa Pod, again under more liberal rules. I have to say that Fred's performance is due to the team finding something in the bellhousing and not a product of more power. In fact Fred's speeds were no faster than Paul Mander managed so the factoring for weight must be close. This was a combined result of our team having had the same clutch for five years and really figuring it out, and Fred's constant tinkering to get the max out of the chassis set up. The aim of the last run against Paul was to eclipse the all-time ET record held by myself as it is inevitable it will go, and I along with fellow team member Rob Millward wanted to have a hand in our record being broken. As Fred was not racing for a title we decided to use the opportunity to fire a warning shot for next year. We hoped for a 7.50 or at least a 7.51 so we reset the car for an all or nothing shot, and surprise surprise it was a nothing against the giant killer. The Lenco wasn't playing ball and and refused to stay in drive, we suspect a circlip in the reverser is at fault. With the last lap of 2007 done it's time to recoup and regroup for most teams. For us its going to be a hard winter preparing for (and paying for) our new project. A big well done to everyone in Super Modified for our best year yet...Craig bite the bullet and get a clutch, I guarantee instant improvements. Next year we will have some old faces returning with rebuilt cars, Paul Brooks and Simon Farmer both with nitrous cars, Nigel Payne should début a new bigger engine and be more competitive, and the one I'm personally excited about, our good friend Ian Marshall with a normally aspirated / Liberty five speed combination. All in all if this year was very good next year will be brilliant, and again a big well done to Andy Kirk and team. Of passengers and embarrassing cherries. 3rd October: UK Super Pro ET racer Chris Orthodoxou has been in touch to bring us up to date with the final overs of his season, starting with the FIA European Finals Press Day at Santa Pod Raceway: My wife Angella, deserving of the first ever passenger run by the Viper, was subjected to an 8.10/167, after which she commented in a very dismissive tone "I was expecting it to be a bit quicker than that!". You just can't please women can you? The second run was with Lee Skelton, who is one of the instructors at Palmer Motorsport, a corporate track day super-car driving company. He was a big sixteen-ish stone chap - I don't know how he squeezed into that tiny passenger seat! We went 8.3/163. Strangely, he was the only one showing any sign of apprehension. The final ride was with Eurodragster head-honcho Tog. We ran 8.01/167 and when I pulled the chute Tog's reaction was as though he'd just had sex for the first time...we'll say no more on that subject (My first time was a lot less than 8.072 seconds - Ed). The Viper ran three consecutive PB's during qualifying for the European Finals. The first pass of the weekend was a 7.852 on a 7.85 dial-in, which held us in #1 spot in the twenty nine car field after three qualifying sessions. Then a 7.839, followed by an even better 7.811. These were fantastic figures considering the launch, shift point and red-line revs are all turned down to allow the newly-built engine a gentle running in. We finished in the #7 spot. The qualifying figures being run were unbelievable, the top four ETs had to go to four digit figures to split them. It was that close. We progressed through the first two rounds of eliminations, getting past Dutchman Wilco Sijm (what a great bloke - thanks for the beer and birthday cake Wilco and team), also the mental Ray Eldred/Vince Gibbs blown alky Camaro, sorry lads! So into the last eight where I pulled the most horrendous and embarrassing reaction time, to present a gift-wrapped win to Ashley Bell in the Cobra. ©Eurodragster.com On to the National Finals and the pits were full of miserable faces on Friday afternoon when it appeared at one point that there'd be no track time all weekend due to the disgusting weather. But by Saturday late morning it brightened up and the rest of the weekend was excellent. Our first qualifying run put us in #1 spot yet again. Later, Wayne Nicholson in his beautiful Lucky Devil blown Vette pipped us for the top honours, but during the second session we stole back back the #1 spot with a 7.842 on a 7.83 dial-in. This earned us a first round bye which we gladly accepted. However, in the second round which on paper should have seen the Viper progress easily through to the last eight, I did the unthinkable and pulled a red light, my first in eliminations since 1998. We even ran 7.860 on a 7.85 dial-in, nonetheless, it was back on the trailer! Still, we were very happy with the car's performance having done four back-to-back runs all between 7.84 and 7.88. It's taken the best part of this 'short' season to get consistency. Congratulations to Paula and Stan Atkin for taking the Super Pro ET event win. For us, that's it for this season. In 2008, work and business permitting, we intend to enter all meetings and hopefully be a force to be reckoned with. The car is off to Jon and Sharon Hogarth at Specialist In Design for a bit of tarting-up ready for the Essen Motorshow in Germany in November/December. Thanks to crew Nipper and Jason and of course crew support, master chef, logistics manager and wife Angella for their priceless help. On behalf of the team, I would like to thank all the track start line and top end staff for their help and assistance throughout the season. And to the numerous people I nearly ran over during my wild burn-outs, please accept my humble apologies! Finally, a massive thank you to the hundreds of spectators, fellow racers, photographers and Raceway staff who have personally expressed their appreciation of our Viper. Jon Hogarth and I spent a huge amount of time getting it to look the nuts and also to put on a good show, so it's nice to know all our efforts were not in vain. Keep an eye on our web site at www.apocalypsemotorsport.com - it's regularly updated with news and pictures. Under the gaze of Jim... ![]() It was freezing cold, too cold for nitro, we even had the fan heater on the motor to get it warm, and Friday was non stop rain as we tried to set up, miserable. Saturday, though, dawned bright and crisp and they finally got the track warm and dry enough to use but when I started the bike on the line it sprung a fuel leak, no big deal I thought. I went to fix it when they stopped the car due to run after me in my lane as they suddenly found oil all the way down it! Thanks Jim, close call! On the next pass I raced Steve Carey on his Puma but Steve was all over the track and nearly hit the wall, even scraped his frame on the side, so I shut it off rather than have an incident. Pass number three was going to be the doozey! I launched hard, it took off nice and straight picked up the front wheel then went bang at half track and fell out of the sky with a dead motor! We got it back and checked everything, decided it must be a cam lobe as we could hear a clicking noise from there. We took it all apart, found nothing but a broken ignition drive and then they called us to the line, thirty minutes! Steve suddenly noticed that the pin had vibrated out of the emergency fuel kill, bollocks, so that was what it was all along, the obvious! Steve, Terry and I worked like dogs and threw it all together quickly, no time to try it, just hope. We rushed down to the start where they were waiting for us, lined it up, hit the starter and it fired right up on the sure shots but when we stopped spraying, the motor died. Then I saw the fuel pump drive spud sitting on the belly pan, it had fallen out when I put the pump on in a panic, unbelievable! That was it, I was eliminated. My race number for 2008 is TF3 in ACU and ST12 in UEM, oh well, I can live with that. We took Mr Spokehead back to the pits, put the spud back in and fired it up, it sounded perfect, so no damage, great. It was time for the final rounds so we wandered down to watch but the Race Director asked if I would like to try for the 200 mph run while they were waiting for finalists. Would I? Hell yes! We ran back and got the bike, I got my leathers on, and got to the start line. I fired the bike and it sounded real mean. All eyes were on me and it was a perfect sunset, this was going to be it, the big one, what a way to end the season! I could feel it. I did a good burnout, staged carefully, hit the throttle as hard as I could and jumped off the line, nice! At 100 feet the front wheel was hanging in the air as I accelerated like crazy when all of a sudden, Pow! Some one must have shot at me with an AK47, yeeow, whaddahell? I coasted to a halt and looked down to see that my left hand rear spark plug had been blown out of the head, stripping the thread and cutting the HT lead. It had hit my ballistic vest like a bullet and disappeared across the pit wall! I just stopped the bike at the end of the track and fell off laughing while fire marshal Angie looked puzzled. OK Jim, I got the message, that is enough fun for one year, I will put Mr Spokehead away for the winter now. I am sure both the 200 mph and the six second barriers will be overcome next year. A season of ups and downs but mostly fun and we made great progress. Congratulations to Steve Carey on winning the event and to Steve Woollatt on winning the ACU Championship. Big thanks to crew chief Steve Leedell, crew Brum, tuner Ronny Aasen, and advisor Ron Houniet. Also helpers Rush, Bob,Terry, Pat, Steve Moxley, Chris Hobson, Adam Charnley who has been a star all season and all who chipped in. Special thanks to the staff at Eurodragster.com, Santa Pod Raceway and Shakespeare County Raceway for all the support and good work. Thanks to the nitro-paparazzi for all the wonderful pix. Bigger thanks to Tim Fountain of www.timtime.co.uk and to Lawrie Gatehouse who made this season possible. Massive thanks to my sponsors for being there when needed: Turboville.com, Custom Chrome Europe, Red Line Oil, Gates Belts, Arias Pistons, Simpson, S&S Cycle, Jims, Curbishley Automotive, Rush Racing, Zodiac, Sprint Dampers, RST Wheels, Fast Lane Racing, King Racing, A&A Business Supplies Ltd. Innovate Dataloggers, Bentec Transmissions, EGT And Tim Fountain. Always room for more! PS Has anybody out there got a Big-Sert 14mm oversize spark plug repair kit I could use for just one repair, or would like to sponsor me with a kit? Picture courtesy and ©Tim Fountain. ©Eurodragster.com Cannon's highs and lows. 3rd October: Chris 'Cannon' Hannam says that the UK National Finals was a weekend of highs and lows for Funny Bike racer Neil Midgley: As I drove down to the Pod taking two lanes at times fiddling with buttons in the car I was thinking of the best plan of attack as we really didn't have anything locked in on the Championship front. This of course changed when we found out that there were only five bikes, giving us a round advantage as our closest rivals had to set records to get round us. Then we got the low of the bad weather putting us at the mercy of one-shot qualifiying and after our recent attempts this year not something we were looking forward to, but hey ho 6.78/197 out of the van. We now have our soft setting and we broke our rule and went left lane first as we normally go right because of the bike going left. However the bike ran arrow straight due to new exhaust exit pipe which was made by new crew memeber Al Smith, in double quick time too. Al is also responsible for the new Funny Bike chassis of two time FB Champion and Crew Chief Mike Vickers. At this point we knew we had locked up the ACU Championship but the prestigious Santa Pod Racers Club Championship was still possible, as we had to lose the first round to secure it which is why we sat out morning qualifying. Time for the first round and we were straight into semis. We were not able to run Ken Cooper who had damage to his crank so we got first alternate Dave Revo Bailey, which was no big deal until Dave lost fire. Neil being the guy that he is just calmley sat there and waited. I knew what was loaded in the bike and got a little twitchy to say the least and Dave's crew member took his time due to inexperience but he got there in the end. Neil's bike sit went arrow straight again, 1.06 sixty foot, 2.8 to 330 feet, 4.26/169 eighth and 6.62/205. Would you belive we ran at 85% throttle between sixty feet and 330 feet. It was starting to look good at this point, although Neil has the final say on the tune it was my call on the numbers that were in there and it worked great. So we were back in the trailer and Neil and I talked about big numbers for the final. We had to compromise on this but it's Neil's shout as he is the rider. At this point we were locked and loaded, Mike and I were expecting a 6.5 at 210 as we have never had top end power as yet, but we gave it a sniff for the back door too. In the pairing lanes I decided to walk the track past sixty feet in both lanes, remembering that we had run left lane only, up and down both lanes for five minutes and I decided that the right lane was better as I was worried what was loaded in the gun. This is where experience is everything. Had we stuck with the left lane we had tuned for we would probably have had a better run, as the right lane was that good it pulled the motor down and was more in keeping with the track at the European Finals and needed a lot more power than we had given it to run the big numbers. Mike and I looked at each other totally dejected and not happy to see a 6.7 whereas every body else was applauding the run. We were very grateful for that but if you could see what we could, it's so close to running real fast I can taste it and now we have to wait until next year. < In summary we now have a fifth ACU title and Santa Pod Championship, the new bike holds both ends of the ACU records at 6.735 and 200.62 and we won the meeting, so not a bad day at the office really. There are a lot of interesting opportunities for next year. The Funny Bike fray will once again open up with new and returning entrants. Dave Holland will certainly be a force for sure. I'm now back at work after a very hard year both at work and on track and right now I'm looking forward to the annual pilgrimage to Gainesville where Neil, Mike and I are to assist on the new PMFR/McBride Tom Perry Fuel Bike, which as history shows may well end up mine, and a few beers to boot. Finally I would like to thank everyone who has visited us and supported us with the latest addition to our Funny Bike fold. It's much appreciated and rest assured we will try harder next year. ©Eurodragster.com Swift snippets. 3rd October: Due to unforeseen circumstances the date of the Annual General Meeting of the Super Modified Racers Association has been moved. The AGM will now take place at 2.00 pm on Saturday 17th November. The venue remains the same, the Hind Hotel in Wellingborough. "Anyone who is seriously contemplating running in Super Mod next year should be there", says Andy Kirk. "This is the place where all rule changes will be ratified and you will come away from the meeting knowing exactly what you have to do to comply with. Far better than relying on rumours currently doing the rounds. Anyone who requires any further information should contact me as soon as possible at kirk.family@btconnect.com. Santa Pod Racers Club Secretary Paula Marshall has been in touch to let us know that should the Park Inn Northampton fill up for the night of the APIRA/SPRC Dinner Dance on Saturday 2nd February then rooms are also available at the Ibis Hotel across the road. The telephone number for the Ibis is 01604 608900, or go to the Ibis Hotels web site at www.ibishotel.com and book hotel code 3657. You can read more about the Dinner Dance itself on last Thursday's news update. ©Eurodragster.com ![]() Mand of the UK's Risky Trip Super Gas team says that a risky trip is just how the UK National Finals started. "First down came the rain then whilst helping unload the car I took my tumble", says Mand. "I would like to thank everybody who took the time to show concern over the weekend. After dropping the car off at home I eventually made it to hospital and after an X-Ray I was told that I had a minor break in my elbow and that l will live. Just as I suspected." UK Real Steel Street Eliminator racer Ian Hook would be pleased to hear from any Eurodragster.com reader who took a picture of the scoreboards after Sunday's historic side-by-side seven-second RSSE final at Santa Pod Raceway. If you can help then please drop Fatty a line at ian.hook@blueyonder.co.uk. SCR latest. 3rd October: Shakespeare County Raceway's Jerry Cookson has been in touch with the latest news from the Warwickshire venue. Taking the penultimate points round in the Raceway's Jap Racer Day Series for the Unlimited and FWD categories were Andy Forrest and Paul Jones. Running a self-built 800 hp 2.4 Subaru Impreza Type R without nitrous, Andy put down a day's best of 10.135/119.29. Chasing him hard was Hugh Kerr's modified Skyline with a 10.155/142.95 and Steve Guiry with the SMG Tuning 2.5 Impreza Type RA with a 10.246/142.90. In the Front Wheel Drive category Paul Jones with the Tdi North/Toda 2.0 turbo'ed Civic Type R took the class ET record down to a new low of 10.89/137.35 but was chased hard by Scott Whitelaw's similar CPL Racing/Opie Oils Civic with an 11.05/128.22. The final round of the Series takes place at Shakespeare County on Sunday 28th October. Old Skool Ford Drag Challenge Series Co-ordinator Jo Peters has confirmed that the final round of the seven-race series has moved its season finale from its pre-advertised venue and will now take place on Saturday 13th October during Shakespeare County Raceway's second Autumn Public Track Day weekend. With so much interest in the series at the moment, the Old Skool Ford Club held its penultimate points scoring round last Saturday with over thirty classic Fords taking to the track at Shakespeare County Raceway. Terry Davis ran his nitrous assisted Cosworth powered Mk 2 Escort to an unbeatable time of 10.778 despite Kev Warn's attempts at taking the honours away from him with his similar Cosworth powered RS2000 at 10.8. Further details about the series can be viewed by taking a look at the forum section of the Old Skool web site at www.oldskoolford.co.uk. The first of SCR's three scheduled Autumn Public Track Day weekends was indeed the place to been seen this past weekend as over 370 participants took to the quarter mile in record fashion. As usual the Shakespeare County Street Car Challenge saw a heavy influx of first timers in the four cylinder time trial category but, once all the times had been logged and confirmed, quickest of the day was a 1980 1.8 VW Scirroco belonging to Blackburn's Paul Jones. Although not quite matching a best of 10.2 set recently at York Dragway, Paul certainly gave it his best to come out on top with a 10.473 to his credit at 133.69 mph. Chasing him hard was Andy Nicholls driving a 2.0 turbo/nitrous MGZR Rover with times of 10.629/142.73. The six cylinder category went to Paul Wyatt with a time of 12.104/119.67 while in the eight cylinder category regular visitor Mick East drove his 350 cubic inch '67 Camaro to a top time of 10.043/136.19 although during the weekend Steve Ross from Count Antrim, N Ireland certainly gave Mick's blown and nitrous injected American muscle motor a run for its money with a 10.773/141.66 put down by his 6.3 litre LS1 powered 1980 Ford Granada called The Beast. Although slightly down on power for Sunday's competition Steve was certainly the man to beat on Saturday with registered times in the 9.4s to beat his previous best of 10.04 achieved recently at Santa Pod. Quickest motorcycle was, as always, a mega CC'd Suzuki ridden by Billy with a time of 9.866 although Ginja Ninja was riding the wheels of his completely standard no nitrous/no turbo Kawasaki ZX-10R in a vain attempt to beat his own previous best of 9.671/150.3. In the end a 9.890 put him in second above Geoff Church's 9.93. The Raceway's next Public Track Day Weekend is in two weeks time on 13th-14th October. See our Events Guide for details. ©Eurodragster.com Web site updates. 3rd October: The official web site of the MSA British Drag Racing Championship has been updated with a race report from the UK National Finals. Check it out at www.msadragracing.co.uk/reports_round5_07.htm. ©Eurodragster.com Jamie Dyks has updated his Fotopic site with pictures of Sunday's action at the UK National Finals. You can find Jamie's pictures at topnitro.fotopic.net. Interview: Webster on the Japanese scene. ![]() ©Eurodragster.com While this may seem like a vision of hell for some, Jon Webster of joint Eurodragster.com webcam sponsor Webster Race Engineering has seen both sides of the fence and is equally at home helping 1,000 bhp six-cylinder cars to run eights as he is doing the same with V8s and superchargers. Jon has helped to engineer the Toyota Supra of HKS Drag Series Pro class racer Dee Ireland, and Rick Cuthbert of Santa Pod Raceway spoke to Jon in the lead-up to this weekend's JapShow Finale to get his thoughts on the Japanese scene. You can check out Rick's interview with Jon Webster by clicking here or by clicking on the Features, Interviews, Tributes on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster.com page. Swift snippets. ![]() Santa Pod Raceway are looking for racers to make demonstration passes at the Flame and Thunder Show on Saturday 3rd November. If you would like to volunteer then please contact Darren Prentice at darren@santapod.com or call him on 01234 782828. Congratulations to Paul and Terry Wratten and the Wratten Brothers NFAA team on a new UK best for a blown-alcohol altered of 6.8423 at the UK National Finals. With more left in the Topolino, the team are looking forward to next year to build on the ET and event win. Sponsors Customville (American car parts 0208 590 1449) and Hyside Motorcycles (01708 706677) were delighted with the team's success and Paul and the guys say that their support is greatly appreciated. Congratulations are also due to UK Super Pro ET racer Wayne Nicholson on PBs this weekend: 1.041 sixty foot, 7.26 ET and 189.96 mph. "A very nice way to finish the year", says Wayne. "Along with everyone else the weather held us up a bit, especially with a new car! I would like to thank Kenny and Dennis at EDA, Luke Smith, Bryan Whitfield, Adrian Booth and many, many more. The biggest thanks must go to my wife Belinda and my two sons Gareth and Joe. Belinda has never known me without a race car and the boys were born into racing, it's a great family thing. I would also like to say a big thanks to everyone at Santa Pod for making sure we are always safe, these guys and gals are all unsung heroes. Looking forward to 2008 and into the sixes! Thanks to every single one of you, if I have forgotten anyone please forgive me!" ©Eurodragster.com ![]() Jerry and Marc Smith of the UK's Grim Beeper Pro ET team have been in touch to say than you to Neil Hunter and his crew, Paul Baynton, Tig and Cath Napier and the rest of the guys in Pro ET for all their help and encouragement finding the misfire which has plagued us for the last two meetings. "We plan some more investigation in the next few days and we'll hopefully get the car back out on track before the end of the year and see the new motor's full potential", they say. "Congratulations to Paul Baynton and thanks for the tribute to our friend Steve Mason during the commentary." UK Fuel racer Gary Page asked us to say a big Well Done to his nephew Dan Page on his top five finish in this year's UK National Pro ET Championship. "I'm very proud of Dan and Heide and I'm sure his mum and dad are", said Gary. "I don't see them on the track as often as I'd like but I am always thinking of them and listening out for them on the PA. Congratulations to Jon Morton for his Super Gas Championship too, and to all of this year's Champions. It's been a hard season for everyone." A very Happy Birthday to Nigel Fitzmaurice, aka Naughty Nigel of Nitro FM. Team Freddy's Revenge and Terri Lee Racing have asked us to send their best wishes, Terri Lee adding that the Dummies' Guide To Being A DJ is in the post. Have a good day Nigel. Congratulations to UK Pro ET racer Ricky Gowen and his partner Kat Moody on the birth of their daughter Nieve. Jemma Harrison tells us that Nieve arrived at 4:18 on Sunday morning and weighed in at 7 lb 13 oz, and that mother and baby are just fine. Web site updates. 2nd October: Our very own Photo Editor Roger Gorringe has updated his Nitro Exposure web site at www.nitroexposure.co.uk with pictures from the UK National Finals. Roger is able to supply prints up to poster size (in association with John Hackney's Copyprint Depot) or CDs of any of the shots on his web site, and if you can't find yourself in Roger's galleries then then drop him an enquiry as he is likely to have pictures of you in his extensive offline library. ![]() Peter's sample shot is a very nice lead into the latest update of the official web site of FIA European Top Methanol Dragster Champion and UK National Top Methanol Champion Dave Wilson, which includes Grumpy's race report, pictures and video from the FIA European Finals. You can find Dave Wilson's web site at www.silverlinedragracing.com. Gwynn Clark has updated his Slimboyfat web site with pictures from the UK National Finals. Check out Gwynn's excellent shots at www.pbase.com/slimboyfat/national_finals_07. Also updating from the UK National Finals is Colin Donisthorpe whose pictures you can find on his Fotopic gallery at colindonisthorpe.fotopic.net. Michael Fordham recently spent a day with Rob, Carmel and Steve Turner of the Turner Motorsport Top Methanol Dragster team and you can see the results at www.michael-fordham.photos.cn.com. Gøsta Bøie. 1st October: Med stor sorg har vi idag mottagit beskedet att Gøsta Bøie har avlidit efter en tids sjukdom. Gøsta tillsammans med sin hustru Rita är och förblir Mr & Mrs Dragracing Danmark för många av oss som har haft det stora nöjet att få tävla på deras dragracing tävlingar runt om i Danmark. Alltid när man träffade Gøsta så var det en leende Gøsta som tog emot oss och inga problem var för svåra att lösa. Olle Elfqvist (Svensk Dragracing) minns: När vi kom med Coca-Cola gänget till tullen i Fredrikshamn en gång för att tävla i Holstebro så stoppade tullen oss för vi hade satt ett för lågt värde på ekipage (detta var innan EU) och det gick inte för sig men efter ett telefon samtal till Gøsta och Rita så löste det sig och efter 2 timmar med fax fram och tillbaka till DASU så kunde vi åka vidare till Holstebro. Vi är många, många i dragracing världen som nu sörjer med Rita, släkt och vänner. It is with a sad heart we today received the message that Gøsta Bøie has passed away. Gøsta, together with his wife Rita, was and will be Mr and Mrs Dragracing Denmark to many of us who had the great pleasure to race at their events in Denmark. Gøsta always met you with a big smile on his face a no problem was too big to be solved. Olle Elfqvist of Svensk Dragracing remembers: When we raced with the Coca Cola car in the early 1990s the customs in Fredrikshavn stoped us from entering the country (this was before EU) since we put a too low value on the car, but after a quick phone call to Gøsta and Rita the problem was solved and after two hours of sending fax messages between the customs authorities and DASU we were allowed to continue to Holstebro for the race. The big family of drag racers now send our thoughts and prayers to Rita, Family and Friends. 2007 UK Champions. 1st October: Subject to ratification the 2007 UK Champions are as follow. Congratulations to: MSA British Drag Racing Championship: Andy Robinson Top Methanol: Dave Wilson Super Modified: Andy Kirk Super Pro ET: Spencer Tramm Pro ET: Paul Baynton Sportsman ET: Lee Huxley Super Comp: Paul Knight Super Gas: Jon Morton Super Street: Bob Lees Junior Dragster: Nick Mugridge 9.50 Bike: Chris Jones ©Eurodragster.com ACU Top Fuel Bike: Steve Woollatt ACU Funny Bike: Neil Midgley ACU Pro Stock Bike: Dave Beck ACU Comp Bike: Phil Leamon ACU Super Street Bike: Steve Venables Street Eliminator: Steve Nash Nostalgia Fuel Altered Association: Clayton Round Wild Bunch Series: Tony Smith and Dave Williams Real Steel Wild Bunch Series: Darryl Howells Outlaw Anglia: Paul Wright VWDRC VW Pro: Glynn Morgan VWDRC VW Sportsman: Paul Herbert VWDRC VW Alternate Engine: Mark Skeen NAST Supertwin Fuel: Wendy Clutterbuck NAST Supertwin Gas: Chris Mott NAST Supertwin ET: Steve Partridge UK National Finals results. 1st October: Congratulations to the winners of this weekend's UK National Finals at Santa Pod Raceway: MSA Pro Modified: Andy Robinson 6.2590/225.14 def. Bert Englefield 11.1349/75.76 Top Methanol: Steve Turner 5.7830/245.84 def. Dave Wilson 16.3169/66.09 Super Modified: Paul Mander 7.9423/173.63 bye, Andy Hone shut off after burnout Super Pro ET: Paula Atkin (7.50) 7.5510/177.91 def. Mark Flavell (7.41) 7.4261/182.26 Pro ET: John Morris (9.84) 9.8412/128.80 def. Rick McCann (9.81) 9.7940/135.93 Sportsman ET: Lee Hollis (19.32) 19.4771/68.28 def. Geoff Cowley (15.35) 15.3209/78.84 Super Comp: Pete Creswell 8.9191/149.53 def. Martin Curbishley 8.9241/151.41 Super Gas: Dave Catton 9.9928/121.34 def. Martin Curbishley 10.9162/148.99 DQ boundary violation Super Street: Bob Lees 10.8591/125.77 def. Nick Griffin 10.8470/99.13 Comp Eliminator: Chris Isaacs (7.94) 8.7999/144.28 def. Spencer Tramm (7.73) 8.7080/153.49 Junior Dragster: Nick Mugridge (7.98) 7.9890/77.99 def. Anna Stanley (9.11) 9.1520/70.64 Real Steel Street Eliminator: Steve Nash 7.8489/181.42 def. Steve Pateman 7.9510/177.22 Wild Bunch: Darren Law (9.45) 9.6238/144.27 def. Darryl Howells (10.10) 10.2002/125.97 Nostalgia Fuel Altered Association: Dennis Wratten 7.1281/190.64 def. Joe Bond 22.8920/41.25 VW Pro: Mick Geraghty (12.99) 13.1819/99.58 def. Toby Wright (11.35) 12.8352/101.14 red VW Sportsman: Martin Ayton (14.60) 14.9629/91.84 def. Steve Parfitt (13.00) 13.2637/101.63 VW Alternate Engine: Matt Attwood (12.49) 12.4118/108.70 bye Top Fuel Bike: Steve Carey 7.3427/198.36 bye, Rene Van Den Berg shut off Funny Bike: Neil Midgley 6.7351/196.45 def. Steve French 7.8562/127.46 Pro Stock Bike: Dave Beck 7.2977/180.84 def. Len Paget 7.3971/177.93 Super Street Bike Steve Venables 7.3850/196.40 def. Graham Balchin 7.6469/188.18 Comp Bike: Al Young 8.4280/171.73 def. Nick Holland 8.3057/128.98 9.50 Bike: Julian Harris 9.5280/140.55 def. Chris Jones 9.7420/144.15 Supertwin Fuel: Wendy Clutterbuck 8.7912/150.39 bye Supertwin Top Gas: Les Harris 9.6370/136.41 def. Chris Mott 9.3638/145.14 Supertwin ET: John Hackney (9.90) 10.0530/116.33 def. Mike Nelthorpe (14.10) 14.1519/103.70 ©Eurodragster.com Subject to official ratification the following records were set: Street Eliminator ET: 7.840 seconds, Steve Nash Funny Bike ET: 6.735 seconds, Neil Midgley NAST Supertwin Top Gas speed: 145.14 mph, Chris Mott Super Pro ET racer Vince Gibbs took the Eurodragster.com/Speedflow Perfect Light Award with a 0.000 during yesterday's Super Pro ET eliminations. Super Comp/Super Gas racer Pete Creswell took the Eurodragster.com/LA Racing Parts Perfect ET Award with an 8.900 during Saturday's qualifying, and then earned the £100 bonus for taking the event win. Shortly after Pete Creswell's 8.900, VW Sportsman racer Adrian Wigley clocked 17.0000 on a 17.00 dial-in, which we couldn't let pass so we awarded Adrian £50 for that too. You can check out our American Car Imports-sponsored Event Coverage by clicking here or by clicking on the Event Coverage link on the left-hand side of any Eurodragster.com page and selecting the UK National Finals. 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